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IMAP Toolkit for R


mRpostman makes extensive use of ‘curl’ and ‘libcurl’ capabilities, providing functions for mailboxes and electronic messages manipulation. Beyond many other functionalities, it is possible to move, delete, search and fetch messages or its parts using specific criteria.

mRpostman website:

First things first …

Before using mRpostman, it is essential to configure your email account. Many mail providers require authorizing “less secure apps” to access your account from a third part app.

See how to do it for Gmail, Yahoo Mail and AOL Mail.


  1. Go to Gmail website and log in with your credentials.

  2. Then, go to

  1. Set “Allow less secure apps” to ON.

Yahoo Mail

  1. Go to Yahoo Mail website and log in with your credentials.

  2. Click on “Account Info”.

  1. Click on “Account Security” on the left menu.

  1. After, set “Allow apps that use less secure sign in” ON

AOL Mail

  1. Go to AOL Mail website and log in with your credentials.

  2. Click on “Options” and then on “Account Info”.

  1. Click on “Account Security” on the left menu.

  1. After, set “Allow apps that use less secure sign in” ON

Outlook - Office 365

There is no need to execute any external configuration. The parameter url in configure_imap() should be set as url="imaps://".


The package is divided in 8 groups of functions:


# CRAN version

# Dev version
if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes')

Basic Usage

1) Configuring IMAP and listing mailboxes


# IMAP settings
# Gmail
imapconf <- configure_imap(url="imaps://",

# Yahoo Mail
# imapconf <- configure_imap(url="imaps://",
#                            username="your_user",
#                            password=rstudioapi::askForPassword()
#                           )

# AOL Mail
# imapconf <- configure_imap(url="imaps://",
#                            username="your_user",
#                            password=rstudioapi::askForPassword()
#                           )

# Yandex Mail
# imapconf <- configure_imap(url="imaps://",
#                            username="your_user",
#                            password=rstudioapi::askForPassword()
#                           )

# Outlook - Office 365
# imapconf <- configure_imap(url="imaps://",
#                            username="your_user",
#                            password=rstudioapi::askForPassword()
#                           )

# you can try another IMAP server and see if it works

# Listing
imapconf %>%

2) Examining a Mailbox

# examine mailbox -- number of existent and recent messages
imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "Kansas State University") %>% # mbox names are case sensitive

3) Searching by period using a flag

# search
results <- imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "INBOX") %>%
  search_period(since_date_char = "17-May-2018",
                before_date_char = "30-Jun-2019",
                flag = "ANSWERED")


4) Searching for a string in the “Text” section of messages

# search
results <- imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "Kansas State University") %>%
  search_string(section_or_field = "TEXT", string = "Welcome!")


5) Fetch headers after searching

results <- imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "Kansas State University") %>%
  search_string(section_or_field = "TEXT", string = "Welcome!") %$% # exposition pipe, not %>%!!
  fetch_msg_header(imapconf = imapconf, 
                   msg_id = msg_id, 
                   fields = c("DATE", "SUBJECT"))


6) Attachments

This will list all the attachments filenames and the Content-Disposition type for each fetched message.

imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "INBOX") %>%
  search_since(date_char = "23-Sep-2019") %$%
  fetch_full_msg(imapconf, msg_id=msg_id) %>%

This extracts and decode your base64 text attachments (regular and inline) from messages, and save them locally.

imapconf %>%
  select_mailbox(mbox = "INBOX") %>%
  search_since(date_char = "23-Sep-2019") %$%
  fetch_full_msg(imapconf, msg_id=msg_id) %>%

Future Improvements

If you want to contribute, specially with the SMTP support, please contact the package mantainer.


This package is licensed under the terms of the GPL-3 License.


Crispin, M., INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 4rev1, RFC 3501, DOI: 10.17487/RFC3501, March 2003,

Ooms, J. curl: A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R. R package version 3.3, 2019,

Stenberg, D. Libcurl - The Multiprotocol File Transfer Library,