lplyr 0.1.12
- ‘chunk()’ is removed since ‘multidplyr’ package is no longer on CRAN for R 3.4.X.
lplyr 0.1.11
- ‘select()’ functions are removed due to conflicts with the existing ‘select.list()’ function in package ‘utils’.
lplyr 0.1.10
- drop_narows() function added (not exported for now)
lplyr 0.1.9
lplyr 0.1.8
lplyr 0.1.7
- Issue #2: chunck() now renamed chunk()
- mutate_if_which() removed for now (not ready yet, and adequate name to be found)
lplyr 0.1.6
- subset() function removed for now (not ready yet)
lplyr 0.1.5
lplyr 0.1.4
- Test for miniCRAN
- Changed R file names to clarify what is reexported.
- Removed chunck() function provisionally.
lplyr 0.1.3
- Changed ‘base2’ for ‘bazar’
lplyr 0.1.2
lplyr 0.1.1
- ‘dplyr’ verbs added for pairlists
- Updated file
- Vignette created
lplyr 0.1.0
- Creation of the package ‘lplyr’