Version 1.3.6 (April 2019)
- Added a call to set.seed before each example in genfrail
Version 1.3.5 (August 2018)
- Added citation to JSS article
Version 1.3.4 (June 2018)
Bug fixes
- Changed default genfrail control params to constants instead derived from .Machine
- Added tryCatch to simfrail to avoid failing completely and generate a warning
Version 1.3.3 (June 2018)
Bug fixes
- Fixed rifcond error
- Fixed missing figures in online docs
Version 1.3.2 (February 2017)
Bug fixes
- Renamed “hazard” “cumhaz” in plot/summary functions to avoid confusion with the baseline hazard rate.
- Fixed typos in fitfrail.control docs.
- Fixed a bug in lognormal 2nd derivative, resulting in biased estimates using fitmethod=“score”.
- Added checks for object and param matching in plot/summary functions
Version 1.3.1 (December 2016)
New features
- Added numeric integration control parameters to genfrail (see genfrail.control)
Bug fixes
- Removed unnecssary imports
Version 1.3 (June 2016)
New features
- Added init.beta and init.theta control parameters for parameter initialization
- Added censor.time parameter to genfrail for user-defined censorship times
- Added option to specify Lambda.times when plotting residuals
Bug fixes
- Made both loglik and score fit methods use the same convergence control parameters
- Improved loglik parameter estimation and convergence
- Fixed the labels of residuals boxplot x-axis
- Fixed clang warning with static casts
Version 1.2.2 (September 2015)
Bug fixes
- Fixed ambiguous C++ calls to pow
Version 1.2.1 (September 2015)
Bug fixes
- Resolved undefined global vars
- Added
to the fitted model object for estimated cumulative baseline hazard at all observed times
- Minor changes to man pages
Version 1.2.0 (September 2015)
New features
- Renamed package to
- Added uniform censorship to
Version 1.1.1 (September 2015)
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug in
- Fixed
parameter in genfrail
Version 1.1.0 (September 2015)
New features
- Control parameters for numerical integration
(int.iter, int.reltol, int.abstol)
- Added
for summarizing the survival curve
- Added parameter to
to compute the SE of parameter estimates
Bug fixes
- Renamed
to Lambda.times
(not backwards compatible)
- Improved print.fitfrail
- Remove missing observations
- Improved print.summary.genfrail
- Added sanity checks to frailty distribution params
- Fixed parallel support on Windows (runs in serial with a warning for now)
Version 1.0.0 (August 2015)
Initial release