The getColors()
function can generate a variety of color palates. Use them to, for example, fill the bars in a histogram or bar chart with the fill
The default is a color spectrum of 12 hcl
colors presented in the order in which they are assigned to discrete levels of a categorical variable. For clarity, the pal
or palette parameter is set to "hues"
. The colors are generated with the base R hcl()
function. To maintain equal brightness/intensity across the colors, all colors are based on chroma set at c=65
and luminance set at l=55
Display the color spectrum of 12 hcl
colors ordered by hue from 0 by intervals of 360/12 = 30 degrees.
Display a color wheel of 36 ordered hues around the wheel.
Obtain deep rich colors for HCL qualitative scale.
Generate an hcl blue sequence with c=60
and vary l
Vary chroma for a yellow hcl sequence.
Generate seven colors from rust to blue.
Add a custom value of chroma, c
, to make less saturated.
Apply to a bar chart. Any call to getColors()
, for example, can be applied to the standard fill
## >>> Suggestions
## Details about your data, Enter: details() for d, or details(name)
## Data Types
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## character: Non-numeric data values
## integer: Numeric data values, integers only
## double: Numeric data values with decimal digits
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## Variable Missing Unique
## Name Type Values Values Values First and last values
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 1 Years integer 36 1 16 7 NA 15 ... 1 2 10
## 2 Gender character 37 0 2 M M M ... F F M
## 3 Dept character 36 1 5 ADMN SALE SALE ... MKTG SALE FINC
## 4 Salary double 37 0 37 53788.26 94494.58 ... 56508.32 57562.36
## 5 JobSat character 35 2 3 med low low ... high low high
## 6 Plan integer 37 0 3 1 1 3 ... 2 2 1
## 7 Pre integer 37 0 27 82 62 96 ... 83 59 80
## 8 Post integer 37 0 22 92 74 97 ... 90 71 87
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## >>> Suggestions
## BarChart(Dept, horiz=TRUE) # horizontal bar chart
## BarChart(Dept, fill="greens") # sequential green bars
## PieChart(Dept) # doughnut (ring) chart
## Plot(Dept) # bubble plot
## Plot(Dept, stat="count") # lollipop plot
## --- Dept ---
## Missing Values of Dept: 1
## Frequencies: 5 6 4 6 15 36
## Proportions: 0.139 0.167 0.111 0.167 0.417 1.000
## Chi-squared test of null hypothesis of equal probabilities
## Chisq = 10.944, df = 4, p-value = 0.027
The style()
function specifies broad color themes, as well as individual characteristics of a visualization. Changes are persistent across subsequent visualizations unless again modified.
## >>> Suggestions
## BarChart(Dept, horiz=TRUE) # horizontal bar chart
## BarChart(Dept, fill="greens") # sequential green bars
## PieChart(Dept) # doughnut (ring) chart
## Plot(Dept) # bubble plot
## Plot(Dept, stat="count") # lollipop plot
## --- Dept ---
## Missing Values of Dept: 1
## Frequencies: 5 6 4 6 15 36
## Proportions: 0.139 0.167 0.111 0.167 0.417 1.000
## Chi-squared test of null hypothesis of equal probabilities
## Chisq = 10.944, df = 4, p-value = 0.027
Return to the default colors
for the theme
parameter by either explicitly specifying, or just go with no specification.
## theme set to "colors"
Individual characteristics of a visualization can also be specified. Here change the background color of the visualization window.
## >>> Suggestions
## BarChart(Dept, horiz=TRUE) # horizontal bar chart
## BarChart(Dept, fill="greens") # sequential green bars
## PieChart(Dept) # doughnut (ring) chart
## Plot(Dept) # bubble plot
## Plot(Dept, stat="count") # lollipop plot
## --- Dept ---
## Missing Values of Dept: 1
## Frequencies: 5 6 4 6 15 36
## Proportions: 0.139 0.167 0.111 0.167 0.417 1.000
## Chi-squared test of null hypothesis of equal probabilities
## Chisq = 10.944, df = 4, p-value = 0.027
View all modifiable individual characteristics with the show
parameter, set to TRUE
## Available Themes
## ----------------
## colors lightbronze dodgerblue darkred gray gold darkgreen blue red rose green purple sienna brown orange white light
## Available Sub-themes
## --------------------
## default black wsj
## theme ........ Theme color ....... colors
## sub_theme .... Sub-theme style ... default
## window_fill .. Window fill color ......... aliceblue
## panel_fill ... Panel fill color .......... white
## panel_color .. Panel border color ....... gray60
## panel_lwd .... Panel border line width .. 1.0
## panel_lty .... Panel border line type ... solid
## bar_fill ......... Bar fill color ............ 45 139 195 255
## trans_bar_fill ... Bar fill transparency ..... 0.00
## bar_color ........ Bar border color .......... 126 144 168 255
## values ........... Form of bar or pie values . %
## values_color ..... Color of bar or pie values . white
## values_cex ....... Size of values on bars, pie NULL
## values_digits .... Decimal digits on bars, pie NULL
## values_position ....... Position of values ...... .. in
## pt_fill .......... Point fill color .......... 70 80 90 255
## trans_pt_fill .... Point fill transparency .. 0.00
## pt_color ......... Point border color ....... 70 80 90 255
## out_fill ......... Outlier point fill ....... firebrick4
## out_color ........ Outlier point color ...... firebrick4
## out2_fill ........ Extreme outlier point fill firebrick2
## out2_color ....... Extreme outlier point color firebrick2
## violin_fill ...... Violin fill color ......... 116 133 151 90
## violin_color ..... Violin border color ....... gray15
## box_fill ......... Boxplot fill color ........ 45 139 195 255
## box_color ........ Boxplot border color ...... gray15
## fit_color ........ Fit line_color ........... darkblue
## se_fill .......... Stnd error fill color .... 26 26 26 25
## ellipse_fill ..... Ellipse fill color ....... 0 0 138 30
## ellipse_color .... Ellipse border color ..... gray20
## ellipse_lwd ...... Ellipse border width ..... 1.00
## bubble_text_color Bubble text color ......... 247 242 230 255
## segment_color .... Line segment color ........ gray40
## heat ............. Heat map color ............ gray30
## axis_color ..... Color of axes .............. gray15
## axis_x_color ... Color of x-axis ............ NULL
## axis_y_color ... Color of y-axis ............ NULL
## axis_lwd ....... Axis line width ............ 1.0
## axis_x_lwd ..... Axis line width ............ NULL
## axis_y_lwd ..... Axis line width ............ NULL
## axis_lty ....... Line type of axes .......... solid
## axis_x_lty ..... Line type of x-axis ........ NULL
## axis_y_lty ..... Line type of y-axis ........ NULL
## axis_cex ....... x and y axis text size ........... 0.75
## axis_x_cex ..... x-axis text size ................. NULL
## axis_y_cex ..... y-axis text size ................. NULL
## axis_text_color x and y axis values text color ... gray20
## axis_x_text_color x-axis values text color ....... NULL
## axis_y_text_color y-axis values text color ....... NULL
## rotate_x ....... Rotation of x axis text .......... 0.00
## rotate_y ....... Rotation of y axis text .......... 0.00
## offset ......... Offset of values text from axis .. 0.50
## lab_color ...... Color of axis labels ............. gray15
## lab_x_color .... Color of x-axis label ............ NULL
## lab_y_color .... Color of y-axis label ............ NULL
## lab_cex ........ Size of axis labels .............. 0.95
## lab_x_cex ...... Size of x-axis labels ............ NULL
## lab_y_cex ...... Size of y-axis labels ............ NULL
## main_color ..... Color of plot label .............. gray15
## main_cex ....... Size of plot title ............... 1.00
## grid_color .... Grid color ...................... 222 217 205 255
## grid_x_color .. Grid color, vertical ............ NULL
## grid_y_color .. Grid color, horizontal .......... NULL
## grid_lwd ...... Grid line width ................. 0.5
## grid_x_lwd .... Grid line width, vertical ....... NULL
## grid_y_lwd .... Grid line width, horizontal ..... NULL
## grid_lty ...... Grid line type .................. solid
## grid_x_lty .... Grid line type, vertical ........ NULL
## grid_y_lty .... Grid line type, horizontal ...... NULL
## strip_fill ...... Trellis strip fill color ..... 127 127 127 55
## strip_color ..... Trellis strip border color ... gray55
## strip_text_color Trellis strip text color ..... gray15
## add_fill .. Fill color of annotated figures .. gray20
## add_trans .. Fill transparency ................ 0
## add_color .. Color of annotated lines ......... gray30
## add_cex ... Size of annotated text ........... 0.75
## add_lwd ... Line width of annotated lines .... 0.5
## add_lty ... Line type of annotated lines ..... solid
## quiet ..... Suppress console output for many functions .. FALSE
## brief ..... Reduce console output for many functions .... FALSE
## suggest ... Suggestions for enhanced input .............. TRUE
## width ..... Column width ................................ 120
## n_cat ..... Largest number of unique, equally spaced
## integer values of a variable for which the
## variable will be analyzed as categorical .... 1
Use the base R help()
function to view the full manual for getColors()
or style()
. Simply enter a question mark followed by the name of the function.