gee: Generalized Estimation Equation Solver

Generalized Estimation Equation solver.

Version: 4.13-20
Depends: stats
Suggests: MASS
Published: 2019-11-07
Author: Vincent J Carey. Ported to R by Thomas Lumley (versions 3.13 and 4.4) and Brian Ripley (version 4.13). Files src/dgedi.f and src/dgefa.f are for LINPACK authored by Cleve Moler. Note that maintainers are not available to give advice on using a package they did not author.
Maintainer: Brian Ripley <ripley at>
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README ChangeLog
In views: SocialSciences
CRAN checks: gee results


Reference manual: gee.pdf
Package source: gee_4.13-20.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release: gee_4.13-20.tgz, r-oldrel: gee_4.13-20.tgz
Old sources: gee archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: aSPU, diffdepprop, DTComPair, GEEaSPU, gskat, JGEE, MargCond, mmm, mmm2, saws
Reverse imports: GEEmediate, geesmv, riskPredictClustData, spind, swgee, tab, VariableScreening
Reverse suggests: ape, BCgee, broom, catdata, dlnm, geex, ggeffects, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, insight, longpower, parameters, SimCorMultRes, slim
Reverse enhances: emmeans, MuMIn, prediction, stargazer


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