The NC
function is improved.
The documentation of the exir
function is updated.
The DESCRIPTION file is updated according to all of the modifications.
The citation details of the package is updated.
The function
is added for assembling the differential/regression data required as an input for the exir
The function exir
is added for the experimental-data-based classification and ranking of top candidate features.
The function clusterrank
is upgraded to clusterRank
in order to calculate the ClusterRank centrality intenally.
The function neighborhood.connectivity
is undergone minor modifications to enhance the performance speed.
The function sif2igraph
is added for automatic importing and conversion of a SIF file from the users’ local hard drive, cloud space, or internet into a graph with an igraph class.
The thesis advisors are added to the DESCRIPTION file.
Some minor corrections are done in the documentation of functions and DESCRIPTION file.
The DESCRIPTION file is updated.
The Vignettes file is updated.
The function sirir
is added for the unsupervised influence ranking of network nodes.
The function hubness.score
is added for the calculation of Hubness score.
The function spreading.score
is added for the calculation of Spreading score.
The function ivi
is added for the influential node identification from a graph.
The function ivi.from.indices
is added for the influential node identification from indices.
The function ihs
is removed as a refined formual is added for influential node identification.
Updating the normality assessment results of association functions for vectors of length < 4
The function clusterrank
is added for the calculation of ClusterRank.
The function collective.influence
is added for the calculation of Collective Influence.
The function lh_index
is added for the calculation of local H-index.
The function h_index
is added for the calculation of H-index.
The function neighborhood.connectivity
is updated so that it will not return any NA or NaN values and the output will be a numeric vector.
The formatting of return values in the documentation of each function is corrected.
The citation
details of the package is updated according to its associated published paper.
The error regarding the use of NNS
since the second use of association assessment functions including cond.prob.analysis
and double.cent.assess.noRegression
is now corrected.