3.1.1, May, 2020 - Vignettes updated - Added hGraph() to support ggplot2 versions of multiplicity graphs - Eliminated unnecessary check from sequentialPValue - Targeted release to CRAN - Removed dependencies on reshape2, plyr - Updated continuous integration - Updated license
3.1.0, April, 2019 - Addition of pkgdown web site - Updated unit testing to from RUnit to testthat - Converted to ROxygen2 generation of help files - Converted vignettes to RMarkdown - Added Travis-CI and Appveyor support - Added sequentialPValue function - Backwards compatible addition of spending time capabilities to gsDesign and gsSurv
3.0-5, January, 2018 - registered C routines - fix “gsbound” - replace “array” by “rep” calls to avoid R CMD check warnings
3.0-4, September, 2017 - First Github-based release - Cleaned up documentation for nBinomial1Sample - Updated documentation and code (including one default value for an argument) for nBinomial1Sample to improve error handling and clarity - Updated sfLDOF to generalize with rho parameter; still backwards compatible for Lan-DeMets O’Brien-Fleming
3.0-3 (not released) - Introduced spending time as a separate concept from information time to enable concepts such as calendar-based spending functions. The only user function changed is the gsDesign function and the change is the addition of the parameters usTime and lsTime; default behavior is backwards compatible.
3.0-2, February, 2016 (not released) - Simplified conditional power section of gsDesignManual.pdf in doc directory - Corrected basic calculation in gsCP() - Eliminated deprecated ggplot2 function opts
3.0-1, January, 2016 - More changes to comply with R standards (in NAMESPACE - importFrom statements - and DESCRIPTION - adding plyr to imports) ensuring appropriate references. - Deleted link in documentation that no longer exists (gsBinomialExact.Rd). - Last planned RForge-based release; moving to Github.
3.0-0, December, 2015 - Updated xtable extension to meet R standards for extensions. - Fixed xtable.gsSurv and print.gsSurv to work with 1-sided designs - Update to calls to ggplot to replace show_guide (deprecated) with show.legend arguments where used in geom_text (function from ggplot2 package) calls; no user impact - Minor typo fixed in sfLogistic help file - Cleaned up “imports” and “depends” in an effort to be an R “good citizen” - Registered S3 methods in NAMESPACE
2.9-4 - Minor edit to package description to comply with R standards
2.9-3, November, 2014 - Added sfTrimmed as likely preferred spending function approach to skipping early or all interim efficacy analyses; this also can adjust bound when final analysis is performed with less than maximum planned information. Updated help(sfTrimmed) to demonstrate these capabilities. - Added sfGapped, which is primarily intended to eliminate futility analyses later in a study; see help(sfGapped) for an example - Added summary.spendfn to provide textual summary of spending functions; this simplified the print function for gsDesign objects - Added sfStep which can be used to set an interim spend when the exact amount of information is unknown; an example of how this can be misused is provided in the help file. - Fixed rounding so that gsBoundSummary, xtable.gsSurv and summary.gsDesign are consistent for gsSurv objects