gradeR 1.0.7

Bug fixes

Fixed the multiple assertions bugs in calcGrades and calcGradesForGradescope. If one test had multiple calls to some expect function, all but the first would be ignored. Now, they are all tested, and full points are awarded if and only if they are all true. Thanks to Al Fischer of WCU for spotting this!

Two bugs in the vignette were fixed as well. data.csv needed to be in the local directory from where calcGrades is called, and there shouldn’t be any setwd() calls in the test file.

gradeR 1.0.6

Extra things

gradeR 1.0.5

Extra things

gradeR 1.0.4

Extra things

-warnings that get triggered by running student submission can now be ignored.

gradeR 1.0.3

Extra things

-added a vignette with a fully-worked example

gradeR 1.0.2

Extra things

gradeR 1.0.1

Bug fixes

Fixed bug that prevents an odd number of submissions!

Extra things

Made the columns of the returned data frame a little prettier.

gradeR 1.0.0

First release!