Tests and Coverage

06 May, 2020 19:37:25

This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
gsDesign 21.25
R/gsBinomialExact.R 0.00
R/gsMethods.R 0.00
R/gsqplot.R 0.00
R/gsSimulate.R 0.00
R/gsSurv.R 0.00
R/gsSurvival.R 0.00
R/nBinomial1Sample.r 0.00
R/nEvents.R 0.00
R/nNormal.R 0.00
R/ssrCP.R 0.00
R/varBinomial.R 0.00
R/xtable.R 0.00
R/gsCP.R 2.86
R/gsSpending.R 12.32
R/gsNormalGrid.R 28.57
R/gsUtilities.R 45.38
R/gsWTPT.R 72.22
R/gsBinomial.R 73.94
R/gsDesign.R 76.05
R/sequentialPValue.r 96.77

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-base.R 394 32.556 0 0 0 0
test-binomial_inputs.R 29 0.064 0 0 0 0
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R 29 0.098 0 0 0 0
test-binomial_stress.R 27 0.719 0 0 0 0
test-cibinomial_inputs.R 27 0.042 0 0 0 0
test-gs_inputs.R 106 0.298 0 0 0 0
test-gs_probability.R 18 0.024 0 0 0 0
test-gs_stress.R 30 29.422 0 0 0 0
test-nbinomial_inputs.R 32 0.079 0 0 0 0
test-normal_grid_inputs.R 12 0.025 0 0 0 0
test-outputs.R 48 2.221 0 0 0 0
test-plot_inputs.R 8 0.012 0 0 0 0
test-sequentialPValue.R 7 0.159 0 0 0 0
test-sequentialPValueInputs.R 14 0.124 0 0 0 0
test-sf_inputs.R 28 0.036 0 0 0 0

Show Detailed Test Results

file context test status n time
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.027
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.alpha PASS 4 0.010
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.n1 PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.n2 PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.009
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.tol PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.x1 PASS 4 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.x2 PASS 4 0.009
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound.falsepos PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound.I PASS 3 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound.r PASS 4 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound.tol PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound.trueneg PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.a PASS 2 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.I PASS 3 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.probhi PASS 4 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.r PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.theta PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsbound1.tol PASS 2 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.gsBoundCP.r PASS 4 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.gsBoundCP.theta PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsBoundCP.x PASS 1 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.gsCP.r PASS 4 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.gsCP.x PASS 1 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.alpha PASS 5 0.011
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.astar PASS 5 0.013
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.beta PASS 5 0.011
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.delta PASS 3 0.007
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.k PASS 6 0.169
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.maxn.I PASS 1 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.n.fix PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.n.I PASS 1 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.r PASS 4 0.009
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.sfl PASS 2 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.sflpar PASS 2 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.sfu PASS 2 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.sfupar PASS 2 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.test.type PASS 9 0.017
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.timing PASS 6 0.012
test-base.R base tests test.gsDesign.tol PASS 4 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type1 PASS 1 0.104
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type2 PASS 1 0.106
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type3 PASS 1 0.956
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type4 PASS 1 0.235
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type5 PASS 1 0.090
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfExp.type6 PASS 1 0.134
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type1 PASS 1 0.080
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type2 PASS 1 0.075
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type3 PASS 1 0.593
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type4 PASS 1 0.158
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type5 PASS 1 0.065
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfHSD.type6 PASS 1 0.097
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type1 PASS 1 1.029
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type2 PASS 1 0.557
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type3 PASS 1 7.422
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type4 PASS 1 1.768
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type5 PASS 1 0.778
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDOF.type6 PASS 1 1.234
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type1 PASS 1 0.983
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type2 PASS 1 0.433
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type3 PASS 1 6.885
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type4 PASS 1 1.621
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type5 PASS 1 0.575
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfLDPocock.type6 PASS 1 1.023
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type1 PASS 1 0.117
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type2 PASS 1 0.114
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type3 PASS 1 1.284
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type4 PASS 1 0.216
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type5 PASS 1 0.080
test-base.R base tests test.stress.sfPower.type6 PASS 1 0.136
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.a PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.b PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.k PASS 5 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.n.I PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.r PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.gsProbability.theta PASS 1 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.alpha PASS 5 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.beta PASS 4 0.007
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.delta0 PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.outtype PASS 4 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.p1 PASS 3 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.p2 PASS 3 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.ratio PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.sided PASS 4 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.normalGrid.bounds PASS 3 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.normalGrid.mu PASS 2 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.normalGrid.r PASS 4 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.normalGrid.sigma PASS 3 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.Deming.gsProb PASS 4 0.013
test-base.R base tests test.Deming.OFbound PASS 1 0.025
test-base.R base tests test.JT.OFss PASS 4 0.257
test-base.R base tests test.JT.Pocock PASS 6 0.160
test-base.R base tests test.JT.Power.symm PASS 9 0.056
test-base.R base tests test.JT.Power.type3 PASS 18 1.502
test-base.R base tests test.JT.WT PASS 6 0.256
test-base.R base tests test.plot.gsDesign.plottype PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.plot.gsProbability.plottype PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.sfcauchy.param PASS 2 0.001
test-base.R base tests test.sfcauchy.param PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.sfexp.param PASS 4 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.sfHSD.param PASS 4 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.sflogistic.param PASS 2 0.001
test-base.R base tests test.sflogistic.param PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.sfnorm.param PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.sfnorm.param PASS 2 0.002
test-base.R base tests test.sfpower.param PASS 3 0.003
test-base.R base tests test.sfTDist.param PASS 4 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.sfTDist.param PASS 1 0.001
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.014
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.chisq PASS 4 0.016
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.delta0 PASS 4 0.022
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.n1 PASS 3 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.n2 PASS 3 0.005
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.p1 PASS 4 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.p2 PASS 4 0.006
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.011
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.013
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.chisq PASS 4 0.010
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.delta0 PASS 4 0.013
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.n1 PASS 2 0.007
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.n2 PASS 2 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.007
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.tol PASS 2 0.004
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.x1 PASS 4 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.x2 PASS 4 0.008
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.misc PASS 3 0.114
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.ORscale.Infinity PASS 6 0.084
test-base.R base tests test.ciBinomial.RRscale.Infinity PASS 2 0.022
test-base.R base tests test.nBinomial.misc PASS 6 0.011
test-base.R base tests test.simBinomial.misc PASS 6 0.394
test-base.R base tests test.testBinomial.numerics PASS 4 0.010
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.x2 PASS 4 0.009
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.x1 PASS 4 0.008
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.tol PASS 2 0.004
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.008
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.n2 PASS 2 0.003
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.n1 PASS 2 0.002
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.delta0 PASS 4 0.011
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.chisq PASS 4 0.008
test-binomial_inputs.R binomial inputs test.testBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.011
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.017
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.chisq PASS 4 0.019
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.delta0 PASS 4 0.029
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.n1 PASS 3 0.005
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.n2 PASS 3 0.005
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.p1 PASS 4 0.007
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.p2 PASS 4 0.007
test-binomial_sim_inputs.R binomial sim inputs test.simBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.009
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.simBinomial.misc PASS 6 0.460
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.testBinomial.numerics PASS 4 0.010
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.nBinomial.misc PASS 6 0.012
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.ciBinomial.RRscale.Infinity PASS 2 0.022
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.ciBinomial.ORscale.Infinity PASS 6 0.086
test-binomial_stress.R binomial stress test.ciBinomial.misc PASS 3 0.129
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.adj PASS 4 0.008
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.alpha PASS 4 0.007
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.n1 PASS 3 0.004
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.n2 PASS 3 0.004
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.005
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.tol PASS 2 0.002
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.x1 PASS 4 0.006
test-cibinomial_inputs.R ci binomial inputs test.ciBinomial.x2 PASS 4 0.006
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.alpha PASS 5 0.006
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.astar PASS 5 0.007
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.beta PASS 5 0.006
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.delta PASS 3 0.005
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.k PASS 6 0.150
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.maxn.I PASS 1 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.n.fix PASS 3 0.006
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.n.I PASS 1 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.r PASS 4 0.012
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.sfl PASS 2 0.007
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.sflpar PASS 2 0.006
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.sfu PASS 2 0.005
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.sfupar PASS 2 0.005
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.test.type PASS 9 0.020
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.timing PASS 6 0.013
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsDesign.tol PASS 4 0.008
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsBoundCP.r PASS 4 0.004
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsBoundCP.theta PASS 2 0.001
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsBoundCP.x PASS 1 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsCP.r PASS 4 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsCP.x PASS 1 0.001
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.a PASS 2 0.001
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.I PASS 3 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.probhi PASS 4 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.r PASS 4 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.theta PASS 2 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound1.tol PASS 2 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound.falsepos PASS 4 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound.I PASS 3 0.002
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound.r PASS 4 0.003
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound.tol PASS 2 0.001
test-gs_inputs.R gs inputs test.gsbound.trueneg PASS 4 0.004
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.a PASS 2 0.002
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.b PASS 2 0.002
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.k PASS 5 0.007
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.n.I PASS 4 0.008
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.r PASS 4 0.004
test-gs_probability.R gs probability test.gsProbability.theta PASS 1 0.001
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type1 PASS 1 0.101
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type2 PASS 1 0.081
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type3 PASS 1 0.890
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type4 PASS 1 0.195
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type5 PASS 1 0.073
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfExp.type6 PASS 1 0.125
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type1 PASS 1 0.073
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type2 PASS 1 0.057
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type3 PASS 1 0.546
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type4 PASS 1 0.138
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type5 PASS 1 0.058
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfHSD.type6 PASS 1 0.084
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type1 PASS 1 0.977
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type2 PASS 1 0.558
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type3 PASS 1 7.453
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type4 PASS 1 1.840
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type5 PASS 1 0.699
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDOF.type6 PASS 1 1.263
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type1 PASS 1 0.955
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type2 PASS 1 0.481
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type3 PASS 1 7.154
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type4 PASS 1 1.762
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type5 PASS 1 0.659
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfLDPocock.type6 PASS 1 1.090
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type1 PASS 1 0.128
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type2 PASS 1 0.133
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type3 PASS 1 1.305
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type4 PASS 1 0.280
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type5 PASS 1 0.110
test-gs_stress.R gs stress test.stress.sfPower.type6 PASS 1 0.154
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.alpha PASS 5 0.010
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.beta PASS 4 0.009
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.delta0 PASS 3 0.011
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.outtype PASS 4 0.011
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.p1 PASS 3 0.004
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.p2 PASS 3 0.006
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.ratio PASS 3 0.008
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.scale PASS 3 0.010
test-nbinomial_inputs.R nbinomial inputs test.nBinomial.sided PASS 4 0.010
test-normal_grid_inputs.R normal grid inputs test.normalGrid.bounds PASS 3 0.007
test-normal_grid_inputs.R normal grid inputs test.normalGrid.mu PASS 2 0.004
test-normal_grid_inputs.R normal grid inputs test.normalGrid.r PASS 4 0.008
test-normal_grid_inputs.R normal grid inputs test.normalGrid.sigma PASS 3 0.006
test-outputs.R outputs test.Deming.gsProb PASS 4 0.015
test-outputs.R outputs test.Deming.OFbound PASS 1 0.035
test-outputs.R outputs test.JT.OFss PASS 4 0.276
test-outputs.R outputs test.JT.Pocock PASS 6 0.162
test-outputs.R outputs test.JT.Power.symm PASS 9 0.062
test-outputs.R outputs test.JT.Power.type3 PASS 18 1.496
test-outputs.R outputs test.JT.WT PASS 6 0.175
test-plot_inputs.R plot inputs test.plot.gsDesign.plottype PASS 4 0.006
test-plot_inputs.R plot inputs test.plot.gsProbability.plottype PASS 4 0.006
test-sequentialPValue.R sequential p-value not computed correctly PASS 6 0.116
test-sequentialPValue.R default n.I not used PASS 1 0.043
test-sequentialPValueInputs.R inappropriate input not flagged with error PASS 14 0.124
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfTDist.param PASS 4 0.006
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfTDist.param PASS 1 0.001
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfpower.param PASS 3 0.003
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfnorm.param PASS 2 0.002
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfnorm.param PASS 2 0.002
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sflogistic.param PASS 2 0.002
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sflogistic.param PASS 2 0.005
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfHSD.param PASS 4 0.005
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfexp.param PASS 4 0.004
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfcauchy.param PASS 2 0.003
test-sf_inputs.R sf inputs test.sfcauchy.param PASS 2 0.003

Session Info

Field Value
Version R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running macOS Mojave 10.14.4
Language en_US
Timezone America/New_York
Package Version
testthat 2.0.1
covr 3.2.1
covrpage 0.0.70