gtsummary 1.3.2

gtsummary 1.3.1

New Functions

User-facing Updates

Internal Updates

Bug Fixes

gtsummary 1.3.0

New Functions

User-facing Updates

Internal Updates

Bug Fixes

gtsummary 1.2.6

gtsummary 1.2.5


Breaking changes


User-facing improvements

Other features and fixes

gtsummary 1.2.4

gtsummary 1.2.3

gtsummary 1.2.2

New Features


Other Updates

gtsummary 1.2.1

gtsummary 1.2.0

    bold_p()            <-  tab_style_bold_p()  
    bold_labels()       <-  tab_style_bold_labels()  
    bold_levels()       <-  tab_style_bold_levels()  
    italicize_labels()  <-  tab_style_italicize_labels()  
    italicize_levels()  <-  tab_style_italicize_levels()  

gtsummary 1.1.1

gtsummary 1.1.0

gtsummary 1.0.0

First release since major re-factoring. The {gt} package is now used as the print engine to create all tables. Some function names have been modified to be more in line with other {gt} function calls, and additional functions have been added. The API for some functions has also been updated. Review documentation and vignettes for details.

Updated Function Names

    tbl_summary()       <-  fmt_table1()  
    tbl_regression()    <-  fmt_regression()  
    tbl_uvregression()  <-  fmt_uni_regression()  
    style_pvalue()      <-  fmt_pvalue()  
    style_percent       <-  fmt_percent()  
    style_ratio         <-  fmt_beta()  

New Functions

    tbl_survival()          as_gt()  
    tbl_merge()             style_sigfig()  
    add_nevent()            gtsummary_logo()

gtsummary 0.1.0

First version of package available here.