and friends now handle one-row or one-column matrices [suggestion of Jana Jarecki]plotEqn()
[John Fox]printMatrix()
[req: Marco Scazzocchio]showEqn()
gains a reduced
logical to print only the unique regression equations when a lm()
-type object is passed. May be combined with the simplify
logical argument for further reductionsechelon()
gains a reduced
logical to indicate whether the reduced or non-reduced form is computedpowerMethod()
gains a plot = TRUE
logical to draw the iteration history'lm'
objects to showEqn()
to show the design matrix equationsverbose
option to GramSchmidt()
and another exampleprintMatEqn()
to print matrix expressions side-by-siderename functions for consistency: eig()
-> Eigen()
, point_on_line()
-> pointOnLine()
, power_method()
-> powerMethod()
, row_cofactors()
-> rowCofactors()
, row_minors()
-> rowMinors()
add Det()
to compute determinants by elimination, from eigenvalues, or by minors and cofactors, with possibility of verbose
gets an axes
argument and lit
to control lighting of the planes; lit
solves a problem with the planes becoming indistinguishable in some rotations.
add svdDemo()
function to illustrate the SVD of a 3 x 3 matrix [thx: Duncan Murdoch]
add symMat()
to create a square symmetric matrix from a vector.
add angle()
to calculate angle between vectors
gets a keep
argument, for possible use in plotting the convergence of eigenvectors.
add adjoint()
, to round out methods for determinants
add GramSchmidt()
for the Gram-Schmidt algorithm on columns of a matrix. The existing function gsorth()
will be deprecated and then removed.
has been deprecated.
fixed use of MASS::fractions in gaussianElimination
added printMatEqn()
to print matrix expressions side-by-side
for unit vectors, matricesLU()
for LU decompositionvectors3d()
and arrows3d()
, which defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, just returns returns the “reg.length” to help in scaling.showEqn()
and gaussianElimination()
get latex
arguments, to print results in LaTeX format [thx: Phil Chalmers]error.sphere
to plot.regvec3d()
in corner()
to avoid R version dependencycorner()
in vectors3d.Rdarc()
for 2D, 3D vector diagrams to show angles between vectorsregvec3d()
for 2D, 3D vector diagrams representing a bivariate multiple regression model, lm(y ~ x1 + x2)
[thx: John Fox].arrows()
to produce nice arrows in 2D vector()
now aligns terms vertically and prints without quotesabsolute
in points_on_line()
and clarified documentationvandermode()
convenience function to vectorize a matrixis_square_matrix()
, power method for dominant eigenvector [thx: Gaston Sanchez]arrows3d()
for 3D geometric diagramsvectors3d()
for 3D geometric diagramscorner()
for 2D, 3D geometric diagramsman/matlib.Rd
- Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Regressionlen()
convenience function for Euclidean lengthsplotEqn3d()
function using rgl
to plot equations in 3 unknownsmatlib.R
to become a package .Rd documentproj()
-> Proj()
to avoid conflict with stats::proj()
for plotting geometric diagramsInitial CRAN release