The installr package offers a set of R functions for the installation and updating of software (currently, only on Windows OS), with a special focus on R itself. This package has two main goals:
While for Linux users, the installation process of new software may be just running a short line of code, for the regular Windows user it often includes browsing online, finding the latest version, downloading it, running the installer, and deleting the installation file. All of these steps are automatically done using functions in this package.
To install the stable version on CRAN:
To install the latest installr version from GitHub use:
if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes'); # make sure you have Rtools installed first! if not, then run:
If you are using the Rgui, you will see a new menu added on your top right (just by “help”), giving you the option to update R, or install new software.
For command line use you can update R by running:
if(!require("installr")) install.packages('installr')
updateR() # this will open dialog boxes to take you through the steps.
# OR use:
# updateR(TRUE) # this will use common defaults and will be the safest/fastest option
Or install a new software simply by running:
installr() # user can easily select (via a GUI interface) a software to install.
If you get either of the following errors from some commands:
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
Try running:
Sources: * *
You are welcome to:
You can see the most recent changes to the package in the file:
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