stands for Hydrological Data Discovery Tools. This R package is an open source project designed to facilitate access to a variety of online open data sources relevant for hydrologists and, in general, environmental scientists and practitioners.
This typically implies the download of a metadata catalogue, selection of information needed, a formal request for dataset(s), de-compression, conversion, manual filtering and parsing. All those operations are made more efficient by re-usable functions.
Depending on the data license, functions can provide offline and/or online modes. When redistribution is allowed, for instance, a copy of the dataset is cached within the package and updated twice a year. This is the fastest option and also allows offline use of package’s functions. When re-distribution is not allowed, only online mode is provided.
Get the stable version from CRAN:
Or the development version from GitHub using the package remotes
Load the hddtools
The package contains functions to interact with the data providers listed below. For examples of the various functionalities see the vignette.
KGClimateClass: The Koppen Climate Classification map is used for classifying the world’s climates based on the annual and monthly averages of temperature and precipitation.
GRDC: The Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) provides datasets for all the major rivers in the world.
Data60UK: The Data60UK initiative collated datasets of areal precipitation and streamflow discharge across 61 gauging sites in England and Wales (UK).
MOPEX: This dataset contains historical hydrometeorological data and river basin characteristics for hundreds of river basins in the US.
SEPA: The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) provides river level data for hundreds of gauging stations in the UK.
: citation(package = "rdefra")