klexdatr 0.1.0

klexdatr 0.0.8

## Minor changes
  - Updated Documentation

klexdatr 0.0.7

## Minor changes
  - Used in Thorley and Andrusak (2017)

klexdatr 0.0.6

## Major changes
  - Code rivers and West Arm as Lotic.
  - Code West Arm and Kootenay River as not Bounded.

klexdatr 0.0.5

## Major changes
  - Keep all captures with acoustic tag and/or $100 reward

klexdatr 0.0.4

## Minor changes
  - Exported lexr plotting functions in README

klexdatr 0.0.3

## Major changes
  - Removed depth data as no resources to validate

klexdatr 0.0.2

## Major changes
  - Added reward fish without acoustic tags

klexdatr 0.0.1

## Major changes
  - Initial release