lucid 1.7 - Feb 2019

Fix test case to accommodate changes in lme4 output.

lucid 1.6

lucid 1.5 - Aug 2018

lucid() now converts tibbles to data.frames before formatting.

lucid 1.4 - Oct 2016

Added lucid logo, JSM poster & paper to github.

Changed vignette from Rnw to Rmd.

Switched to roxygen2 documentation.

Now using testthat and covr packages.

lucid 1.3 - Jun 2015

Namespace changes due to R devel changes.

lucid 1.2 - Apr 2015

Added vc.mcmc.list() for prettier summaries from JAGS.

lucid 1.1 - Feb 2015

Re-worked code. Primary objective is formatting, not printing.

Added na.replace option.

lucid 1.0 - Nov 2014

First release to CRAN, Nov 2014.

lucid 0.0 - Mar 2010

Development begins