Main statuses
Main colors of {bs4Dash} are defined in 6 status, you can use those status in infoBox
, valueBox
, cards
, … The primary color () is also used to highlight active elements, so it’s present everywhere. Below is an example by changing the color of the “primary” and “danger” statuses:
With classic statuses from {bs4Dash}, it look like:

With our new theme, we have changed the color of boxes and active element in sidebar:

Layout variables allow you to change the width of the sidebar, as well as the width of the controlbar (right sidebar). And also the main background:
Result is:

The text is not readable on a black background but fortunately we will be able to change that.
We can invert colors used for text by changing colors variables:

Now the body looks good, we can deal with the sidebar and the navbar. Text in boxes is less readable, but again this can be fixed later.
Background color of the navbar is defined by the light or dark status, then we can change default with custom variables:
Like the sidebar, we could have used “dark” instead of “light”. To find available variables, you can use: search_vars_bs4dash("navbar")
Here’s the result: