listdown 0.2.8
listdown 0.2.9
- Minor updates for JSS submission based on comments.
listdown 0.2.10
- Added to .Rbuildignore
listdown 0.2.11
- Removed the package name from the description title.
listdown 0.2.12
- Title was put into title case.
listdown 0.2.13
- dontrun was turned into donttest per CRAN feedback.
listdown 0.2.15
- donttest was turned into dontrun per CRAN feedback.
- vignette no longer writes files.
- listdown() function can take a string literal for read expression.
listdown 0.2.16
- Example fiddling for CRAN.
listdown 0.2.17
- Gave up on ld_write_file.
listdown 0.2.18
- Added rmarkdown Suggestion back.
listdown 0.2.21
- Fixed a bug related to unnamed computational component lists elements.