# gcForest logo

Xu Jing


The gcForest algorithm was suggested in Zhou and Feng 2017 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.08835 , refer for this paper for technical details) and pylablanche(https://github.com/pylablanche) who provide a Python3.X implementation of this algorithm on github (https://github.com/pylablanche/gcForest). We provide a R package called gcForest which is the R interface of the pylablanche’s gcForest module (Python3.X). And if you want to known more about gcForest, please read the source paper (Deep Forest).


As mentioned in the previous paragraph, we provide a R interface of the Python3.X module gcForest(by pylablanche), If you want to use this R packages like the R’s tensorflow and keras you should hava a Python3.X environment first, and then, you will need to have the following installed on your computer to make it work:

after these, you can install this R package like:

run library(gcForest) in your R Console no mistakes.

3.Using gcForest

Supported APIs:

Example1: iris data set


sk <- reticulate::import('sklearn')
train_test_split <- sk$model_selection$train_test_split

data <- sk$datasets$load_iris
iris <- data()
X = iris$data
y = iris$target
data_split = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)

X_tr <- data_split[[1]]
X_te <- data_split[[2]]
y_tr <- data_split[[3]]
y_te <- data_split[[4]]

gcforest_m <- gcforest(shape_1X=4L, window=2L, tolerance=0.0)
gcf_model <- model_save(gcforest_m,'../gcforest_model.model')

gcf <- model_load('../gcforest_model.model')
gcf$fit(X_tr, y_tr)

Example2: Digits data set


sk <- sk <- reticulate::import('sklearn')
train_test_split <- sk$model_selection$train_test_split

data <- sk$datasets$load_digits
digits <- data()
X = digits$data
y = digits$target
data_split = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.4)

gcforest_m <- gcforest(shape_1X=c(8L,8L), window=c(4L,6L), tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=10L, min_samples_cascade=7L)
gcf_model <- model_save(gcforest_m,'../gcforest_model.model')

gcf <- model_load('../gcforest_model.model')
gcf$fit(X_tr, y_tr)

Example3: Using mg-scanning and cascade_forest Sperately

# mg-scanning
gcforest_m <- gcForest(shape_1X=c(8L,8L), window=5L, min_samples_mgs=10L, min_samples_cascade=7L)
X_tr_mgs <- gcforest_m$mg_scanning(X_tr, y_tr)

X_te_mgs <- gcforest_m$mg_scanning(X_te)

# cascade_forest
gcforest_m <- gcForest(tolerance=0.0, min_samples_mgs=10L, min_samples_cascade=7L)
cf <- gcforest_m$cascade_forest(X_tr_mgs, y_tr)

pred_proba <- gcforest_m$cascade_forest(X_te_mgs)
pred_proba <- reticulate::py_to_r(pred_proba)

# then do mean and max

Example4: Skipping mg_scanning

gcforest_m <- gcForest(tolerance=0.0, min_samples_cascade=20L)
cf <- gcforest_m$cascade_forest(X_tr, y_tr)
pred_proba <- gcforest_m$cascade_forest(X_te)
pred_proba <- reticulate::py_to_r(pred_proba)

# then do mean and max


Thanks for the paper of Deep Forest( Zhou and Feng 2017 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.08835)) and the author of the gcForest Python3.X moulde (pylablanche https://github.com/pylablanche). And We constantly improve gcForest R package, and even consider putting official modules which provide by LAMDA(Learning And Mining from DatA)in gcForest R package.