We generate 10000 Observations of a sum of 100 random variables with mean 10 and multiplicative standard deviation of 1.7.
nObs <- 100; nRep <- 10000
#nObs <- 1000; nRep <- 100
xTrue <- rep(10, nObs)
sigmaStar <- rep(1.7, nObs) # multiplicative stddev
theta <- getParmsLognormForExpval(xTrue, sigmaStar)
# generate observations with correlated errors
acf1 <- c(0.4,0.1)
corrM <- setMatrixOffDiagonals(
diag(nrow = nObs), value = acf1, isSymmetric = TRUE)
xObsN <- exp(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(
nRep, mean = theta[,1]
, sigma = diag(theta[,2]) %*% corrM %*% diag(theta[,2])))
A single draw of the autocorrelated 100 variables looks like the following.
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 757.5 945.0 996.1 999.3 1050.2 1359.1
The original autocorrelation function used to generate the sample was:
## [1] 1.0 0.4 0.1
The effective autocorrelation function estimated from the sample is:
## [1] 1.00000000 0.42254489 0.13839939 0.01567392
## [1] 46.76592
Due to autocorrelation, the effective number of parameters is less than nObs = 100.
First we compute the distribution parameter of the sum of the 100 variables. The multiplicative uncertainty has decreased from 1.7.
#coefSum <- estimateSumLognormal( theta[,1], theta[,2], effAcf = effAcf )
coefSum <- estimateSumLognormal( theta[,1], theta[,2], effAcf = c(1,acf1) )
## sigma
## 1.077687
Its expected value corresponds to the expected value (100*10).
## mean
## 1000
The lognormal approximation of the distribution of the sum, is close to the distribution of the 10000 repetitions.