The memo
package implements a simple in-memory cache for the results of repeated computations.
Consider this terrible way to compute the Fibonnacci sequence:
fib <- function(n) if (n <= 1) 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
This function is very slow to compute larger values. Each call to fib(n)
with n > 1
generates two more calls to fib
, leading to a runtime complexity of O(2^n)
. Let’s count how many recursive calls to fib
are involved in computing each fib(n)
count.calls <- function(f) {
function(...) {
count <<- count+1;
with_count <- function(f) {
function(x) {
count <<- 0
c(n=x, result=f(x), calls=count)
fib <- count.calls(fib)
t(sapply(1:16, with_count(fib)))
## n result calls
## [1,] 1 1 1
## [2,] 2 2 3
## [3,] 3 3 5
## [4,] 4 5 9
## [5,] 5 8 15
## [6,] 6 13 25
## [7,] 7 21 41
## [8,] 8 34 67
## [9,] 9 55 109
## [10,] 10 89 177
## [11,] 11 144 287
## [12,] 12 233 465
## [13,] 13 377 753
## [14,] 14 610 1219
## [15,] 15 987 1973
## [16,] 16 1597 3193
The number of calls increases unreasonably. This is because, say, fib(6)
calls both fib(5)
and fib(4)
, but fib(5)
also calls fib(4)
, so the second computation is wasted work, and this gets worse the higher n
you have. We would be in better shape if later invocations of fib
could access the values that were previously computed.
By wrapping fib
using memo
, fewer calls are made:
fib <- memo(fib)
t(sapply(1:16, with_count(fib)))
## n result calls
## [1,] 1 1 1
## [2,] 2 2 3
## [3,] 3 3 2
## [4,] 4 5 2
## [5,] 5 8 2
## [6,] 6 13 2
## [7,] 7 21 2
## [8,] 8 34 2
## [9,] 9 55 2
## [10,] 10 89 2
## [11,] 11 144 2
## [12,] 12 233 2
## [13,] 13 377 2
## [14,] 14 610 2
## [15,] 15 987 2
## [16,] 16 1597 2
Here is only called to compute new values. Note that fib(16)
only took two calls to compute, because fib(15)
was previously computed. To compute fib(16)
de novo takes 17 calls:
fib <- function(n) if (n <= 1) 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
fib <- memo(count.calls(fib))
## n result calls
## 16 1597 17