
New argument focus for Different Singular Value Partitionings, including GH, JK, SQRT, HJ.

New function ggbiplot() function using ggplot2 graphics to draw the biplot.

Average Environment Coordinate

Bootstrap testing for PCs (Forkman 2019 paper)

Bootstrap conf int

gge 1.5 (20 Jul 2020)

gge 1.4 (15 May 2018)

gge 1.3 (14 Dec 2017)

gge 1.2 (25 May 2017)

gge 1.1 (8 Oct 2016)

gge 1.0 (14 Dec 2015)

gge 0.1 (2013)

gge 0.0 (May 2004)

A history of NIPALS functions

    1. Created nipals() based on pcaMethods::nipalsPca(). Modified the function for faster execution and submitted a patch back to pcaMethods.
    1. Henning Redestig created a C++ version of NIPALS for the pcaMethods package.
    1. The gge::nipals() R function is re-named rnipals(), and a new nipals() function is created, based on the C++ code in pcaMethods. Released gge version 1.2.
    1. Discovered that mixOmics::nipals() is a pure R function that is faster than the C++ version, so gge::nipals() was re-written into a pure R function. The C++ version was removed from the gge package.
  1. The gge::nipals function is moved to a new package, nipals::nipals. The function is optimized for performance, improved to better handle missing values and to orthogonalize the principal components.