Once setup, then you should go through the Google login flow in your browser when you run this command:
# starts auth process with defaults
#>The googleAuthR package is requesting access to your Google account. Select a
#> pre-authorised account or enter '0' to obtain a new token. Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort.
#> 1: mark@work.com
#> 2: home@home.com
The authentication cache token is kept at a global level as per the gargle
library documentation - see there for more details.
You can also specify your email to avoid the interactive menu:
These functions are usually wrapped in package specific functions when used in other packages, such as googleAnalyticsR::ga_auth()
Most libraries will set the appropriate options for you, otherwise you will need to supply them from the Google Cloud console, in its APIs & services > Credentials
section ( https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
You will need as a minimum:
Create Credentials > OAuth client ID > Other
- these are set in options(googleAuthR.client_id)
and options(googleAuthR.client_secret)
, or if you download the client ID JSON using gar_set_client()
RStudio addin.gar_auth()
or via a service account file JSON file, created via Create credentials > Service account key
.If creating your own library you can choose to supply some or all of the above to the end-user, as an end-user you may need to set some of the above (most usually your own user authentication).
Authentication cache tokens are kept at a global level on your computer. When you authenticate the first time with a new client.id, scope or email then you will go through the authentication process in the browser, however the next time it wil be cached and be a lot quicker.
# switching between auth scopes
# first time new scope manual auth, then auto if supplied email
gar_auth(email = "your@email.com",
scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive")
# ... query Google Drive functions ...
gar_auth(email = "your@email.com",
scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery")
# ..query BigQuery functions ...
Applicable before
googleAuthR < 1.0.0
If you supply a filename to googleAuthR::gar_auth(token = "filename")
then it will save the token there. If it doesn’t exist, it will make a new one, if it does exist it will attempt to read the token from that file. Relative and absolute filenames work.
You can use different token names to save different authentication settings such as with different scopes and client Ids.
An example switching between googleAnalyticsR
and searchConsoleR
authentication, assuming you have previously authenticated with two tokens, one name ga.httr-oauth
and one named sc.httr-oauth
# start with google analytics auth
# can run Google Analytics API calls:
# switch to Seach Console auth
# can now run Search Console API calls:
Alternatively, you can authenticate with both API services in the same token by specifying the scopes for the request - this determines what permission screen you get the first time you go through the OAuth2 flow.
You can access the scopes you required via the googleAuthR
RStudio plugin.
# set the scopes required
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics",
# you may also set the client id and secret here as well
options(googleAuthR.client_id = "XXXXXXX",
googleAuthR.client_secret = "XXXXXX")
# authenticate and go through the OAuth2 flow first time - specify a filename to save to by passing it in
gar_auth(token = "sc_ga.httr-oauth")
# can run Google Analytics API calls:
# and run Search Console API calls:
To avoid keeping track of which client_id/secret to use, Google offers a client ID JSON file you can download from the Google Cloud console here - https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
. Make sure the client ID type is Other
for desktop applications.
You can use this to set the client details before your first authentication. The above example would then be:
# set the scopes required
scopes = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics",
# set the client
gar_set_client("client-id.json", scopes = scopes)
# authenticate and go through the OAuth2 flow first time
# can run Google Analytics API calls:
# and run Search Console API calls:
You can also place the file location of your client ID JSON in the GAR_CLIENT_JSON
environment argument, where it will look for it by default:
Then you just need to supply the scopes:
Refer to this gargle article on how to authenticate in a non-interactive manner
You can also authenticate single users via a server side JSON file rather than going through the online OAuth2 flow. The end user could supply this JSON file, or you can upload your own JSON file to your applications. This is generally more secure if you know its only one user on the service, such as for Cloud services.
This involves downloading a secret JSON key with the authentication details. More details are available from Google here: Using OAuth2.0 for Server to Server Applications[https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount]
To use, go to your Project in the Google Developement Console and select JSON Key type. Save the JSON file to your computer and supply the file location to the function gar_auth_service()
The gar_service_create()
and related functions let you create service accounts from a user OAuth2 login. The user requires permission iam.serviceAccounts.create
for the project. Most often the user is an Owner/Editor.
The workflow for authenticating with a new key from R is:
or otherwise with the correct scopes to use the APISee this related Google help article or creating service accounts.
The above workflow is encapsulated within gar_service_provision()
which will run through them for you if you supply it with your GCP projects Client Id (another JSON file that identifies your project.)
Roles all start with roles/*
e.g. roles/editor
- a list of predefined roles are here or you can see roles within your GCP console here.
Navigate to the JSON file from the Google Developer Console via: Credentials > New credentials > Service account Key > Select service account > Key type = JSON
If you are using the JSON file, you must ensure:
An example using a service account JSON file for authentication is shown below:
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/urlshortner")
service_token <- gar_auth_service(json_file="~/location/of/the/json/secret.json")
analytics_url <- function(shortUrl,
timespan = c("allTime", "month", "week","day","twoHours")){
timespan <- match.arg(timespan)
f <- gar_api_generator("https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url",
pars_args = list(shortUrl = "shortUrl",
projection = "FULL"),
data_parse_function = function(x) {
a <- x$analytics
f(pars_arguments = list(shortUrl = shortUrl))
Another example is from the searchConsoleR
library - in this case we avoid using scr_auth()
to authenticate via the JSON, which has had the service email added to the Search Console web property as a user.
If you want to create a Shiny app just using your data, refer to the non-interactive authentication article on gargle
If you want to make a multi-user Shiny app, where users login to their own Google account and the app works with their data, googleAuthR
provides the below functions to help make the Google login process as easy as possible.
There are now these types of logins available, which suit different needs:
functions. These create a login UI before the main Shiny UI loads. Authentication occurs, and then the main UI loads but with the created unique user’s authentication. You can then use httr
based Google authentication functions normally as you would offline.googleAuth
module - this creates a reactive server side token object for your API calls. You need to wrap your googleAuthR
functions with with_shiny()
to pass the reactive token.googleAuth_js
module - this creates a client side token object via JavaScript, that you can then pass to your API calls. You need to wrap your googleAuthR
functions with with_shiny()
to pass the reactive token.googleSignIn
module - this is for when you just want to have a login, but do not need to make API calls. It is a lightweight JavaScript based sign in solution.googleAuthR
uses Shiny Modules. This means less code and the ability to have multiple login buttons on the same app.
To use modules, you need to use the functions ending with _UI
in your ui.R, then call the id you set there server side with the callModule(moduleName, "id")
syntax. See the examples below.
Remember that client IDs and secrets will need to be created for the examples below. You need to pick a clientID for web applications, not “Other” as is used for offline googleAuthR
In some platforms the URL you are authenticating from will not match the Docker container the script is running in (e.g. shinyapps.io or a kubernetes cluster) - in that case you can manually set it via options(googleAuthR.redirect = http://your-shiny-url.com
). In other circumstances the Shiny app should be able to detect this itself.
functions exampleThis uses the most modern gar_shiny_*
family of functions to create authentication. The app lists the files you have stored in Google Drive.
gar_set_client(scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive")
fileSearch <- function(query) {
data_parse_function = function(x) x$files)()
## ui.R
ui <- fluidPage(title = "googleAuthR Shiny Demo",
label = "Google Drive query",
value = "mimeType != 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'"),
## server.R
server <- function(input, output, session){
# create a non-reactive access_token as we should never get past this if not authenticated
output$gdrive <- renderTable({
# no need for with_shiny()
shinyApp(gar_shiny_ui(ui, login_ui = gar_shiny_login_ui), server)
module exampleThe Google Cloud project needs to be setup to accept the URL and port of your app (see setup pages). You can fix the port via options(shiny.port=1221)
, and then make sure if you launch your app locally to change the ip address from to localhost in your browser (Google doesn’t accept ip addresses).
## in global.R
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/urlshortener")
options(googleAuthR.webapp.client_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_KEY")
options(googleAuthR.webapp.client_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET")
shorten_url <- function(url){
body = list(
longUrl = url
f <- gar_api_generator("https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url",
data_parse_function = function(x) x$id)
f(the_body = body)
## server.R
server <- function(input, output, session){
## Create access token and render login button
access_token <- callModule(googleAuth, "loginButton")
short_url_output <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
## wrap existing function with_shiny
## pass the reactive token in shiny_access_token
## pass other named arguments
with_shiny(f = shorten_url,
shiny_access_token = access_token(),
output$short_url <- renderText({
## ui.R
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput("url", "Enter URL"),
actionButton("submit", "Shorten URL"),
### If the above global.R, server.R and ui.R files are in folder "test" like so:
## /home
## |->/test/
## /global.R
## /ui.R
## /server.R
## Port 1221 has been set in your Google Project options as the port to listen to
## as explained in authentication setup section
## run below in /home directory
shiny::runApp("./test/", launch.browser=T, port=1221)
By default the logout button causes a disconnect form the server, but you can use shinyjs
to improve the user experience via this bit of code:
if (rv$login) {
shinyjs::runjs("window.location.href = 'https://yourdomain.shinyapps.io/appName';"))
See this post on creating a Shiny App with a Google login for details.
module exampleThe Google Cloud project needs to be setup to accept JavaScript origin of the URL and port of your app ((see setup pages))note this is different from server-side configurations above). Make sure if you launch your app locally to change the ip address from to localhost in your browser (Google doesn’t accept ip addresses).
## ui.R
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput("url", "Enter URL"),
actionButton("submit", "Shorten URL"),
shorten_url <- function(url){
body = list(
longUrl = url
f <- gar_api_generator("https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url",
data_parse_function = function(x) x$id)
f(the_body = body)
## server.R
server <- function(input, output, session){
access_token <- callModule(googleAuth_js, "js_token")
short_url_output <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
## wrap existing function with_shiny
## pass the reactive token in shiny_access_token
## pass other named arguments
with_shiny(f = shorten_url,
shiny_access_token = access_token(),
output$short_url <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui, server)
module exampleThis module is suitable if you don’t need to authenticate APIs in your app, you just would like a login. You can then reach the user email, id, name or avatar to decide which content you want to show with durther logic within your Shiny app.
You only need to set the client.id
for this login, as no secrets are being created.
options(googleAuthR.webapp.client_id = "1080525199262-qecndq7frddi66vr35brgckc1md5rgcl.apps.googleusercontent.com")
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Sample Google Sign-In"),
with(tags, dl(dt("Name"), dd(textOutput("g_name")),
dt("Email"), dd(textOutput("g_email")),
dt("Image"), dd(uiOutput("g_image")) ))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
sign_ins <- shiny::callModule(googleSignIn, "demo")
output$g_name = renderText({ sign_ins()$name })
output$g_email = renderText({ sign_ins()$email })
output$g_image = renderUI({ img(src=sign_ins()$image) })
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
An RStudio Addin is available via the RStudio Addin menu once you load the package.
It lets you set the scopes and then saves you some typing by calling the Google authentication flow for you.
There are two functions that can be called from within RMarkdown for authentication. They use JavaScript, rather than R/Shiny to authenticate, as an RMarkdown document can not read the URL tokens.
A demo and example are available here: https://mark.shinyapps.io/googleAuthRMarkdown/
The RMarkdown document YAML needs runtime shiny and to be a HTML document:
output: html_document
runtime: shiny
Locally, you have to run the RMarkdown document on the specified port configured in Google console (1221
for the default shared project of googleAuthR
), configured via options(shiny.port = 1221)
This means you shouldn’t launch the RMarkdown via the Run button in RStudio as that starts a new R session without your set options.
Instead set the options and run via rmarkdown::run("myfile.Rmd")
options(shiny.port = 1221)
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me")
When publishing, you also need to add the domain to the Javascript origins in the Google API console. Use
where XXX is your chosen Shiny port for local testing.
Below creates a button that when clicked makes a popup for Google authentication:
The authentication token is available via the server side module command:
auth <- callModule(googleAuth_js, "auth_demo")
Pass the auth token to API functions. Below example using googleID to return G+ user info.
# devtools::install_github("MarkEdmondson1234/googleID")
user_info <- reactive({
shiny_access_token = auth())
You can now output the user data taken from the G+ API:
## creates an output
h1("Hello ", user_info()$displayName)
Auto-authentication can be performed upon a package load.
This requires the setup of environment variables either in your .Renviron
file or via Sys.setenv()
to point to a previously created authentication file. This file can be either a .httr-oauth
file created via gar_auth()
or a Google service account JSON downloaded from the Google API console.
This file will then be used for authentication via gar_auth_auto
. You can call this function yourself in scripts or R sessions, but its main intention is to be called in the .onAttach
function via gar_attach_auth_auto
, so that you will authenticate right after you load the library via library(yourlibrary)
An example from googleCloudStorageR
is shown below:
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
environment_var = "GCS_AUTH_FILE")
..which calls an environment variable set in ~/.Renvion
For local use, call gar_deauth()
to unauthentiucate a session. To avoid cache tokens being reused delete them from the gargle cache folder, usually ~/.R/gargle/gargle-oauth/
For service level accounts delete the JSON file.
For a Shiny app, a cookie is left by Google that will mean a faster login next time a user uses the app with no Authorization screen that they get the first time through. To force this every time, activate the parameter revoke=TRUE
within the googleAuth