NEWS | R Documentation |
A new object-oriented infrastructure for the creation of HTML code
is used in format_html()
methods. This infrastructure is exposed
by the html()
Support for with model groups in mtable()
. c.mtable()
now creates
groups of models, if arguments are tagged.
Flattened contingency tables (ftable()
s as they are created
by the eponymous function in the stats()
package) can now be
combined into ftable_matrix()
objects. This can be done by
using rbind()
or cbind()
There is now an object class for survey items containing dates (without
times), called "Date.item"
Support for including sandwich estimates of sampling variances and
standard errors into the output of summary()
and mtable()
by the new generic functions withVCov()
Support for different parameter sections is added to
. This is intended to allow output of mixed
effects models to distinguish between ("fixed effects")
coefficients and variance parameters.
Objects created by mtable()
also can have several
header lines. Facilities to add additional header lines will
be added soon.
Optionally, mtable()
shows the left-hand sides of
model equations. This can be controlled by the optional
argument show.eqnames
and by the global option
Output of mtable()
objects also include, if applicable,
a note that explains the "significance stars" for p-values.
Summary statistics reported by mtable()
can now be
selected for each object or object class (via calls to options()
Support for HTML and LaTeX output in Jupyter notebooks is added to objects
created by mtable()
and ftable()
A function codeplan()
creates a data frame
describing the structure of an "importer", "data.set" or "item"
object. It is possible to copy this so described structure
from one "data.set" object to another or to a data frame.
New $
and [[
operators for "importer" objects
allow to create codebooks for single items/variables in
imported data files.
A duplicated_labels()
function allows to show and
describe duplicated labels and a deduplicate_labels()
function allows to get rid of such duplicates.
New operators %#%
, %##%
, and %@%
manipulate annotations and other attributes.
A List()
function adds names to its elements by deparsing
arguments in the same way as data.frame()
A new function Groups()
allows to split a data frame or a
"data.set" into group based on factors in a more convenient
way. There are methods of with()
and within()
to deal with
resulting objects of class "". For example, the
method allows to substract group means from the
observations within groups. withinGroups()
allows to split a
data frame or "data.set" objects into groups, make within-group
computations and recombine the groups into the order of the original
data frame or "data.set" object.
A new function Reshape()
simplifies the syntax to reshape data frames
and "data.set" objects from wide into long or from long into
wide format.
'tibbles', including those created with the haven package can be translated into "data.set" objects without loss of information. Also "data.set" objects can be translated into 'tibbles' with minimal loss of information.
An extendable function view()
allows to use the
facilities provided by graphical user interfaces (in
particular RStudio) with objects not originally supported by these
user interfaces. In addition, view()
methods for
"codeplan", "decriptions", "data.set", and "inporter" are
provided, which allow to conviently inspect the contents of
these objects in RStudio.
An "" for coercing "data.set" objects directly into "data.table" objects.
It is now possible to specify the measurement level for a set
of variables in a "data.set" objects, either by using the
assignment operator with measurement()
or by using
the new function set_measurement()
There are convenience wrappers such as Mean()
etc. for
etc. that have the default setting na.rm=TRUE
instead of na.rm=FALSE
A new deduplicate_labels()
function allows to deal with
duplicate labels (where several codes have the same label)
It is now possible to create codebooks for weighted data.
Subset methods for importer objects are much more memory efficient and now can handle files of size larger than 1GB.
and useBooktabs
arguments of
methods now have global options as defaults
methods optionally escape dollar, subscript and
superscript symbols. This can be set either by an explicit
(new) argument toLatex.escape.tex
or by a global option
with the same name.
now translates numeric variables with any SPSS
date format into a "datetime.item"
The function List()
adds names to the elements of the
resulting list in a way similar to how data.frame()
adds names to the columns of a data frame.
now handles files in format rev. 117 and
later as they are created by Stata version later than 13.
User definded missing values are now reported in separate
tables in entries created by codebook()
even if these
entries refer to items with measurement level "interval" or
If the annotation or the labels of a non-item is set to NULL this no longer causes an error.
Changing varible names to lowercase while importing data
sets with Stata.file()
, spss.portable.file()
, and
is now optional.
Importer methods Stata.file()
, spss.portable.file()
, and
now have optional arguments that
allow to deal with variable labels or value labels in
non-native encoding (e.g. CP1252
on a utf-8
A function spss.file()
acts as a common interface to
and spss.system.file()
The function head()
and tail()
now work with
"data.set" and "importer" objects in the same sensible way as they
do with data frames.
The function recode()
behaves more coherently: If a labelled
vector is the result of 'recode' it gets the measurement level
"nominal". Factor levels explictly created first come first in the order of
factor levels.
The function spss.system.file()
now handles buggy SPSS
system files that lack information about the number of
variables in their header. (These files are typically
created by the library ReadStat, used e.g. by the R package
SPSS syntax files are now converted to the encoding of the host system if they have a different one. By default, the original encoding is assumed to be Codepage 1252 (extended Latin-1).
, codeplan()
, labels()
, and related functions return NULL
for NULL
also works with indiviual survey items and
can set to NULL
, which means that all memisc-specific
information is removed from the data.
works also with data frames (or "tibbles")
imported with the haven package.
now makes use of the "label" attribute of variables if the
attribute is present.
, withGroups()
, withinGroups()
, and genTable()
are considerably
faster now. They can also make use of certain automatic
variables such as n_
, i_
that contain group
sizes and group indices.
, rename()
, and dimrename()
do no longer require their arguments to be enclosed in
quotation marks.
Operators '$', '[', and '[[' can now be appied to codebook objects to get a codebook of a subset of the varaibles.
now uses information contained in SPSS
files (if available) to determine the measurement level
of the improrted variables.
uses information about the character set
encoding if available in the file to translate variable labels and
value labels into the coding of the machine on which R is
being run.
now drops non-unique labelled values when applied to a
"labelled", "haven_labelled", or "haven_labelled_spss" object.
no takes into account metadata about
measurement levels ("nominal", "ordinal", or "scale") to set
the measurement()
attributes of the items in
the resulting "importer"
and "data.set"
and ls.str
are imported from the
package to prevent a NOTE in R CMD check
HTML tables and lists are no loger wrapped in HTML paragraphs
in format_html.CodebookEntry
and codebookEntry
methods for the
"datetime.item" now work asexpected.
handles NA
s more gracefully
output has been improved: No attempt at
showing non-existent variable names, better application of
Duplicate value labels now produce an error if item object is coerced into a factor.
A bug concerning missing values in SPSS files is fixed.
Headlines in vignettes are now coherent.
with empty summary sections can be created
Objects returned by mtable
return objects with class
"memisc_mtable" to avoid name clash with objects created by the
in package "stats".
Calls to PROTECTION are added to the C-source to prevent protection errors.
now handles matrices in data frames.
now handles files with weighting
variables and empty variable labels.
now handles files with lines that are
longer than the number of columns specified in the columns
definition file.
now correctly imports value labels
of string variables.
Some PROTECTION issus in the C-source flagged by Tomas
Kalibera's rchk
utility are fixed.
If "data.set" objects are combined and succeeding objects contain "items" not contained in the preceding ones, the result now will still be a valid "data.set" object.
etc. no longer try to recreate external
pointers in order to avoid segmentation faults. Also the deletion of
empty pointers is avoided for the same reason.
works for "tibbles" also when method dispatch
via class inheritance does not work.
All vignettes are now using knitr.
HTML output uses unicode characters by default instead of amersand-escapes to enhance compatibility with pandoc.
no longer shows the skewness and kurtosis of
numeric variables to save output space.
The function UnZip
has been removed from the package. unzip
in conjunction with
does the same job, as can be seen in the example for spss.portable.file
Support for exporting results of various functions into HTML format is now
supported by the function format_html
This should make it easier to import them into HTML or word-processing
documents (that support importing HTML). A preview of the HTML is made available
by the new (generic) function show_html
In particular, results of the functions mtable
(i.e. tables of
model estimates), ftable
(i.e. flattened contingency tables etc.),
and codebooks
, can be exported int. HTML using format_html
Also data frames can be exported into HTML.
A function dsView
is added, which allows a display of data.set
objects similar as View
displays data frames.
now handles multi-equation models better, in particular
if the model objects supplied as arguments vary in the number and/or names
of the equations. There is also a new option to place confidence intervals
to the right of coefficient estimates. Further mtable
the following optional aguments:
, which
allows to suppress the display of baseline categories of dummy variables,
when dummy variable coefficients are displayed
, to specify the number of digits of summary statistics.
, to pass optional arguments to getSummary
, allowin
for more flexibility in creating tables.
One can now use a summaryTemplate
generic function for formatting model summaries, in addition to set the template by
Finally, parts of "mtables" can be extracted using the [
operator as
with matrices, and "mtables" can now also be concatenated.
There is now an object class for survey items containing dates and times, called
There is a new function
to check wild codes (i.e.
unlabelled codes of an otherwise labelled item.)
now supports data frames, factors, and numeric vectors.
A toLatex
method exists now for data.set
objects, data frames and other objects.
A new percentages
function is added to allow easy creation of tables of percentages.
is now able to handle labelled strings and
value labels
and missing values
Internal C-code used by spss.fixed.file
no longer assumed that
arguments are copied – some strange behaviour of objects created by spss.fixed.file
is now corrected.
Description of items in external data sources is more complete now - the same
information as for items in internal data.sets
now returns empty strings for undefined quantities.
method for data.sets
now works as expected.
now checks whether there are undefined variables in varlab.file
now can import Stata 9 and Stata 10 files.
Argument drop
no longer used by function mtable
Format of file produced by write.mtable
can now be
specified using a format=
argument. But forLaTeX=TRUE
still can be used to get LaTeX files.
The functions Termplot
, Simulate
, and panel.errbars
are defunct. Graphics similar to those built with panel.errbars
can be created with facilities provided by the package "mplot", which
is currently available on GitHub.
and spss.portable.file
gain a tolower=
that defaults to TRUE
, which
allows to change annoying all-upper-case variable names to lower case
New generic function Iconv()
that allows to change the character enconding of variable
descriptions and value labels. It has methods for "data.set"
, "importer"
, "item"
, and "value.label"
There is now a method of as.character()
for "codebook"
objects and a convenience
function Write()
with methods for "codebook"
and "description"
to make it more
convenient to direct the output of codebook()
and description()
into text files.
A method for "merMod"
objects of the getSummary()
generic function.
now should be able (again) to handle estimation results produced by lmer()
and glmer()
package 'lme4'.
handles character vectors in a more convenient way: They are converted
into factors with sorted unique values (after recoding) as levels.
is renamed into getSummary_expCoef
S3 method aggregate.formula
has been removed from the package to avoid
clash with method of the same name in the base
package. The function Aggregate
can be used instead.
Removed include
, uninclude
, and detach.sources
as these are flagged
as modifying the global namespace.