lobstr provides tools in the same vein as str()
, which allow you to dig into the detail of an object.
Install the released version of lobstr from CRAN:
You can install the development version with:
draws the abstract syntax tree of R expressions:
ast(a + b + c)
#> █─`+`
#> ├─█─`+`
#> │ ├─a
#> │ └─b
#> └─c
ast(function(x = 1) {
if (x > 0) print("Hi!")
#> █─`function`
#> ├─█─x = 1
#> ├─█─`{`
#> │ └─█─`if`
#> │ ├─█─`>`
#> │ │ ├─x
#> │ │ └─0
#> │ └─█─print
#> │ └─"Hi!"
#> └─<inline srcref>
shows hows objects can be shared across data structures by digging into the underlying __ref__erences:
x <- 1:1e6
y <- list(x, x, x)
#> █ [1:0x7fa42b6a9598] <list>
#> ├─[2:0x7fa428ae7c88] <int>
#> ├─[2:0x7fa428ae7c88]
#> └─[2:0x7fa428ae7c88]
e <- rlang::env()
e$self <- e
#> █ [1:0x7fa42d981790] <env>
#> └─self = [1:0x7fa42d981790]
A related tool is obj_size()
, which computes the size of an object taking these shared references into account:
shows how frames on the call stack are connected: