Advice on R Package Building
Give advice about good practices when building R packages. Advice includes functions and syntax to avoid, package structure, code complexity, code formatting, etc.
# or
# install.packages("devtools")
# use example package contained in the goodpractice package
pkg_path <- system.file("bad1", package = "goodpractice")
g <- gp(pkg_path)
#> ── GP badpackage ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> It is good practice to
#> ✖ not use "Depends" in DESCRIPTION, as it can cause name
#> clashes, and poor interaction with other packages. Use
#> "Imports" instead.
#> ✖ omit "Date" in DESCRIPTION. It is not required and it gets
#> invalid quite often. A build date will be added to the package
#> when you perform `R CMD build` on it.
#> ✖ add a "URL" field to DESCRIPTION. It helps users find
#> information about your package online. If your package does
#> not have a homepage, add an URL to GitHub, or the CRAN package
#> package page.
#> ✖ add a "BugReports" field to DESCRIPTION, and point it to a bug
#> tracker. Many online code hosting services provide bug
#> trackers for free,,,
#> etc.
#> ✖ omit trailing semicolons from code lines. They are not needed
#> and most R coding standards forbid them
#> R/semicolons.R:4:30
#> R/semicolons.R:5:29
#> R/semicolons.R:9:38
#> ✖ not import packages as a whole, as this can cause name clashes
#> between the imported packages. Instead, import only the
#> specific functions you need.
#> ✖ fix this R CMD check ERROR: VignetteBuilder package not
#> declared: ‘knitr’ See section ‘The DESCRIPTION file’ in the
#> ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
#> ✖ avoid 'T' and 'F', as they are just variables which are set to
#> the logicals 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' by default, but are not
#> reserved words and hence can be overwritten by the user.
#> Hence, one should always use 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' for the
#> logicals.
#> R/tf.R:NA:NA
#> R/tf.R:NA:NA
#> R/tf.R:NA:NA
#> R/tf.R:NA:NA
#> R/tf.R:NA:NA
#> ... and 4 more lines
#> ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# show all available checks
# all_checks()
# run only a specific check
g_url <- gp(pkg_path, checks = "description_url")
#> ── GP badpackage ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> It is good practice to
#> ✖ add a "URL" field to DESCRIPTION. It helps users find
#> information about your package online. If your package does
#> not have a homepage, add an URL to GitHub, or the CRAN package
#> package page.
#> ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
# which checks were carried out?
#> [1] "description_url"
# which checks failed?
#> [1] "no_description_depends"
#> [2] "no_description_date"
#> [3] "description_url"
#> [4] "description_bugreports"
#> [5] "lintr_trailing_semicolon_linter"
#> [6] "no_import_package_as_a_whole"
#> [7] "rcmdcheck_package_dependencies_present"
#> [8] "truefalse_not_tf"
# show the first 5 checks carried out and their results
#> check result
#> 1 covr NA
#> 2 cyclocomp TRUE
#> 3 no_description_depends FALSE
#> 4 no_description_date FALSE
#> 5 description_url FALSE
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