This vignette was created using incR
version 1.1.0 and R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15).
This document serves as an example for a suggested incR
working pipeline. I have tested the accuracy of the method and the results of such validation can be found here. Throughout this vignette, I follow the examples found in the documentation for incR
and use data distributed with the package.
working pipelineincRprep
The data table contains raw nest temperatures coming from an iButton device (Maxim Integrated Products) and has two columns, date/time and temperature values in Celsius degrees. Several files, from the same nest where combined to create a completed nest temperature file.
data("incR_rawdata") # loading the data
## DATE temperature
## 1 06/05/2015 21:42 32.018
## 2 06/05/2015 21:44 32.018
## 3 06/05/2015 21:47 32.143
## 4 06/05/2015 21:49 32.205
## 5 06/05/2015 21:52 32.205
## 6 06/05/2015 21:54 32.143
takes these data and simply adds new columns that are going to be useful for other components of the pipeline. Please, do not use date as the name of the date/time column. incRprep
will create a new column named date and will, therefore, produce an error if such a name is already found in the raw data table. See ?incRprep to find information about the new columns added by this function.
incR_rawdata_prep <- incRprep(data = incR_rawdata, = "DATE",
date.format= "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
head(incR_rawdata_prep, 3)
## DATE temperature index time hour minute date dec_time
## 1 06/05/2015 21:42 32.018 1 21:42 21 42 2015-05-06 21.70000
## 2 06/05/2015 21:44 32.018 2 21:44 21 44 2015-05-06 21.73333
## 3 06/05/2015 21:47 32.143 3 21:47 21 47 2015-05-06 21.78333
## temp1
## 1 NA
## 2 0.000
## 3 0.125
Following the example with the data generated by incRprep
, we can apply incRenv
to match environmental temperatures. The current version of incRenv
averages environmental temperatures per hour.
data(incR_envdata) # environmental data
head (incR_envdata)
## DATE env_temperature
## 1 06/05/2015 00:02 6.415
## 2 06/05/2015 00:03 6.244
## 3 06/05/2015 00:08 6.244
## 4 06/05/2015 00:08 6.415
## 5 06/05/2015 00:13 6.477
## 6 06/05/2015 00:14 6.244
# then use incRenv to merge environmental data
incR_data <- incRenv (data.nest = incR_rawdata_prep, # data set prepared by incRprep
data.env = incR_envdata, = "env_temperature", = "DATE", = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
env.timezone = "GMT")
head (incR_data, 3)
## DATE temperature index time hour minute date dec_time
## 1 06/05/2015 21:42 32.018 1 21:42 21 42 2015-05-06 21.70000
## 2 06/05/2015 21:44 32.018 2 21:44 21 44 2015-05-06 21.73333
## 3 06/05/2015 21:47 32.143 3 21:47 21 47 2015-05-06 21.78333
## temp1 env_temp
## 1 NA 8.759136
## 2 0.000 8.759136
## 3 0.125 8.759136
After using incRprep
and incRenv
, the data table is ready for incRscan
. This function applies an automatic algorithm that scores incubation. By looking at temperature variation when the incubating individual is assumed to be incubating, incRscan
determines presence or absence of the incubating individual (incubation score) for every data point (i.e. time point) in the data set. For details about the algorithm follow this link.
Several parameters in incRscan
need to be chosen by the user. For such task, it is highly recommended to have an external source of data validation and calibration, for example, video-recordings of the nest or pit-tagged individuals, so that the scores calculated by incRscan
can be assessed. By comparing the performance of incRscan
over several parameters values, one can decide on the best combination of parameters. This approach may also serve as a quality-checking step as incRscan
performance is thought to drop when data quality decreases. For this example, we use parameter values known to work well for this data set (see this LINK for more information).
incubation.analysis <- incRscan (data=incR_data,"temperature",
temp.diff.threshold =5,
## [1] "No night reference period for 2015-05-06 - day skipped"
needs to have temperature data between lower.time
and upper.time
to score incubation in the following morning, when this is not the case, a printed message will be produced - as seen above.
The new object incubation.analysis
is formed by two data tables (see below), representing the original data set with the new incR_score
column added and a table with temperature thresholds used for incubation scoring.
## [1] "incRscan_data" "incRscan_threshold"
# incRscan output
## DATE temperature index time hour minute date
## 1 <NA> NA NA <NA> NA NA <NA>
## 57 07/05/2015 00:02 31.456 57 00:02 0 2 2015-05-07
## 58 07/05/2015 00:04 31.581 58 00:04 0 4 2015-05-07
## 59 07/05/2015 00:07 31.706 59 00:07 0 7 2015-05-07
## 60 07/05/2015 00:09 31.893 60 00:09 0 9 2015-05-07
## 61 07/05/2015 00:12 31.830 61 00:12 0 12 2015-05-07
## dec_time temp1 env_temp incR_score
## 1 NA NA NA NA
## 57 0.03333333 -0.062 6.7945 1
## 58 0.06666667 0.125 6.7945 1
## 59 0.11666667 0.125 6.7945 1
## 60 0.15000000 0.187 6.7945 1
## 61 0.20000000 -0.063 6.7945 1
## date first.maxIncrease final.maxIncrease first.maxDrop
## 1 2015-05-06 <NA> <NA> <NA>
## 2 2015-05-07 <NA> 0.312 <NA>
## 3 2015-05-08 <NA> 0.749 <NA>
## final.maxDrop night_day_varRatio
## 1 <NA> <NA>
## 2 -0.562 0.034
## 3 -0.499 0.08
There is no incR_score
information for May 6 as no lower.time
- upper.time
window was available. The second table shows us the threshold used for on and off-bout detection. The absence of data in first.maxIncrease
and first.maxDrop
informs us that the value set by maxNightVariation
was not passed.
The results of incRscan can be quickly visualised with the incRplot
function. In the plot below, on-bout are shown in orange, off-bouts in blue and environmental temperatures appear as a green line.
my_plot <- incRplot(data = incubation.analysis$incRscan_data,
time.var = "dec_time",
day.var = "date",
inc.temperature.var = "temperature",
env.temperature.var = "env_temp",
vector.incubation = "incR_score")
# a ggplot plot is created that can be modified by the user
my_plot + ggplot2::labs(x = "Time", y = "Temperature")
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).
## Extracting incubation metrics Once we have produced incubation scores (located in
), we can apply other incR functions to extract incubation information.
This is defined and calculated as the percentage of daily time spent in the nest.
incRatt(data = incubation.analysis[[1]], vector.incubation = "incR_score")
## date percentage_in
## 1 2015-05-07 78.64583
## 2 2015-05-08 68.63354
calculates onset and end of activity: firs off-bout in the morning and last on-bout in the evening.
incRact(data = incubation.analysis[[1]],
time_column = "time",
vector.incubation = "incR_score")
## date first_offbout last_onbout
## 1 2015-05-07 05:47 20:49
## 2 2015-05-08 05:52 13:14
Note that if temperature data exists for the entire day, first_offbout
and last_onbout
times correspond to onset and end of activity. Biological interpretation of the times yielded by incRatt
is needed - e.g., in the example above, last_onbout
for May 8 is not telling us the end of daily activity but rather the last on-bout in an uncompleted day of temperature recordings. ### Incubation temperatures This function offers three options. To calculate temperature average and variance between 1) two user-defined time windows, 2) first off-bout and last on-bout as calculated by incRact
and 3) calculate twilight times using crepuscule{maptools}
and apply twilight times as the temporal window for calculation.
incRt(data = incubation.analysis[[1]], = "temperature",
limits = c(5,21), # time window
coor = NULL,
activity.times = FALSE,
civil.twilight = FALSE, = NULL)
## date day.mean day.var night.mean night.var
## 1 2015-05-07 31.06143 30.03051 33.61665 0.4397057
## 2 2015-05-08 22.50848 168.61488 NA NA
incRt(data = incubation.analysis[[1]], = "temperature",
limits = NULL,
coor = NULL,
activity.times = TRUE, # incRact is called to define time window
civil.twilight = FALSE, = "GMT",
time_column= "time",
## date day.mean day.var night.mean night.var
## 1 2015-05-07 30.97323 31.89103 33.69237 0.4758604
## 2 2015-05-08 20.73246 168.97885 NA NA
incRt(data = incubation.analysis[[1]], = "temperature",
limits = NULL,
coor = c(39.5, 40.5), # choose your coordinates
activity.times = FALSE,
civil.twilight = TRUE, = "GMT")
## date day.mean day.var night.mean night.var
## 1 2015-05-07 30.63784 29.76609 33.34038 1.265154
## 2 2015-05-08 25.76023 148.19003 NA NA
calculates i) the number of on and off-bouts per day along with their average duration and ii) the starting time, duration, starting temperature and final temperature for every on and off-bout detected by incRscan
bouts <- incRbouts(data = incubation.analysis[[1]],
vector.incubation = "incR_score",
sampling.rate = incubation.analysis[[1]]$dec_time[56] - incubation.analysis[[1]]$dec_time[55], # sampling interval
dec_time = "dec_time",
temp = "temperature")
# the results are in two tables
## [1] "total_bouts" "day_bouts"
# bouts per day
## date number.on.bouts mean.time.on.bout
## 1 2015-05-07 33 32 0.6863636
## 2 2015-05-08 8 7 1.3812500
## 1 0.1921875
## 2 0.7214286
# bout specific data
## date type start_time duration start_temp final_temp
## 1 2015-05-07 onbout 0.033 6.90 31.456 32.018
## 2 2015-05-07 offbout 5.783 1.55 30.457 10.374
## 3 2015-05-07 onbout 7.067 0.80 12.128 32.455
## 4 2015-05-07 offbout 7.733 0.55 31.206 18.829
## 5 2015-05-07 onbout 8.200 1.15 19.831 33.141
## 6 2015-05-07 offbout 9.150 0.20 32.080 27.959
Please, if you use the package, cite it as:
incR: a free new R package to analyse incubation behaviour. Pablo Capilla-Lasheras. bioRxiv 232520; doi: