Tests and Coverage

19 March, 2020 23:19:14

This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
ggeasy 100
R/axis.R 100
R/labs.R 100
R/labs2.R 100
R/legend.R 100
R/text.R 100

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning icon
test-labs.R 10 1.227 0 0 4 0 🔶
test-legend.R 86 0.638 0 0 0 0
test-remove-axis.R 20 0.238 0 0 0 0
test-rotate.R 23 0.198 0 0 0 0
test-text.R 61 0.586 0 0 0 0

Show Detailed Test Results

file context test status n time icon
test-labs.R attr labs easy_labs uses column attrib SKIPPED 4 0.338 🔶
test-labs.R attr labs regular labs overides easy_labs SKIPPED 2 0.435 🔶
test-labs.R attr labs regular labs pass new labels through easy_labs SKIPPED 2 0.222 🔶
test-labs.R attr labs column name used when no column attrib present SKIPPED 2 0.232 🔶
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend works with no argument PASS 1 0.013
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend works with single character argument PASS 1 0.011
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend works with single bare argument PASS 1 0.015
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend works with multiple character arguments PASS 1 0.016
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend works with multiple bare arguments PASS 1 0.023
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend teach = TRUE works with no other arguments PASS 2 0.005
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend teach = TRUE works with specific aes PASS 2 0.005
test-legend.R remove legend easy_remove_legend teach = TRUE works with multiple aes PASS 2 0.004
test-legend.R move legend easy_change_legend errors with no argument PASS 1 0.001
test-legend.R move legend easy_change_legend works with combinations PASS 4 0.061
test-legend.R move legend easy_move_legend works with no argument PASS 1 0.022
test-legend.R move legend easy_move_legend works with specified argument PASS 3 0.040
test-legend.R move legend easy_move_legend errors with bad argument PASS 1 0.001
test-legend.R move legend easy_move_legend aliases work PASS 3 0.046
test-legend.R move legend easy_move_legend teach = TRUE works with combinations PASS 4 0.022
test-legend.R move legend easy_legend_at teach = TRUE works with combinations PASS 4 0.021
test-legend.R move legend easy_change_legend teach = TRUE works with position PASS 3 0.017
test-legend.R legend direction easy_rotate_legend works with no argument PASS 1 0.013
test-legend.R legend direction easy_rotate_legend works with combinations PASS 4 0.062
test-legend.R legend direction easy_rotate_legend teach = TRUE works with combinations PASS 4 0.020
test-legend.R legend justification easy_adjust_legend works with no argument PASS 1 0.016
test-legend.R legend justification easy_adjust_legend works with combinations PASS 3 0.054
test-legend.R legend justification easy_adjust_legend errors with bad argument PASS 1 0.001
test-legend.R legend justification easy_adjust_legend teach = TRUE works with justification PASS 3 0.019
test-legend.R legend justification easy_change_legend teach = TRUE works with justification PASS 3 0.018
test-legend.R legend justification easy_rotate_legend teach = TRUE works with combinations PASS 4 0.019
test-legend.R legend title easy_add_legend_title errors with no argument PASS 1 0.001
test-legend.R legend title easy_add_legend_title relabels a single legend title PASS 1 0.032
test-legend.R legend title easy_add_legend_title relabels all legend titles PASS 9 0.020
test-legend.R legend title easy_add_legend_title teach = TRUE works with specific aes PASS 4 0.017
test-legend.R legend title easy_add_legend_title teach = TRUE works with unspecific aes PASS 12 0.023
test-remove-axis.R remove axes no argument PASS 3 0.056
test-remove-axis.R remove axes explicit axis PASS 10 0.117
test-remove-axis.R remove axes multiple components PASS 4 0.054
test-remove-axis.R remove axes teach argument produces working code PASS 3 0.011
test-rotate.R rotate labels rotation of both labels PASS 17 0.109
test-rotate.R rotate labels rotation of x labels PASS 3 0.039
test-rotate.R rotate labels rotation of y labels PASS 3 0.050
test-text.R adjust text sizes set text sizes PASS 43 0.387
test-text.R adjust text colors set text colors PASS 18 0.199
Failed Warning Skipped
🛑 ⚠️ 🔶

Session Info

Field Value
Version R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running Pop!_OS 19.04
Language en_AU
Timezone Australia/Adelaide
Package Version
testthat 2.2.1
covr 3.3.1
covrpage 0.0.70