
Build Status

R implementation of algorithms for detection of outliers based on frequent pattern mining.

If you would like to cite our work, please use:

  title =    {Spotlighting Anomalies using Frequent Patterns},
  author =   {Jaroslav Kuchař and Vojtěch Svátek},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the KDD 2017 Workshop on Anomaly Detection in Finance},
  year =   {2017},
  volume =   {71},
  series =   {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  address =    {Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada},
  month =    {14 Aug},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  issn = {1938-7228}

Available implementations:

Development Version Installation

Package installation from GitHub:



Basic example

dataFrame <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "fp-outlier-customer-data.csv", package = "fpmoutliers"))
model <- FPI(dataFrame, minSupport = 0.001)
dataFrame <- dataFrame[order(model$scores, decreasing = TRUE),]
print(dataFrame[1,]) # instance with the highest anomaly score
print(dataFrame[nrow(dataFrame),]) # instance with the lowest anomaly score

Experimental explanations

Graphical explanation using bar plots

Currently not suitable for large datasets - the plot is limited by the number of rows and columns of the input data.

dataFrame <- read.csv(
     system.file("extdata", "fp-outlier-customer-data.csv", package = "fpmoutliers"))
model <- FPI(dataFrame, minSupport = 0.001)
# sort data by the anomaly score
dataFrame <- dataFrame[order(model$scores, decreasing = TRUE),]
visualizeInstance(dataFrame, 1) # instance with the highest anomaly score
visualizeInstance(dataFrame, nrow(dataFrame)) # instance with the lowest anomaly score

Textual explanation

dataFrame <- read.csv(
     system.file("extdata", "fp-outlier-customer-data.csv", package = "fpmoutliers"))
model <- FPI(dataFrame, minSupport = 0.001)
# sort data by the anomaly score
dataFrame <- dataFrame[order(model$scores, decreasing = TRUE),]
# instance with the highest anomaly score
out <- describeInstance(dataFrame, model, 1)
# instance with the lowest anomaly score
out <- describeInstance(dataFrame, model, nrow(dataFrame))

Other available functionalities

Experimental automatic build

model <- fpmoutliers::build(iris)

Save the model to an experimental PMML format

dataFrame <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "fp-outlier-customer-data.csv", package = "fpmoutliers"))
model <- FPI(dataFrame, minSupport = 0.001)
saveXML(generatePMML(model, dataFrame), "example_out.xml")

Model Output

All implemented methods return a list with following parameters: - minSupport - minimum support setting for frequent itemsets mining - maxlen - maximum length of frequent itemsets - model - frequent itemset model represented as itemsets-class - scores - outlier/anomaly scores for each observation/row of the input dataframe



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