now works for a single parameter gnm()
now works when eliminate
is specified as NULL
argument of getContrasts()
to be numeric, as documentedDiag
and Symm
to work with factors with levels that are not in alphabetical order. Factor levels are now only sorted by Diag
if the input factors have different sets of
generic to allow methods to be added (e.g. as in logmult package).R_forceSymbols
routine requires R >= 3.0.0.print
or cat
outside print methods, so print output always optional (e.g. by setting verbose
argument or using suppressMessages
with eliminate
argument.x = FALSE
also work when using gnm()
with eliminate
) when formula uses instances
now works when there are no covariates in the data.predict.gnm
now works with = TRUE
for models with eliminated terms; correctly handles new data without all levels of homogeneous factors present, and respects contrasts settings.anova.glmlist
in anova.gnm
no longer restarts if algorithm fails - better to provide improved starting values in this case.etastart
is used to initialise the linear parameters when eliminate
is used as well.gnm
now works with eliminate
argument when remaining linear part of predictor only involves one parameter.pickCoef
extended to allow fixed pattern matching and to optionally return actual coefficients rather than their indices.gnm
now looks for exact match in coefficient names when a single character string is passed to the constrain
argument before treating as regular expression.hatvalues.gnm
has been reimplemented to work more efficiently for large model matrices."nonlin"
terms defined for homogeneous factors will now accept factors specified as an interaction (using :
reverted so that now correctly aggregates working residuals.anova.gnm
now works when model is a single "nonlin"
argument added to getContrasts.?wheat
; also in vignette.update.gnm
so that nonlinear terms were no ordered as linear, first order terms.eliminated coefficients now treated entirely separately, in particular the design matrix no longer has columns for these coefficients, making the algorithm far more efficient for models with many eliminated coefficients.
more reliable calculation of rank
and constrain
now index non-eliminated coefficients only.
eliminated coefficients now returned as attribute of returned coefficient vector.
argument to gnm
removed as now the LAPACK routines are
always used to determine the least squares solution at the heart of the fitting algorithm. Hence qrSolve
and cholInv
the "eliminate"
, "onlyFirstCol"
and "onlyNonElim"
arguments to MPinv
have been removed as no longer used.
now works for models with no linear parameters.
now ignores terms that are completely constrained.
now used to obtain starting values for linear and nonlinear parameters separately, improving performance.expandCategorical
now groups together individuals with common covariate values, by default. New group
argument added to switch this behaviour.print.profile.gnm
now prints full result.
data now read in correctly for Lee-Carter example in vignette.
and mustart
arguments added to gnm
now returns data
argument as glm
can now estimate scaled contrasts with more flexibility in how the reference level is defined.1e6 * .Machine$double.eps
as previous tolerance too strict for some examples.getContrasts
now only handles one set of parameters at a time.Const
is now restricted to the symbolic predictors of "nonlin"
- the wrapper function for plug-in functions - is now defunct. Use "nonlin"
functions to specify custom nonlinear terms.plot.gnm
now uses standardised Pearson residuals for plot which = 5
so that the Cook’s distance contours are correctpredict
now implemented for "gnm"
, etc), rather than gnm
argument of nonlinTerms
now zero vector (i.e. no matching to arguments of call
by default)termPredictors
now works on "gnm"
objects fitted with
argument of gnm
is non-NULL
and Symm
now work for factors of length 1gnm
now returns object with "gnm"
-type terms component"profile.gnm"
objects now exportedDrefWeights
for computing the weights in a diagonal reference term and the corresponding standard errors."assign"
attribute now attached to the parameter vector when passed to start functions defined by "nonlin"
functions, specifying the correspondence between parameters and predictors in the nonlinear term.start function in Dref
now identifies weight parameters correctly.
can now evaluate term predictors for "nonlin"
terms that depend on covariates.
functions now evaluated in the same environment and enclosure as call to create model frame, so "nonlin"
functions should be able to find variables in gnm calls - potentially useful for setting starting values.gnm
algorithm now reinitiates correctly when restarting after non-convergence.
now works correctly when a model is specified with nonlinear terms in between linear terms.
introduction of functions of class "nonlin"
for the unified specification of nonlinear terms. Mult
, Exp
, Dref
and MultHomog
have all been converted to functions of this class.
added Inv
to specify the reciprocal of a predictor.
added Const
to specify a constant in a predictor.
added instances
to specify multiple instances of a nonlinear term.
nonlinear terms can now be nested.
can now be used outside of Mult
or to exponentiate part of a constituent multiplier.
to accommodate the increased functionality introduced by "nonlin"
functions, new labelling conventions have been introduced. In particular, most "nonlin"
functions use argument-matched parameter labels.
in the new implementation of Dref
the formula
argument has been re-named delta
to provide more informative parameter labels under the new conventions.
ofInterest = "[?]"
in gnm
now works as documented.none in this release
added a new ridge
argument to gnm, to allow some control over the Levenberg-Marquardt regularization of the internal least squares calculation
changed the default ridge constant to 1e-8 (from 1e-5), to increase speed of convergence (especially in cases where there are infinite parameter estimates)
modified the "qr"
method so that it no longer checks for rank deficiency (it was both unreliable, and not necessary since the matrix is regularized prior to solving)
substantial speed improvements in model fitting when there are large numbers of eliminated parameters, achieved mainly via a new internal function cholInv1
. Corresponding example timings changed in the Overview document (vignette).
speed improvements in vcov.gnm
when there are eliminated parameters; new logical argument use.eliminate
gives control over this
in getContrasts
, added new arguments dispersion
and use.eliminate
, both of which are passed on to vcov
implemented faster alternatives to ifelse
in gnmFit
speed gains from use of tcrossprod
. Because of this the gnm package now requires R 2.3.0 or later.
in gnm
, changed the default value of argument x to TRUE
(it was previously FALSE
in checkEstimable
, changed the name of the first argument from coefMatrix
to combMatrix
(to reflect better that it is a matrix of coefficient combinations); and changed the default tolerance value to one which should give more reliable results. Also, more fundamentally, changed the check to be whether combinations are in the column span of crossprod(X)
instead of the row span of X
; the results should be the same, but the new version is much faster for large n.
no longer passes extra arguments to gnm as it’s unlikely to be useful/sensible. For the same reasons it will not pass extra arguments to model.frame
, unlike model.matrix.lm
now results in a list only when the sets
argument itself is a list; otherwise (i.e., normally) the result is a single object (rather than a list of objects) of class qv
fixed a bug in internal function
, which greatly improves its performance. Also changed the default value of the nIter
argument from 3 to 2.
fixed a small bug in demo(gnm)
fixed a bug in vcov.gnm
, which previously gave an error when data were of class "table"
fixed summary.gnm
so that it now takes proper account of the dispersion argument
in se
, added new arguments Vcov
and dispersion
; the latter fixes a bug, while the former minimizes wasted computation in summary.gnm
fixed bug in model.matrix.gnm
so that it can compute the model matrix even when original data is not available - unless model frame has not been saved. Original data still needed to update model frame - this is the same as for glms, etc.
fixed bug in gnm
so that reconstructing "table"
-class data works for models with weights/offsets
added "gnm"
methods for profile
and confint
. Use of alpha
argument differs slightly from "glm"
methods: see help files.
argument to gnm
now supplemented by constrainTo
argument, allowing specification of values to which parameters should be constrained.
now has ofInterest
argument to specify a subset of coefficients which are of interest - returned in ofInterest
component of "gnm"
object as named numeric vector. print
summaries of model object/its components extracted by accessor functions only print coefficients of interest and (where appropriate) methods for "gnm"
objects select coefficients of interest by default.
added ofInterest
and ofInterest<-
to extract/replace ofInterest
component of "gnm"
added parameters
which returns coefficient vector with constrained parameters replaced by their constrained value.
added pickCoef
function to aid selection of coefficients - returns numeric indices of coefficients selected by Tk dialog or regular expression matching.
argument to gnm
now accepts a regular expression to match against coefficient names.constrain
component of "gnm"
objects is now a numeric, rather than logical, vector of indices.
all "gnm"
methods for which a subset of the coefficients may be specified by numeric indices now interpret those indices as referencing the full coefficient vector (not just non-eliminated parameters).
now preserves order of terms rather than moving all linear terms to the start (this fixes bug in anova.gnm
the "pick"
option for the constrain
argument to gnm
and the estimate
argument to se
has been replaced by "[?]"
to avoid possible conflict with coefficient names/regular expressions.
fixed bug in se
so will now work for single parameter.
fixed bug in summary.gnm
so will now work for models with one parameter.
fixed bug in anova
so that rows of returned table are correct for models with eliminated terms.
fixed bug in eliminate
so that it now accepts interactions.
fixed bug in MPinv
so that it works for models in which all parameters are eliminated.
fixed bug in asGnm.lm
where object not fully identified
corrected maintainer address in DESCRIPTION!
added demonstration script to run using demo
added package help file, opened by package?gnm
added the method
argument to MPinv
, to allow the method of calculation to be specified. Permitted values are "svd"
to compute the pseudo-inverse by singular value decomposition, and "chol"
to use the Cholesky decomposition instead. The latter is valid only for symmetric matrices, but is usually faster and more accurate.
added the lsMethod
argument to gnm
, to allow specification of the numerical method used for least-squares calculations in the core of the iterative algorithm. Permitted options are "chol"
and "qr"
added new function qrSolve
, which behaves like base::qr.coef
but in the non-full-rank case gives the minimum-length solution rather than an arbitrary solution determined by pivoting.
added .onUnload
so that compiled code is unloaded when namespace of package is unloaded using unloadNamespace
added coef
argument to model.matrix.gnm
so that the model matrix can be evaluated at any specified value of the parameter vector.
added asgnm
generic to coerce linear model objects to gnm objects.
added exitInfo
for printing numerical details of last iteration on non-convergence of gnm
added new dataset, friend, to illustrate a workaround to fit a homogeneous RC(2) using gnm
- documented in help file for MultHomog
now takes less time per (main) iteration, due to improvements made internally in the iterative algorithm. These include pre-scaling of the local design matrix, and Levenberg-Marquardt adjustment of the least-squares solvers so that rank determination is no longer necessary.
the default convergence tolerance has been tightened (from 1e-4 to 1e-6)
modified model.matrix.gnm
so it can be used when only the namespace of gnm is loaded.
fixed bug in gnm
so that subset
now works with table data.
fixed bug in model.matrix.gnm
so can construct model matrix from "gnm"
object even when original call not made in .GlobalEnv
fixed bug in the examples on help page for House2001
fixed bug so that formula
in gnm
now accepts .
in formulae even when eliminate = NULL
fixed bug in getContrasts
, so that the first two columns of the qvframe component of each element of the result list are correctly named as “estimate” and “SE”, as required for objects of class “qv”.
added "model.matrix"
option for method
argument of gnm
so that model matrix can be obtained much faster. The new method is used in model.matrix.gnm
and vcov.gnm
added new utility function residSVD
, to facilitate the calculation of good starting values for parameters in certain Mult
added new dataset House2001
, to illustrate the use of gnm
in Rasch-type scaling of legislator votes.
added new utility function expandCategorical
for expanding data frame on the basis of a categorical variable.
added formula.gnm
method - returns formula from "gnm"
object excluding the eliminate
d factor where necessary.
now takes less time to run due to improvements made in internal functions.
the fitting algorithm used by gnm
now copes better with zero-valued residuals.
output given by gnm
when trace = TRUE
or verbose = TRUE
is now displayed as it is generated on console-based versions of R.
now includes option which = 5
as in plot.lm
in R >= 2.2.0. Now has separate help page.
the constrain
argument to gnm
now accepts the names of parameters.
the formula
argument to gnm
now accepts .
as described in ?terms.formula
, ignoring eliminated factor if in data
interface for se
extended - can now use to find standard errors for all parameters or (a selection of) individual parameters in a gnm model.
made it possible to use gnm
with alternative fitting function.
attribute now attached to "gnm"
objects so that gnm package loaded when workspace containing "gnm"
objects is loaded.
start-up iterations now only update column of design matrix required in next iteration. Therefore plug-in functions using the default start-up procedure for nonlinear parameters need a localDesignFunction
with the argument ind
specifying the column that should be returned.
modified output given by gnm
when trace = TRUE
: now prints initial deviance and the deviance at the end of each iteration.
modified updates of linear parameters in starting procedure: now offset contribution of fully specified terms only.
results of summary.gnm
, vcov.gnm
and coef.gnm
now include any eliminated parameters. Print methods have been added for "vcov.gnm"
and "coef.gnm"
objects so that any eliminated parameters are not shown.
terms are no longer split into components by anova.gnm
, termPredictors.gnm
, labels.gnm
or the "assign"
attribute of the model matrix - consistent with terms
the eliminate
argument to gnm
must now be an expression that evaluates to a factor - this reverts the extension of 0.7-2.
when using gnm
with constrain = "pick"
, the name(s) of the chosen parameter(s) will replace "pick"
in the returned model call.
now uses first level of a factor as the reference level (by default).
replaced by arguments to gnm
now uses
for linear models (with control parameters at the gnm
defaults) unless eliminate
is non-NULL
and summary.gnm
now return variance-covariance matrices including any aliased parameters.
now returns standard errors with test statistics etc, where estimated parameters are identified.
fixed bug in summary.gnm
, anova.gnm
, termPredictors.gnm
and model.matrix.gnm
where search for model variables was incorrect.
fixed bug preventing estimation of weight parameters in Dref
terms and changed default starting values so that these parameters no longer sum to one or appear to be estimable.
corrected options for method
argument in gnm
help file: replaced method = "coef"
with method = "coefNames"
fixed bug in gnm
so that it can handle tables with missing values when formatting components of fit.
now works for objects produced from table data.
now returns table not matrix when type = "deviance"
for "gnm"
objects produced from table data.
, cooks.distance.gnm
and plot.gnm
now handle cases which are fitted exactly (giving a hat value of 1).
example fitting proportional odds model in backPain
help file now works.
fixed bug in Mult
terms so that an offset can be added to a constituent multiplier without an unspecified intercept being added also.
argument constrain = "pick"
now allows selection of more than one constraint and is compatible with use of eliminate
can now fit models which only have the term specified by eliminate
argument of gnm
to allow crossed factors - this also fixes bug which occurred when interactions were eliminated in the presence of lower order terms involving other factorsvcov
returned by gnm
now has no rank attribute (as before, the rank is returned as the separate component rank
).Changed the calculation of df.residual
returned by gnm
to correctly take account of zero-weighted observations (as in glm
When gnm
is called with arguments x = TRUE
, the returned matrices now include columns of zeros for constrained parameters.
Corrected evaluation of model frame in gnm
so that if data is missing, variables are taken from environment(formula)
, as documented. Modified evaluation of plug-in functions to be consistent with this, i.e. objects are taken from environment(formula)
if not in model frame.
now checks that the diagonal elements of an eliminate
d submatrix are all non-zero and reports an error otherwise.
introduced for creating topological interaction factors.
implemented for objects of class c("gnm", "glm")
Diagnostic messages given by gnm
have been improved.
Step-halving introduced in main iterations of gnm
to ensure deviance is reduced at every iteration.
now (additionally) reports quasi standard errors, when available.
Calls to gnm
plug-in functions are now evaluated in the environment of the model frame and the enclosing environment of the parent frame of the call to gnm
. This means that variables can be found in a more standard fashion.
The data
argument of Nonlin
is defunct: Nonlin
now identifies variables to be added to the model frame as those passed to unspecified arguments of the plug-in function or those identified by a companion function to the plug-in, which is of a specified format.
The (optional) start
object returned by a plug-in function can no longer be a function, only a vector. However it may now include NA
values, to indicate parameters which may be treated as linear for the purpose of finding starting values, given the non-NA
The eliminate
argument of gnm
now handles functions of variables in the given formula e.g. ~ strata(A, B), ~ as.factor(A):as.factor(B)
, etc.
was giving an error for models with either no linear parameters, or none specified by the start
argument, this is now fixed.
Long calls to plug-in functions caused problems in parsing the model formula: now fixed.
now only restarts after failing if there are unspecified nonlinear parameters.
now returns NULL
if model fails.
Bug fixed in calculation of starting values for gnm
that occurred when some parameters were constrained.