Remove Imports for dplyr, tibble and tidyr to lessen dependencies
Remove Suggests for readr and sp
Enhance documentation
Update tests that spuriously failed on some systems due to tolerances
Update package to follow CRAN policies
Removes startup message, instead placing information in CITATION file
Reorganises internal functions consolidating functions all in a single file and following a standard naming scheme for all internal functions
Fix bug where tmp
and dtr
could not be returned with tmn
or tmx
raster stacks
Move rappdirs
to SUGGESTS to fix NOTEs on
Fix documentation formatting issues
Enhance stop
messages for user, just print message, not the function that called it to clarify
in tests# getCRUCLdata 0.2.1 |
## Minor changes |
- Fix ORCID entry in DESCRIPTION per CRAN maintainer’s request |
- Remove Scott as contributor, the code contributed has been removed |
Use hoardr for managing cached files
Fixed a bug where the file cache was not in the proper subdirectory. The file cache has moved to the proper location in a R/getCRUCLdata
location rather than getCRUCLdata
. You may wish to move files externally to R in order to keep them in the cache where the package will find them
Use lapply
in place of purrr::map
, purrr is no longer imported
now superseded bymanage_cache$list()
now superseded by manage_cache$details()
now superseded by manage_cache$delete()
now superseded by manage_cache$delete_all()
Add startup message regarding data source, use and citation
Include Scott Chamberlain as copyright holder and contributor for file caching functionality
Fix bug where cache
was not specified in internal function, .set_cache()
, this caused either of the functions fetching data from CRU to fail
Fix bug where cache
directory could not be created on Windows OS machines
Fix bug where tmx was returned when either tmn or tmx was requested for data frame, tmn now returned when requested and tmx now returned when requested. Raster stacks were not affected by this bug
for f in 1:length()
with for f in seq_along()
for better programming practicesfile.path
in place of paste0
was incorrectly used in place of rappdirs::user_cache_dir()
Use purrr in place of plyr functions
Update DESCRIPTION file to be more complete
Remove use of “%>%” in functions and remove magrittr import
Fix bugs in CITATION file
Format to be more markdown standards compliant
and create_CRU_df()
now only work with locally available files. If you need to fetch and create a data frame or raster stack of the data, please use the new functions, get_CRU_stack()
and get_CRU_stack()
R >=3.2.0 now required
Data can be cached using either get_CRU_stack()
or get_CRU_df()
for later use
Improved documentation with examples on mapping and graphing and more detail regarding the data itself
Change the method in which files are downloaded to use httr::GET()
Ingest data using data.table::fread
to decrease the amount of time necessary to run the functions
Functions check to see if data file(s) have already been downloaded during current R session, if so data file(s) are not requested for download again
Months are returned as a factor object in the tidy data frame
Correct fix bug in raster object generation where the objects were incorrectly cropped
Update documentation with ROxygen 6.0.0
Minor edits to documentation for clarity
Correct documentation to read that the data resolution is 10 minute, not 10 seconds
Correct URLs in DESCRIPTION file
Add required version for PURRR
Add required version for R
Corrected URL pointing to CRU readme.txt file
Renamed to getCRUdata as suggested by CRAN maintainers
Revised description file as requested by CRAN maintainers
Enhanced vignette