Helsinki open data R tools


helsinki - tutorial

This R package provides tools to access open data from the Helsinki region in Finland as part of the rOpenGov project.

For contact information and source code, see the github page.

Available data sources

Helsinki region district maps (Helsingin seudun aluejakokartat)

Helsinki Real Estate Department (HKK:n avointa dataa)

Helsinki region environmental services (HSY:n avointa dataa)

Service and event information

Helsinki Region Infoshare statistics API

List of potential data sources to be added to the package can be found here.


Release version for general users:


Development version for developers:

install_github("helsinki", "ropengov")

Load package.


Helsinki region district maps

Helsinki region district maps (Helsingin seudun aluejakokartat) and election maps (äänestysalueet) from Helsingin kaupungin Kiinteistövirasto (HKK) are available in the helsinki package with data(aluejakokartat). The data are available as both spatial object (sp) and data frame (df). These are preprocessed in the gisfin package, and more examples can be found in the gisfin tutorial.

# Load aluejakokartat and study contents
str(aluejakokartat, m=2)
## List of 2
##  $ sp:List of 8
##   ..$ kunta            :Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ pienalue         :Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ pienalue_piste   :Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ suuralue         :Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ suuralue_piste   :Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ tilastoalue      :Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ tilastoalue_piste:Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..$ aanestysalue     :Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##  $ df:List of 8
##   ..$ kunta            :'data.frame':    1664 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ pienalue         :'data.frame':    33594 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ pienalue_piste   :'data.frame':    295 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ suuralue         :'data.frame':    6873 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ suuralue_piste   :'data.frame':    23 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ tilastoalue      :'data.frame':    17279 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ tilastoalue_piste:'data.frame':    125 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ aanestysalue     :'data.frame':    35349 obs. of  11 variables:

Helsinki region environmental services

Retrieve data from Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut (HSY) with get_hsy().

Population grid

Population grid (väestötietoruudukko) with 250m x 250m grid size in year 2013 contains the number of people in different age groups. The most rarely populated grids are left out (0-4 persons), and grids with less than 99 persons are censored with ‘99’ to guarantee privacy.

sp.vaesto <- get_hsy("Vaestotietoruudukko", which.year=2013)

Helsinki building information

Building information grid (rakennustietoruudukko) in Helsinki region on grid-level (500m x 500m): building counts (lukumäärä), built area (kerrosala), usage (käyttötarkoitus), and region efficiency (aluetehokkuus).

sp.rakennus <- get_hsy("Rakennustietoruudukko", which.year=2013)  

Helsinki building area capacity

Building area capacity per municipal region (kaupunginosittain summattua tietoa rakennusmaavarannosta). Plot with number of buildlings with spplot().

sp.ramava <- get_hsy("SeutuRAMAVA_tila", which.year=2013)  
# Values with less than five units are given as 999999999, set those to zero
sp.ramava@data[sp.ramava@data==999999999] <- 0
# Plot number of buildings for each region
spplot(sp.ramava, zcol="RAKLKM", main="Number of buildings in each 'tilastoalue'", col.regions=colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'gray80', 'red'))(100))

Service and event information

Function get_servicemap() retrieves regional service data from the new Service Map API, that contains data from the Service Map.

# Search for "puisto" (park) (specify q="query")
search.puisto <- get_servicemap(query="search", q="puisto")
# Study results
str(search.puisto, m=1)
## List of 4
##  $ count   : num 1891
##  $ next    : chr ""
##  $ previous: NULL
##  $ results :List of 20
# A lot of results found (count > 1000)
# Get names for the first 20 results
sapply(search.puisto$results, function(x) x$name$fi)
##  [1] "Mankkaan asukaspuisto"              
##  [2] "Tapiolan asukaspuisto"              
##  [3] "Hurtigin puisto"                    
##  [4] "Olarin asukaspuisto"                
##  [5] "Perkkaan asukaspuisto"              
##  [6] "Kaupungintalon puisto"              
##  [7] "Matinkylän asukaspuisto"            
##  [8] "Kylätalo Palttinan asukaspuisto"    
##  [9] "Asematien puisto"                   
## [10] "Karakallion asukaspuisto"           
## [11] "Suvelan asukaspuisto"               
## [12] "Leppävaaran asukaspuisto"           
## [13] "Viherkallion asukaspuisto"          
## [14] "Stenbergin puisto"                  
## [15] "Kasavuoren puisto"                  
## [16] "Nurmilinnunpuisto"                  
## [17] "Itärannan puisto/ Otsonlahdenpuisto"
## [18] "Kotitontunpuisto"                   
## [19] "Marketanpuisto"                     
## [20] "Niittykummunpuisto"
# See what data is given for one service
##  [1] "id"                        "connections"              
##  [3] "accessibility_properties"  "identifiers"              
##  [5] "data_source_url"           "name"                     
##  [7] "description"               "provider_type"            
##  [9] "street_address"            "address_zip"              
## [11] "phone"                     "email"                    
## [13] "www_url"                   "address_postal_full"      
## [15] "extensions"                "picture_url"              
## [17] "picture_caption"           "origin_last_modified_time"
## [19] "root_services"             "department"               
## [21] "organization"              "municipality"             
## [23] "services"                  "divisions"                
## [25] "keywords"                  "location"                 
## [27] "object_type"               "score"
# More results could be retrieved by specifying 'page=2' etc.

Function get_linkedevents() retrieves regional event data from the new Linked Events API.

# Searh for current events
events <- get_linkedevents(query="event")
# Get names for the first 20 results
sapply(events$data, function(x) x$name$fi)
##  [1] "Ennakkoluulijat"                  "Pieni alkusoitto"                
##  [3] "Pieni alkusoitto"                 "Pieni alkusoitto"                
##  [5] "Muusikkotapaaminen"               "Pieni alkusoitto"                
##  [7] "Muusikkotapaaminen"               "Ennakkoluulijat"                 
##  [9] "Pieni alkusoitto"                 "Pieni alkusoitto"                
## [11] "Muusikkotapaaminen"               "Ennakkoluulijat"                 
## [13] "Pieni alkusoitto"                 "Pieni alkusoitto"                
## [15] "Ennakkoluulijat"                  "Yhdessä!-kamarimusiikkikonsertti"
## [17] "Kamarimusiikkia kaupungintalolla" "Kamarimusiikkia kaupungintalolla"
## [19] "Kenraaliharjoitus"                "Kenraaliharjoitus"
# See what data is given for the first event
##  [1] "id"                  "location"            "keywords"           
##  [4] "super_event"         "event_status"        "external_links"     
##  [7] "offers"              "data_source"         "publisher"          
## [10] "sub_events"          "in_language"         "audience"           
## [13] "custom_data"         "origin_id"           "created_time"       
## [16] "last_modified_time"  "date_published"      "start_time"         
## [19] "end_time"            "super_event_type"    "provider"           
## [22] "location_extra_info" "description"         "info_url"           
## [25] "headline"            "short_description"   "name"               
## [28] "secondary_headline"  "@id"                 "@context"           
## [31] "@type"               "image"

Helsinki Region Infoshare statistics API

Function get_hri_stats() retrieves data from the Helsinki Region Infoshare statistics API.

# Retrieve list of available data
stats.list <- get_hri_stats(query="")
# Show first results
##                                      NULL 
##             "L113_viheralue_kaupunginosa" 
##                                      NULL 
##                      "L32_yksikkopaastot" 
##                                      NULL 
##                   "J1_loppusijoitettavat" 
##                                      NULL 
##                    "I13_maailman_paastot" 
##                                      NULL 
##       "J13_sekajatteen_maara_kiinteistot" 
##  Helsingin väestö äidinkielen mukaan 1.1. 
## "aluesarjat_a03s_hki_vakiluku_aidinkieli"

Specify a dataset to retrieve. The output is currently a three-dimensional array.

# Retrieve a specific dataset
stats.res <- get_hri_stats(query=stats.list[1])
# Show the structure of the results
##  num [1:6, 1:34] 11606 5607 2.07 0.65 0.15 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ muuttuja  : chr [1:6] "Asukkaita" "Asukastiheys (hlö/km2)" "Maapinta-ala (km2)" "Viheralueiden pinta-ala (km2)" ...
##   ..$ peruspiiri: chr [1:34] "Vironniemi" "Ullanlinna" "Kampinmalmi" "Taka-Töölö" ...

The implementation will be updated and more examples will be added in the near future.


**Citing the data:** See help() to get citation information for each data source individually.

Citing the R package:


Kindly cite the helsinki R package as follows:

  (C) Juuso Parkkinen, Leo Lahti and Joona Lehtomaki 2014.
  helsinki R package

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {helsinki R package},
    author = {Juuso Parkkinen and Leo Lahti and Joona Lehtomaki},
    year = {2014},

Many thanks for all contributors! For more info, see:

Session info

This vignette was created with

## R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.3
## locale:
## [1] C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] helsinki_0.9.29 RCurl_1.95-4.8  bitops_1.0-6    maptools_0.8-39
## [5] sp_1.2-3       
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.9     lattice_0.20-34 digest_0.6.12   grid_3.3.2     
##  [5] magrittr_1.5    evaluate_0.10   stringi_1.1.2   rmarkdown_0.9.6
##  [9] rjson_0.2.15    tools_3.3.2     stringr_1.1.0   foreign_0.8-67 
## [13] yaml_2.1.14     htmltools_0.3.5 knitr_1.15.1