News for package ‘iarm’
Changes in Version 0.4.1
- Unadjusted and adjusted p values included in several functions.
- Rest score calculation for LD detection in both possible ways.
- fixed a bug in item-restscore().
- fixed a bug in ICCplot().
Changes in Version 0.4.0
- added a plotting function for ICCs.
Changes in Version 0.3.0
- Correction method for multiple testing included.
- person_estimates() accepts raschmodel objects.
- clr_tests() accepts single factors or a data frame with several variables.
- item_obsexp(), item_restscore(), out_infit() and boot_fit() use only complete data.
- Package mRm is not maintained anymore, mrm() has been replaced by raschmodel().
- fixed a bug in item_obsexp().
Changes in Version 0.2.0
- bug fix for input arguments of partgam
- added functions partgam_LD and partgam_DIF
- person_estimates accepts now items with different number of levels, calculates person measures for all persons in the data set.
- test_prop accepts pcmodel object as input.