In this vignette I suppose that you are already familiar with at least one of the similar logging R packages and you are looking for suggestions on how to switch to logger
. Before moving forward, please make sure that you have read the Introduction to logger, The Anatomy of a Log Request and Customizing the Format and the Destination of a Log Record vignettes for a decent background on logger
, and use this vignette as a quick-reference sheet to help you migrate from another package.
The logger
package has been very heavily inspired by futile.logger
and have been using it for many years, also opened multiple pull requests to extend futile.logger
before I decided to revamp my ideas into a new R package – but there are still many common things between futile.logger
and logger
Both packages comes with a default log engine / config, so it’s enough to load the packages and those are ready to be used right away:
#> Attaching package: 'futile.logger'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:logger':
The most important change is that function names are by snake_case in logger
, while futile.logger
uses dot.separated expressions, and futile.logger
prefixes function names by flog
while logger
uses log
for that:'hi there')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi there
flog.warn('watch out')
#> WARN [2019-01-02 15:49:59] watch out
log_info('hi there')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi there
log_warn('watch out')
#> WARN [2019-01-02 15:49:59] watch out
As you can see above, the default layout of the messages is exactly the same.
Regarding log levels, futile.logger
bundles the default log4j
levels (TRACE
) that is extended by SUCCESS
in logger
as sometimes it’s worth logging with a higher than INFO
level that something succeeded.
Changing layouts is easy in both package, as you simply pass a layout function:
#> NULL'hi again')
#> {"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2019-01-02 15:49:59 +0100","message":"hi again","func":"tools::buildVignettes"}
log_info('hi again')
#> {"time":"2019-01-02 15:49:59","level":"INFO","ns":"global","ans":"global","topenv":"R_GlobalEnv","fn":"eval","node":"nevermind","arch":"x86_64","os_name":"Linux","os_release":"4.15.0-20-generic","os_version":"#21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 06:16:15 UTC 2018","pid":5164,"user":"daroczig","msg":"hi again"}
As you can see, logger
provided a bit more information about the log request compared to futile.logger
, but it’s easy to change the list of fields to be used in the JSON – see ?get_logger_meta_variables
for a complete list of variable names to be passed to ?layout_json
. logger
also ships a lot more layouts, eg ?layout_glue_colors
or roll out your own via the ?layout_glue_generator
factory function.
By default, futile.logger
uses an sprintf
formatter, while logger
passes the objects to be logged to glue
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi'hi %s', 84/2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42'hi', 84/2))
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42'hi {84/2}'))
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi
log_info('hi {84/2}')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
log_info('hi %s', 84/2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
log_info('hi', 84/2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
It’s easy to change this default formatter in both packages: use flog.layout
handles this as well in futile.logger
, while the formatter is separated from the layout function in logger
, so check ?log_formatter
instead. logger
ships with a bit more formatter functions, eg the default ?formatter_glue
and ?formatter_glue_or_sprintf
that tries to combine the best from both words.
Setting the destination of the log records works similarly in both packages, although he logger
packages bundles a lot more options:
t <- tempfile()
t <- tempfile()
Both packages support using different logging namespaces and stacking loggers within the same namespace. Performance-wise, there’s logger
seems to be faster than futile.logger
, but for more details, check the Simple Benchmarks on Performance vignette.
as a drop-in-replacement of futile.logger
has no hard requirements, so it’s a very lightweight alternative of futile.logger
. Although the function names are a bit different, and the message formatter also differs, but with some simple tweaks, logger
can become an almost perfect drop-in-replacement of futile.logger
flog.trace <- log_trace
flog.debug <- log_debug <- log_info
flog.warn <- log_warn
flog.error <- log_error'Hello from logger in a futile.logger theme ...')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] Hello from logger in a futile.logger theme ...
flog.warn('... where the default log message formatter is %s', 'sprintf')
#> WARN [2019-01-02 15:49:59] ... where the default log message formatter is sprintf
The logging
package behaves very similarly to the Python logging module and so thus being pretty Pythonic, while logger
tries to accommodate native R users’ expectations – so there are some minor nuances between the usage of the two packages.
In logging
, you have to initialize a logger first via addHandler
or simply by calling basicConfig
, which is not required in logger
as it already comes with a default log config:
After initializing the logging engine, actual logging works similarly in the two packages – with a bit different function names:
uses mostly camelCase function names (eg basicConfig
), but the logging functions are all lowercase without any separator, such as loginfo
or logwarn
uses snake_case for the function names, such as log_info
and log_warn
loginfo('hi there')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi there
logwarn('watch out')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 WARNING::watch out
log_info('hi there')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi there
log_warn('watch out')
#> WARN [2019-01-02 15:49:59] watch out
As you can see above, the default layout of the log messages is somewhat different:
starts with the timestamp that is followed by the log level, optional namespace and the message separated by colonslogger
starts with the log level, followed by the timestamp between brackets and then the messageFor the available log levels in logging
, check ?loglevels
, and ?log_levels
for the same in logger
#> List of 11
#> $ NOTSET : num 0
#> $ FINEST : num 1
#> $ FINER : num 4
#> $ FINE : num 7
#> $ DEBUG : num 10
#> $ INFO : num 20
#> $ WARNING : num 30
#> $ WARN : num 30
#> $ ERROR : num 40
#> $ CRITICAL: num 50
#> $ FATAL : num 50
levels <- mget(ls(
envir = environment(logger), pattern = '^[A-Z]'),
envir = environment(logger))
str(levels[order(-as.numeric(levels))], give.attr = FALSE)
#> Named list()
Performance-wise, there’s no big difference between the two packages, but for more details, check the Simple Benchmarks on Performance vignette.
Getting and setting the layout of the log record should happen up-front in both packages:
#> function (record)
#> {
#> text <- paste(record$timestamp, paste(record$levelname, record$logger,
#> record$msg, sep = ":"))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5600db94aec8>
#> <environment: namespace:logging>
#> layout_simple
provides multiple configurable layouts to fit the user’s need, eg easily show the calling function of the lof request, the pid
of the R process, name of the machine etc. or colorized outputs. See Customizing the Format and the Destination of a Log Record vignette for more details.
If you want to pass dynamic log messages to the log engines, you can do that via the hard-coded sprintf
in the logging
package, while you can set that on a namespaces basis in logger
, which is by default using glue
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi
loginfo('hi %s', 84/2)
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi 42
loginfo(paste('hi', 84/2))
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi 42
loginfo(glue::glue('hi {84/2}'))
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi 42
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi
log_info('hi {84/2}')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi {84/2}
log_info('hi %s', 84/2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
log_info('hi', 84/2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] hi 42
For even better compatibility, there’s also ?formatter_logging
that not only relies on sprintf
when the first argument is a string, but will log the call and the result as well when the log object is an R expression:
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 42
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 42: 42
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 4 + 2: 6
log_info('foo %s', 'bar')
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] foo bar
log_info(12, 1+1, 2 * 2)
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 12: 12
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 1 + 1: 2
#> INFO [2019-01-02 15:49:59] 2 * 2: 4
Setting the destination of the log records works similarly in both packages, although he logger
packages bundles a lot more options:
Both packages support using different logging namespaces and stacking loggers within the same namespace.
as a drop-in-replacement of logging
has no hard requirements, so it’s an adequate alternative of logging
. Although the function names are a bit different, and the message formatter also differs, but with some simple tweaks, logger
can become an almost perfect drop-in-replacement of logging
– although not all log levels (eg and ) are supported:
logdebug <- log_debug
loginfo <- log_info
logwarn <- log_warn
logerror <- log_error
loginfo('Hello from logger in a logging theme ...')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::Hello from logger in a logging theme ...
logwarn('... where the default log message formatter is %s', 'sprintf', namespace = 'foobar')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 WARN:foobar:... where the default log message formatter is sprintf
The log4r
package provides an object-oriented approach for logging in R, so the logger object is to be passed to the log calls – unlike in the logger
So thus it’s important to create a logging object in log4r
before being able to log messages, while that’s automatically done in `logger:
#> Attaching package: 'log4r'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:logging':
#> levellog
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> debug
logger <- create.logger(logfile = stdout(), level = "INFO")
Please note that in the background, logger
does have a concept of logger objects, but that’s behind the scene and the user does not have to specify / reference it. On the other hand, if you wish, you can do that via the namespace
concept of logger
– more on that later.
While logger
has a log_
prefix for all logging functions, log4r
has lowercase functions names referring to the log level, which takes a logging object and the log message:
info(logger, 'hi there')
#> [ 2019-01-02 15:49:59 ] INFO hi there
warn(logger, 'watch out')
#> [ 2019-01-02 15:49:59 ] WARN watch out
log_info('hi there')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 INFO::hi there
log_warn('watch out')
#> 2019-01-02 15:49:59 WARN::watch out
As you can see the default layout of the messages is a bit different in the two packages.
Both packages are based on log4j
, and log4r
provides DEBUG
, while logger
also adds TRACE
on the top of these.
To change the log level threshold, use the level
function on the logging object in log4r
, while it’s log_level
in logger
The log4r
provides a logformat
argument in create.logger
that can be used to override the default formatting, while logger
provides formatter and layout functions for a flexible log record design.
By default, log4r
logs to a file that can be set to stoud
to write to the console, while logger
writes to the console by default, but logging to files via the appender_file
functions is also possible – besides a number of other log record destinations as well.
Creating objects is the log4r
way of handling multiple log environments, while logger
handles that via namespace
Sorry, no direct replacement for loggit
– capturing message
, warning
and stop
function messages, but it’s on the roadmap to provide helper functions to be used as message hooks feed logger
#> Warning: 'logger' namespace cannot be unloaded:
#> namespace 'logger' is imported by 'logger.tester' so cannot be unloaded