This package has two parts:
Variables in R’s linear formula/model can have different forms:
data = ggplot2::diamonds
diamond_lm = lm(log(price)~ I(carat^ 2) + cut + carat + table + carat:table, data)
At the first sight, the linear model above contains 5 variables:
In we call them model variables and can access them using function get_x(.,'model')
## [1] "I(carat^2)" "cut" "carat" "table" "carat:table"
Note that in the original formula, there are redundant spaces ‘I(carat^ 2)’; in get_x(.,'model')
we deleted them.
Sometimes you want to get the underlying raw variables used in the formula, which are
In we call them raw variables and can access them using function get_x(.,'raw')
## [1] "carat" "cut" "table"
will show the linkage between model variables and raw variables: it will return a list with names as model variables and elements as their corresponding raw variables.
get_model_pair(diamond_lm, data, 'raw')
## $`I(carat^2)`
## [1] "carat"
## $cut
## [1] "cut"
## $carat
## [1] "carat"
## $table
## [1] "table"
## $`carat:table`
## [1] "carat" "table"
Sometimes you want the the coefficient names of the model
## [1] "I(carat^2)" "cut.L" "cut.Q" "cut.C" "cut^4"
## [6] "carat" "table" "carat:table"
You may also want to see how ‘model’ variables are linked with ‘coeff’ variables: get_x(.,'coeff')
will return a list with names as model variables and elements as their corresponding coeff variables.
get_model_pair(diamond_lm, data, 'coeff')
## $`I(carat^2)`
## [1] "I(carat^2)"
## $cut
## [1] "cut.L" "cut.Q" "cut.C" "cut^4"
## $carat
## [1] "carat"
## $table
## [1] "table"
## $`carat:table`
## [1] "carat:table"
The get_x_all()
function will return a data.frame showing all the model variables and their corresponding raw & coefficient variables.
get_x_all(model = diamond_lm)
## raw model coeff n_raw_in_model
## 1 carat I(carat^2) I(carat^2) 1
## 2 cut cut cut.L 1
## 3 cut cut cut.Q 1
## 4 cut cut cut.C 1
## 5 cut cut cut^4 1
## 6 carat carat carat 1
## 7 table table table 1
## 8 carat carat:table carat:table 2
## 9 table carat:table carat:table 2
## [1] "price"
## [1] "log(price)"
Contrasts are how categorical variables show up in coefficients.
When R evaluate categorical variables in the linear model, R will transform them into sets of ‘contrasts’ using certain contrast encoding schedule. See UCLA idre for details.
For example, for categorical variable ‘cut’ in the above model, we can get its contrasts through function get_contrast
# get_contrast will return a list with each element as the contrasts of a categorical variable in the model
## $cut
## [1] "cut.L" "cut.Q" "cut.C" "cut^4"
You can also return the contrast method.
get_contrast(diamond_lm, return_method = T)
## $cut
## contr.poly
In formula y ~ a + I(a^2) + b
, We define ‘Marginal Effect’ of a
on y
as: fixing b
, how the change of a
will affect value of y
. Note that the marginal effect here is not just the coefficients for a
and I(a^2)
, neither the sum.
We provide a easy tool to show the marginal effect and check its monotonicity. The example below will evaluate how the carat
of the diamond will affect its price
in a particular model.
# more carats, higher price.
diamond_lm3 = lm(price~ carat + I(carat^2) + I(carat^3) , ggplot2::diamonds) # a GLM
test1 = effect(model = diamond_lm3, focus_var_raw = c('carat'), focus_value =list(carat = seq(0.5,1,0.1)))
## [1] TRUE
You can see that the model did a good job to model monotonic increasing relations between carat
and price
when carat
ranges from 0.5 to 1 ($Monoton_Increase
is True
PS: A more interesting case is that, if you interact carat
with the categorical variable cut
, you can examine the marginal effects carat
under different categories of cut
test_interaction = effect(model = lm(price~ carat*cut + I(carat^2)*cut, ggplot2::diamonds),
focus_var_raw = c('carat','cut'), focus_value =list(carat = seq(0.5,1,0.1))
However, in the model diamond_lm3
when we let the carat
ranges from 0.5 to 6, the model failed to get the monotonic increasing relations: in the model below, when carat is larger than 3 approximately, the higher the carat, the lower the price!
test2 = effect(model = diamond_lm3, focus_var_raw = c('carat'), focus_value =list(carat = seq(0.5,6,0.1)))
## [1] FALSE
When a model has a wrong marginal effect, we can use function deleting_wrongeffect
to delete a model variable that potentially causes the wrong marginal impacts and then re-estimate the model. This function can keep doing this until the correct marginal impacts are found.
The example below will
in the most right, and then recheck the marginal effect.carat
are deleted.model_correct_effect = deleting_wrongeffect(model = diamond_lm3,
focus_var_raw = 'carat',
focus_value = list(carat=seq(0.5,6,0.1)),
data = ggplot2::diamonds,
Reverse = F)
## initial model:
## Estimate Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -198.3337 3.930283e-11
## carat 812.3639 1.540245e-19
## I(carat^2) 5813.2637 0.000000e+00
## I(carat^3) -1308.8438 0.000000e+00
## check raw var: carat
## check model var: carat, I(carat^2), I(carat^3)
## Correct Monotonicity is supposed to be: Increasing
## Monotonicity is incorrect
## Variable I(carat^3) shall be deleted, and the model shall be re-estimated.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## New Model:
## Estimate Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -1832.5774 0.000000e+00
## carat 6677.0273 0.000000e+00
## I(carat^2) 507.9133 9.695712e-131
## check raw var: carat
## check model var: carat, I(carat^2)
## Correct Monotonicity is supposed to be: Increasing
## Monotonicity is correct
## Call: glm(formula = Formula_new, family = family, data = data0)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) carat I(carat^2)
## -1832.6 6677.0 507.9
## Degrees of Freedom: 53939 Total (i.e. Null); 53937 Residual
## Null Deviance: 8.585e+11
## Residual Deviance: 1.279e+11 AIC: 944900
Stepwise regression is popular in variable selection, but it failed to consider the correctness of marginal effects. stepwise2
enables checking the marginal effects during each step of iteration in stepwise regression; so in each step we will skip those models with wrong marginal effects, and only only choose models among those that have correct marginal effect.
The example below is to use stepwise regression to find the model with highest BIC and with the correct marginal effect.
scope = list(lower = price ~ 1,
upper = price ~ carat + I(carat^2) + I(carat^3) + I(carat * depth) + depth)
### specify the correct marginal effect here
test_suit = list(
carat = list( # the list name must be the raw var
focus_var_raw = "carat", # must specify the focus_var_raw (see deleting_wrongeffect() ) as the raw var
focus_value = list(carat=seq(0.5,6,0.1))
model_correct_effect = stepwise2(model = diamond_lm3, scope = scope, trace = T,
data = ggplot2::diamonds, STOP = F, test_suit = test_suit)
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3) + I(carat*depth)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3) + depth
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3) - carat
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3) - I(carat^2)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat^3) - I(carat^3)
## ------------------------
## IC nvar step_count correct_effect_ind
## + I(carat*depth) 938807.6 4 1 0
## + depth 939091.3 4 1 0
## origin 939528.7 3 1 0
## - carat 939608.4 2 1 0
## - I(carat^3) 944876.6 2 1 1
## - I(carat^2) 945450.7 2 1 1
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2) + I(carat^3)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2) + I(carat*depth)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2) + depth
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2) - carat
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2) - I(carat^2)
## ------------------------
## IC nvar step_count correct_effect_ind
## + I(carat^3) 939528.7 3 2 0
## + I(carat*depth) 943888.0 3 2 1
## + depth 944394.5 3 2 1
## origin 944876.6 2 2 1
## - I(carat^2) 945466.5 1 2 1
## - carat 962398.3 1 2 1
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth) + I(carat^3)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth) + depth
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth) - carat
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth) - I(carat^2)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth) - I(carat*depth)
## ------------------------
## IC nvar step_count correct_effect_ind
## + I(carat^3) 938807.6 4 3 0
## + depth 943753.7 4 3 1
## origin 943888.0 3 3 1
## - I(carat^2) 944552.6 2 3 1
## - I(carat*depth) 944876.6 2 3 1
## - carat 946883.6 2 3 1
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth + I(carat^3)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth - carat
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth - I(carat^2)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth - I(carat*depth)
## ------------------------
## price ~ carat+I(carat^2)+I(carat*depth)+depth - depth
## ------------------------
## IC nvar step_count correct_effect_ind
## + I(carat^3) 938779.0 5 4 0
## origin 943753.7 4 4 1
## - depth 943888.0 3 4 1
## - I(carat*depth) 944394.5 3 4 1
## - I(carat^2) 944466.4 3 4 1
## - carat 945118.7 3 4 1
# the returned model
## Call: glm(formula = price ~ carat + I(carat^2) + I(carat * depth) +
## depth, family = family, data = data)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) carat I(carat^2) I(carat * depth)
## -8695.2 20984.0 555.1 -233.1
## depth
## 111.7
## Degrees of Freedom: 53939 Total (i.e. Null); 53935 Residual
## Null Deviance: 8.585e+11
## Residual Deviance: 1.253e+11 AIC: 943800
The model using stepwise2
got correct marginal effect:
test_model_correct_effect = effect(model = model_correct_effect, focus_var_raw = c('carat'), focus_value =list(carat = seq(0.5,6,0.1)))
whereas the model using traditional algorithm step
got wrong marginal effect:
model_wrong_effect = step(diamond_lm3, scope = scope, trace = F, data = ggplot2::diamonds)
## Call:
## lm(formula = price ~ carat + I(carat^2) + I(carat^3) + I(carat *
## depth) + depth, data = ggplot2::diamonds)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) carat I(carat^2) I(carat^3)
## -3373.61 10638.46 5650.71 -1261.05
## I(carat * depth) depth
## -156.54 50.77
test_wrong_effect = effect(model_wrong_effect, focus_var_raw = c('carat'), focus_value =list(carat = seq(0.5,6,0.1)))