Version 3.3

Version 3.2

Version 3.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.16

Version 2.15

Version 2.14

Version 2.13

* Added color options to hdr.boxplot.2d().

Version 2.12

* Modified hdr(), hdr.boxplot() and hdr.den() to allow a Box-Cox transformation to be used when computing the density. This allows the density estimate to be non-zero only on the positive real line.

Version 2.11

Version 2.10

Version 2.09

Version 2.08

* Bug fix in hdr.boxplot.2d(). It would sometimes plot outliers on a separate plot.
* New argument to hdr.boxplot.2d() to allow the density to be estimated using the kde() function from the ks package.