This short document analyses the climate change dataset originally presented in the hyperdirichlet R package1 but using the hyper2 package instead. Lay perception of climate change is a complex and interesting process2 here we assess the engagement of non-experts by the use of “icons” (this word is standard in this context. An icon is a “representative symbol”) that illustrate different impacts of climate change.

Here we analyse results of one experiment3, in which subjects were presented with a set of icons of climate change and asked to identify which of them they find most concerning. Six icons were used: PB [polar bears, which face extinction through loss of ice floe hunting grounds], NB [the Norfolk Broads, which flood due to intense rainfall events], L [London flooding, as a result of sea level rise], THC [the thermo-haline circulation, which may slow or stop as a result of anthropogenic modification of the water cycle], OA [oceanic acidification as a result of anthropogenic emissions of \({\mathrm C}{\mathrm O}_2\)], and WAIS [the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which is rapidly calving as a result of climate change].

Methodological constraints dictated that each respondent could be presented with a maximum of four icons. The R idiom below (dataset icons in the package) shows the experimental results.

M <- matrix(c(
    5 , 3 , NA,  4, NA,   3,
    3 , NA,  5,  8, NA,   2,
    NA,  4,  9,  2, NA,   1,
    10,  3, NA,  3,  4,  NA,
    4 , NA,  5,  6,  3,  NA,
    NA,  4,  3,  1,  3,  NA,
    5 ,  1, NA, NA,  1,   2,
    5 , NA,  1, NA,  1,   1,
    NA,  9,  7, NA,  2,   0)
  , byrow=TRUE,ncol=6)
colnames(M) <- c("NB","L","PB","THC","OA","WAIS")
##       NB  L PB THC OA WAIS
##  [1,]  5  3 NA   4 NA    3
##  [2,]  3 NA  5   8 NA    2
##  [3,] NA  4  9   2 NA    1
##  [4,] 10  3 NA   3  4   NA
##  [5,]  4 NA  5   6  3   NA
##  [6,] NA  4  3   1  3   NA
##  [7,]  5  1 NA  NA  1    2
##  [8,]  5 NA  1  NA  1    1
##  [9,] NA  9  7  NA  2    0

(M is called icons_matrix in the package). Each row of M corresponds to a particular cue given to respondents. The first row, for example, means that a total of \(5+3+4+3=15\) people were shown icons NB, L, TCH, WAIS [column names of the the non-NA entries]; 5 people chose NB as most concerning, 3 chose L, and so on. The dataset is more fully described in the hyperdirichlet package. To recreate the icons likelihood function in the hyper2 package, we use the saffy() function:

icons <- saffy(M)
## NB^32 * (NB + L + THC + OA)^-20 * (NB + L + THC + WAIS)^-15 * (NB
## + L + OA + WAIS)^-9 * (NB + PB + THC + OA)^-18 * (NB + PB + THC +
## WAIS)^-18 * (NB + PB + OA + WAIS)^-8 * L^24 * (L + PB + THC +
## OA)^-11 * (L + PB + THC + WAIS)^-16 * (L + PB + OA + WAIS)^-18 *
## PB^30 * THC^24 * OA^14 * WAIS^9

At this point, the icons object as created above is mathematically identical to icons object in the hyperdirichlet package (and indeed the hyper2 package), but the terms might appear in a different order.

Analysis of the icons dataset

The first step is to find the maximum likelihood estimate for the icons likelihood:

mic <- maxp(icons)
##         NB          L         PB        THC         OA       WAIS 
## 0.25230411 0.17364433 0.22458188 0.17011281 0.11068604 0.06867083

We also need the log-likelihood at an unconstrained maximum:

L1 <- loglik(icons,indep(mic))
## [1] -174.9974

Agreeing to 4 decimal places with the value given in the hyperdirichlet package.

The next step is to assess a number of hypotheses concerning the relative sizes of \(p_1\) through \(p_6\).

Hypothesis 1: \(p_1\geqslant 1/6\)

Following the analysis in Hankin 2010, we first observe that NB [the Norfolk Broads] is the largest-probability icon (as expected on theoretical grounds by O’Neill). This would suggest that \(p_1\) is large, in some sense. Consider the hypothesis that \(p_1\leqslant 1/6\) and to that end perform a constrained optimization, with (active) constraint that \(p_1\leqslant 1/6\). This is most easily done by imposing additional constraints to the maxp() function via the fcm and fcv arguments:

small <- 1e-6  #  ensure start at an interior point
maxlike_constrained <- 
    maxp(icons, startp=indep(equalp(icons))-c(small,0,0,0,0),
         give=TRUE, fcm=c(-1,0,0,0,0),fcv= -1/6)
## $par
## [1] 0.1666667 0.1916197 0.2681047 0.1835885 0.1190362
## $value
## [1] -177.6602
## $counts
## function gradient 
##      763      109 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
## $outer.iterations
## [1] 3
## $barrier.value
## [1] 0.00015538

Note that the value of \(p_1\) is equal to \(1/6\): the maximum is on the boundary of the admissible region. The extra support is given by

ES <- L1-maxlike_constrained$value 
## [1] 2.662764

(compare 2.608181 from the hyperdirichlet package). This exceeds Edwards’s two-units-of-support criterion; a \(p\)-value would be

## [1] 0.02101524

both of which would indicate that we may reject that hypothesis that \(p_1\leqslant 1/6\) and thereby infer \(p_1>\frac{1}{6}\).

Hypothesis 2: \(p_1\geqslant\max\left(p_2,\ldots,p_6\right)\)

Another constrained likelihood maximization, although this one is not possible with convex constraints. We have to compare L1 against the maximum likelihood over the region defined by \(p_1\) being greater than at least one of \(p_2,\ldots,p_6\). The union of convex sets is not necessarily convex (think two-way Venn diagrams). As far as I can see, the only way to do it is to perform a sequence of five constrained optimizations: \(p_1\leqslant p_2, p_1\leqslant p_3, p_1\leqslant p_4, p_1\leqslant p_5\). The fillup constraint would be \(p_1\leqslant p_6\longrightarrow 2p_1+p_2+\ldots p_5\leqslant 1\). We then choose the largest likelihood from the five.

o <- function(Ul,Cl,startp,give=FALSE){
    small <- 1e-6  #  ensure start at an interior point
    if(missing(startp)){startp <- small*(1:5)+rep(0.1,5)}           
    out <- maxp(icons, startp=small*(1:5)+rep(0.1,5), give=TRUE, fcm=Ul,fcv=Cl)

p2max <- o(c(-1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 0)
p3max <- o(c(-1, 0, 1, 0, 0), 0)
p4max <- o(c(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0), 0)
p5max <- o(c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0)
p6max <- o(c(-2,-1,-1,-1,-1),-1)

(the final line is different because \(p_6\) is the fillup value).

likes <- c(p2max,p3max,p4max,p5max,p6max)
## [1] -175.8237 -175.0836 -175.9986 -178.2043 -181.4944
ml <- max(likes) 
## [1] -175.0836

Thus the first element of likes corresponds to the maximum likelihood, constrained so that \(p_1\leqslant p_2\); the second element corresponds to the constraint that \(p_1\leqslant p_3\), and so on. The largest likelihood is the easiest constraint to break, in this case \(p_1\leqslant p_3\): this makes sense because \(p_3\) has the second highest MLE after \(p_1\). The extra likelihood is given by

## [1] 0.08613913

(the hyperdirichlet package gives 0.0853 here, a suprisingly small discrepancy given the difficulties of optimizing over a nonconvex region). We conclude that there is no evidence for \(p_1\geqslant\max\left(p_2,\ldots,p_6\right)\).

It’s worth looking at the evaluate too:

o(c(-1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 0,give=TRUE)$par
## [1] 0.2120674 0.2120674 0.2302719 0.1649972 0.1121906
o(c(-1, 0, 1, 0, 0), 0,give=TRUE)$par
## [1] 0.2377191 0.1736393 0.2377192 0.1718361 0.1100634
o(c(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0), 0,give=TRUE)$par
## [1] 0.2109081 0.1787235 0.2230625 0.2109081 0.1071554
o(c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0,give=TRUE)$par
## [1] 0.1809502 0.1764378 0.2285099 0.1651894 0.1809502
## [1] 0.1585836 0.1776468 0.2326462 0.1646608 0.1078789

Low frequency responses

The next hypothesis was testing the smallness of \(p_5+p_6\), and we suspected that \(p_5+p_6 < \frac{1}{3}\). This translates into optimizing subject to \(p_5+p_6\geqslant\frac{1}{3}\), and the required constraint is \(-p_1-p_2-p_3-p_4\geqslant-\frac{2}{3}\) (because \(p_5+p_6=1-p_1-p_2-p_3-p_4\)). Dead easy:

jj <- o(c(-1,-1,-1,-1,0) , -2/3, give=TRUE,start=indep((1:6)/21))$value
## [1] -182.2108

then the extra support is

## [1] 7.213359

(compare 7.711396 in hyperdirichlet, not sure why the discrepancy is so large).

Final example

The final example was \(\max\left\{p_5,p_6\right\}\geqslant\min\left\{p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4\right\}\). This means the optimization is constrained so that at least one of \(\left\{p_5,p_6\right\}\) exceeds at least one of \(\left\{p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4\right\}\). So we have the union of the various possibilities:

\[ \bigcup_{j\in\left\{5,6\right\}\atop k\in\left\{1,2,3,4\right\}} \left\{\left(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4,p_5,p_6\right)\left|\sum p_i=1, p_j\geqslant p_k\right.\right\} \]

and of course \(p_6\geqslant p_2\), say, translates to \(-p_1-2p_2-p_3-p_4-p_5\geqslant -1\).

start <- indep(c(small,small,small,small,0.5-2*small,0.5-2*small))
jj <- c(
   o(c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0,start=start),
   o(c( 0,-1, 0, 0, 1), 0,start=start),
   o(c( 0, 0,-1, 0, 1), 0,start=start),
   o(c( 0, 0, 0,-1, 1), 0,start=start),

## [1] -178.2043 -175.9429 -177.3242 -175.7738 -181.4944 -177.9784 -180.4066
## [8] -177.7537
## [1] -175.7738

So the extra support is

## [1] 0.7763474

(compare hyperdirichlet which gives 3.16, not sure why the difference). We should look at the maximum value:

   o(c( 0, 0, 0,-1, 1), 0,give=TRUE,start=start)
## $par
## [1] 0.2531001 0.1702956 0.2177958 0.1448582 0.1448582
## $value
## [1] -175.7738
## $counts
## function gradient 
##      464       73 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
## $outer.iterations
## [1] 2
## $barrier.value
## [1] 0.0001725539

So the evaluate is at the boundary, for \(p_4=p_5\). I have no explanation for the discrepancy between this and that in the hyperdirichlet package.

  1. RKS Hankin 2010. “A generalization of the Dirichlet distribution”, Journal of Statistical Software, 33:11

  2. SC Moser and L Dilling 2007. “Creating a climate for change: communicating climate change and facilitating social change”. Cambridge University Press

  3. S. O’Neill 2007. “An Iconic Approach to Representing Climate Change”, School of Environmental Science, University of East Anglia