Feature extraction is a crucial step for tackling machine learning problems. Many machine learning problems start with complex (often timestamped) raw data with many grouped variables (e.g. heart rate measurements of many patients, gps data for analysis of movements of many participants of a study, etc.). Often times, this raw data cannot directly be used for machine learning algorithms. User-defined features must be extracted for this purpose. Examples could be the heart rate variability of a patient, or the maximum distance traveled by a participant of a gps study. Since there are many different machine learning applications and therefore many inherently different raw datasets and features which need to be calculated, we do not supply any automated features. fxtract
assists you in the feature extraction process by helping with the data wrangling needed, but still allows you to extract your own defined features.
The user only needs to define functions which have a dataset as input and named vector (or list) with the desired features as output. The whole data wrangling (calculating the features for each ID and collecting the results in one final dataframe) is handled by fxtract
. This package works with very large datasets and many different IDs and the main functionality is written in R6. Parallelization is available via future.
See the tutorial on how to use this package.
For the release version use:
For the development version use devtools:
or other packages?At first glance it looks like we just rewrote the summarize()
functionality of dplyr
. Another similar functionality is covered by the aggregate()
-function from the base stats
package. For small datasets and few (easy to calculate) features, using fxtract
may indeed be a little overkill (and slower too).
However, this package was especially designed for projects with large datasets, many IDs, and many different feature functions. fxtract
streamlines the process of loading datasets and adding feature functions. Once your dataset (with all IDs) becomes too big for memory, or if some feature functions fail on some IDs, using our package can save you many lines of code.
# user-defined function:
fun = function(data) {
c(mean_sepal_length = mean(data$Sepal.Length),
sd_sepal_length = sd(data$Sepal.Length))
# R6 object:
xtractor = Xtractor$new("xtractor")
xtractor$add_data(iris, group_by = "Species")
## Species mean_sepal_length sd_sepal_length
## 1: setosa 5.006 0.3524897
## 2: versicolor 5.936 0.5161711
## 3: virginica 6.588 0.6358796