The “forecastHybrid” package provides functions to build composite models using multiple individual component models from the “forecast” package. These hybridModel
objects can then be manipulated with many of the familiar functions from the “forecast” and “stats” packages including forecast()
, plot()
, accuracy()
, residuals()
, and fitted()
The stable release of the package is hosted on CRAN and can be installed as usual.
The latest development version can be installed using the “devtools” package.
Version updates to CRAN will be published frequently after new features are implemented, so the development version is not recommended unless you plan to modify the code.
First load the package.
If you don’t have time to read the whole guide and want to get started immediately with sane default settings to forecast the USAccDeaths
timeseries, run the following:
quickModel <- hybridModel(USAccDeaths)
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the thetam model
## Fitting the nnetar model
## Fitting the stlm model
## Fitting the tbats model
## Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
## Jan 1979 8338.853 7921.826 8920.446 7658.078 9172.112
## Feb 1979 7510.228 6715.340 8035.616 6471.558 8270.451
## Mar 1979 8239.845 7201.565 8886.679 6885.514 9146.115
## Apr 1979 8530.068 7579.393 9194.629 7329.759 9500.477
## May 1979 9335.495 8158.939 10112.349 7870.987 10442.376
## Jun 1979 9761.422 8480.119 10525.745 8239.026 10878.297
## Jul 1979 10671.559 9222.271 11613.448 8866.034 11987.171
## Aug 1979 10005.787 9084.828 10830.331 8798.198 11224.086
## Sep 1979 9009.997 8281.314 9944.791 7892.801 10357.609
## Oct 1979 9244.044 8263.554 10198.510 7979.809 10629.548
## Nov 1979 8780.154 8027.617 9732.246 7589.183 10180.765
## Dec 1979 9093.339 8255.912 10255.628 7816.759 10720.971
## Jan 1980 8361.404 7485.300 9496.297 7033.420 10011.749
## Feb 1980 7567.098 6687.306 8749.398 6141.503 9295.201
## Mar 1980 8258.481 7024.581 9586.522 6623.713 10161.075
## Apr 1980 8544.003 7363.330 9940.466 6966.957 10542.396
## May 1980 9330.649 7816.676 10861.976 7468.391 11490.092
## Jun 1980 9748.961 8163.219 11280.306 7783.650 11933.559
## Jul 1980 10620.025 8624.658 12373.743 8192.718 13051.201
## Aug 1980 9975.804 8685.104 11596.927 8248.308 12297.755
## Sep 1980 8995.063 7949.455 10718.099 7261.423 11441.542
## Oct 1980 9234.034 7976.578 10978.824 7417.369 11724.196
## Nov 1980 8783.644 7623.215 10519.779 6856.540 11286.453
## Dec 1980 9088.871 7951.715 11050.531 7288.262 11837.932
plot(forecast(quickModel), main = "Forecast from auto.arima, ets, thetam, nnetar, stlm, and tbats model")
The workhorse function of the package is hybridModel()
, a function that combines several component models from the “forecast” package. At a minimum, the user must supply a ts
or numeric
vector for y
. In this case, the ensemble will include all six component models: auto.arima()
, ets()
, thetam()
, nnetar()
, stlm()
, and tbats()
. To instead use only a subset of these models, pass a character string to the models
argument with the first letter of each model to include. For example, to build an ensemble model on a simulated dataset with auto.arima()
, ets()
, and tbats()
components, run
# Build a hybrid forecast on a simulated dataset using auto.arima, ets, and tbats models.
# Each model is given equal weight
series <- ts(rnorm(18), f = 2)
hm1 <- hybridModel(y = series, models = "aet", weights = "equal")
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the tbats model
The individual component models are stored inside the hybridModel
objects and can viewed in their respective slots, and all the regular methods from the “forecast” package could be applied to these individual component models.
# View the individual models
## Series: y
## ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.6659: log likelihood=-21.88
## AIC=45.76 AICc=46.01 BIC=46.65
# See forecasts from the auto.arima model
The hybridModel()
function produces an S3 object of class forecastHybrid
## [1] "hybridModel"
## [1] TRUE
The print()
and summary()
methods print information about the ensemble model including the weights assigned to each individual component model.
## Hybrid forecast model comprised of the following models: auto.arima, ets, tbats
## ############
## auto.arima with weight 0.333
## ############
## ets with weight 0.333
## ############
## tbats with weight 0.333
## Length Class Mode
## auto.arima 18 forecast_ARIMA list
## ets 19 ets list
## tbats 21 bats list
## weights 3 -none- numeric
## frequency 1 -none- numeric
## x 18 ts numeric
## xreg 1 -none- list
## models 3 -none- character
## fitted 18 ts numeric
## residuals 18 ts numeric
Two types of plots can be created for the created ensemble model: either a plot showing the actual and fitted value of each component model on the data or individual plots of the component models as created by their regular S3 plot()
methods. Note that a plot()
method does not exist in the “forecast” package for objects generated with stlm()
, so this component model will be ignored when type = "models"
, but the other component models will be plotted regardless.
plot(quickModel, type = "fit")
plot(quickModel, type = "models")
Since version 0.4.0, ggplot
graphs are available. Note, however, that the nnetar
, and tbats
models do not have ggplot::autoplot()
methods, so these are not plotted.
plot(quickModel, type = "fit", ggplot = TRUE)
## Warning: Removed 12 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
plot(quickModel, type = "models", ggplot = TRUE)
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL'
## Warning in applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL'
By default each component model is given equal weight in the final ensemble. Empirically this has been shown to give good performance in ensembles [see @Armstrong2001], but alternative combination methods are available: the inverse root mean square error (RMSE
), inverse mean absolute error (MAE
), and inverse mean absolute scaled error (MASE
). To apply one of these weighting schemes of the component models, pass this value to the errorMethod
argument and pass either "insample.errors"
or "cv.errors"
to the weights
hm2 <- hybridModel(series, weights = "insample.errors", errorMethod = "MASE", models = "aenst")
## Warning in hybridModel(series, weights = "insample.errors", errorMethod =
## "MASE", : Using insample.error weights is not recommended for accuracy and may
## be deprecated in the future.
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the nnetar model
## Fitting the stlm model
## Fitting the tbats model
## Hybrid forecast model comprised of the following models: auto.arima, ets, nnetar, stlm, tbats
## ############
## auto.arima with weight 0.164
## ############
## ets with weight 0.164
## ############
## nnetar with weight 0.306
## ############
## stlm with weight 0.173
## ############
## tbats with weight 0.194
After the model is fit, these weights are stored in the weights
attribute of the model. The user can view and manipulated these weights after the fit is complete. Note that the hybridModel()
function automatically scales weights to sum to one, so a user should similar scale the weights to ensure the forecasts remain unbiased. Furthermore, the vector that replaces weights
must retain names specifying the component model it corresponds to since weights are not assigned by position but rather by component name. Similarly, individual components may also be replaced
## auto.arima ets nnetar stlm tbats
## 0.1637556 0.1635812 0.3058342 0.1732488 0.1935802
newWeights <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3)
names(newWeights) <- c("auto.arima", "ets", "nnetar", "stlm", "tbats")
hm2$weights <- newWeights
## Hybrid forecast model comprised of the following models: auto.arima, ets, nnetar, stlm, tbats
## ############
## auto.arima with weight 0.1
## ############
## ets with weight 0.2
## ############
## nnetar with weight 0.3
## ############
## stlm with weight 0.1
## ############
## tbats with weight 0.3
hm2$weights[1] <- 0.2
hm2$weights[2] <- 0.1
## Hybrid forecast model comprised of the following models: auto.arima, ets, nnetar, stlm, tbats
## ############
## auto.arima with weight 0.2
## ############
## ets with weight 0.1
## ############
## nnetar with weight 0.3
## ############
## stlm with weight 0.1
## ############
## tbats with weight 0.3
This hybridModel
S3 object can be manipulated with the same familiar interface from the “forecast” package, including S3 generic functions such as accuracy
, forecast
, fitted
, and residuals
# View the first 10 fitted values and residuals
## Time Series:
## Start = c(1, 1)
## End = c(3, 2)
## Frequency = 2
## [1] 0.012621269 0.010804126 0.008561907 0.008984650 0.010541407 0.008636514
## Time Series:
## Start = c(1, 1)
## End = c(3, 2)
## Frequency = 2
## [1] 0.012621269 0.010804126 0.008561907 0.008984650 0.010541407 0.008636514
In-sample errors and various accuracy measure can be extracted with the accuracy
method. The “forecastHybrid” package creates an S3 generic from the accuracy
method in the “forecast” package, so accuracy
will continue to function as normal with objects from the “forecast” package, but now special functionality is created for hybridModel
objects. To view the in-sample accuracy for the entire ensemble, a simple call can be made.
## Test set -0.006167957 0.8146777 0.6675259 101.5092 101.5092 -0.2202369
## Theil's U
## Test set 0.9281098
In addition to retrieving the ensemble’s accuracy, the individual component models’ accuracies can be easily viewed by using the individual = TRUE
accuracy(hm1, individual = TRUE)
## $auto.arima
## Training set 0.006161102 0.8159991 0.6667319 100 100 0.7381739 -0.2202409
## $ets
## Training set -6.878921e-05 0.8160167 0.6674428 100.7412 100.7412 0.7389609
## ACF1
## Training set -0.2202415
## $tbats
## Training set -0.02459618 0.812366 0.6684029 103.7863 103.7863 0.6244447
## ACF1
## Training set -0.2201724
Now’s let’s forecast future values. The forecast()
function produce an S3 class forecast
object for the next 48 periods from the ensemble model.
hForecast <- forecast(hm1, h = 48)
Now plot the forecast for the next 48 periods. The prediction intervals are preserved from the individual component models and currently use the most extreme value from an individual model, producing a conservative estimate for the ensemble’s performance.
The package aims to make fitting ensembles easy and quick, but it still allows advanced tuning of all the parameters available in the “forecast” package. This is possible through usage of the a.args
, e.args
, n.args
, s.args
, and t.args
lists. These optional list arguments may be applied to one, none, all, or any combination of the included individual component models. Consult the documentation in the “forecast” package for acceptable arguments to pass in the auto.arima
, ets
, nnetar
, stlm
, and tbats
hm3 <- hybridModel(y = series, models = "aefnst",
a.args = list(max.p = 12, max.q = 12, approximation = FALSE),
n.args = list(repeats = 50),
s.args = list(robust = TRUE),
t.args = list(use.arma.errors = FALSE))
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the thetam model
## Fitting the nnetar model
## Fitting the stlm model
## Fitting the tbats model
Since the lambda
argument is shared between most of the models in the “forecast” framework, it is included as a special parameter that can be used to set the Box-Cox transform in all models instead of settings this individually. For example,
hm4 <- hybridModel(y = wineind, models = "ae", lambda = 0.15)
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## [1] 0.15
## attr(,"biasadj")
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 0.15
## attr(,"biasadj")
## [1] FALSE
Users can still apply the lambda
argument through the tuning lists, but in this case the list-supplied argument overwrites the default used across all models. Compare the following two results.
hm5 <- hybridModel(y = USAccDeaths, models = "aens", lambda = 0.2,
a.args = list(lambda = 0.5),
n.args = list(lambda = 0.6))
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the nnetar model
## Fitting the stlm model
## [1] 0.5
## attr(,"biasadj")
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 0.2
## attr(,"biasadj")
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 0.6
## [1] 0.2
## attr(,"biasadj")
## [1] FALSE
Note that lambda has no impact on thetam
models, and that there is no f.args
argument to provide parameters to thetam
. Following forecast::thetaf
on which thetam
is based, there are no such arguments; it always runs with the defaults.
Covariates can also be supplied to auto.arima
and nnetar
models as is done in the “forecast” package. To do this, utilize the a.args
and n.args
lists. Note that the xreg
may also be passed to a stlm
model, but only when method = "arima"
instead of the default method = "ets"
. Unlike the usage in the “forecast” package, the xreg
argument should be passed as a matrix, not a dataframe. The stlm
models require that the input series will be seasonal, so in the example below we will convert the input data to a ts
object. If a xreg
is used in training, it must also be supplied to the forecast()
function in the xreg
argument. Note that if the number of rows in the xreg
to be used for the forecast does not match the supplied h
forecast horizon, the function will overwrite h
with the number of rows in xreg
and issue a warning.
# Use the beaver1 dataset with the variable "activ" as a covariate and "temp" as the time series
# Divide this into a train and test set
trainSet <- beaver1[1:100, ]
testSet <- beaver1[101:110, ]
trainXreg <- matrix(trainSet$activ)
testXreg <- matrix(testSet$activ)
# Create the model
beaverhm <- hybridModel(ts(trainSet$temp, f = 6),
models = "aenst",
a.args = list(xreg = trainXreg),
n.args = list(xreg = trainXreg),
s.args = list(xreg = trainXreg, method = "arima"))
## Fitting the auto.arima model
## Fitting the ets model
## Fitting the nnetar model
## Fitting the stlm model
## Fitting the tbats model
# Forecast future values
beaverfc <- forecast(beaverhm, xreg = testXreg, PI=FALSE)
# View the accuracy of the model
accuracy(beaverfc, testSet$temp)
## Training set 0.0008460645 0.08323059 0.05587866 0.001903305 0.1513580 0.8471650
## Test set 0.0366499469 0.06776142 0.05258665 0.099283334 0.1426878 0.7972555
## ACF1
## Training set -0.01249166
## Test set NA
It can be useful to perform cross validation on a forecasting model to estimate a model’s out-of-sample forecasting performance. The cvts()
function allows us to do this on arbitrary functions. We could do this as part of a model selection procedure to determine which models to include in our call to hybridModel()
or merely to understand how well we expect to forecast the series during unobserved windows.
For example, let’s perform cross validation for a stlm()
model and a naive()
model on the woolyrnq
time series. The most important cvts()
arguments that commonly need adjusting are rolling
(if TRUE
, the model will always be fit on a fixed windowSize
instead of growing by one new observation for each new model fit during cross validation), windowSize
(starting length of time series to fit a model), and maxHorizon
(the forecast horizon for predictions from each model). Since a naive forecast is a good baseline that any decent model should surpass, let’s see how the stlm()
model compares.
stlmMod <- cvts(woolyrnq, FUN = stlm, windowSize = 100, maxHorizon = 8)
naiveMod <- cvts(woolyrnq, FUN = naive, windowSize = 100, maxHorizon = 8)
## Forecast Horizon 1 143.26726 276.46300 236.44509
## Forecast Horizon 2 -185.31041 305.09020 242.36353
## Forecast Horizon 3 -269.48582 284.78038 269.48582
## Forecast Horizon 4 -82.66850 121.21761 88.65454
## Forecast Horizon 5 -128.73274 128.89398 128.73274
## Forecast Horizon 6 -66.81041 250.92150 241.86353
## Forecast Horizon 7 -44.48582 58.45955 44.48582
## Forecast Horizon 8 -62.66850 143.10601 128.65454
## Forecast Horizon 1 -768.5 802.0365 768.5
## Forecast Horizon 2 -229.0 324.5628 230.0
## Forecast Horizon 3 142.5 184.0611 142.5
## Forecast Horizon 4 -88.0 124.4508 88.0
## Forecast Horizon 5 -1040.5 1040.5001 1040.5
## Forecast Horizon 6 -110.5 254.7165 229.5
## Forecast Horizon 7 367.5 367.7479 367.5
## Forecast Horizon 8 -68.0 144.9414 128.0
We see from looking at the accuracy measure–in particular the smaller RMSE and MAE–the stlm()
model unsurprisingly performs better and will likely give us better future forecasts. We also notice that the apparent edge over the naive forecast tends to diminish or even disappear for longer forecast horizons, and a look at the original time series makes this result obvious: this time series lacks an obvious trend and is a relatively difficult time series to forecast past a fewer seasonal periods, so the naive model will not perform relatively poorly.
We can also use custom functions, for example fcast()
from the “GMDH” package. We must be very careful that our custom forecast function still produces an expected “forecast” S3 class object and that the ts object start, end, and frequency properties are preserved.
GMDHForecast <- function(x, h){
fc <- GMDH::fcast(x, f.number = h)
# GMDH doesn't produce a ts object with correct attributes, so we build it
end <- tsp(x)[2]
freq <- frequency(x)
# Set the correct start, end, and frequency for the ts forecast object
tsProperties <- c(end + 1 / freq, end + h / freq, freq)
tsp(fc$mean) <- tsProperties
tsp(fc$upper) <- tsProperties
tsp(fc$lower) <- tsProperties
class(fc) <- "forecast"
series <- subset(woolyrnq, end = 12)
gmdhcv <- cvts(series, FCFUN = GMDHForecast, windowSize = 10, maxHorizon = 1)
As a final example, suppose we foolish want to implement our own version of naive()
for performing cross validation. The FUN
could then look like
customMod <- function(x){
result <- list()
result$series <- x
result$last <- tail(x, n = 1)
class(result) <- "customMod"
forecast.customMod <- function(x, h = 12){
result <- list()
result$model <- x
result$mean <- rep(x$last, h)
class(result) <- "forecast"
series <- subset(AirPassengers, end = 94)
cvobj <- cvts(series, FUN = customMod, FCFUN = forecast.customMod)
Previously we explored fitting hybridModel()
objects with weights = "equal"
or weights = "insample.errors
, but we can now leverage the process conducted in cvts()
to select the appropriate weights intelligently based on the expected out-of-sample forecast accuracy of each component model. While this is the methodologically-sound weight procedure, it also comes at significant computational cost since the cross validation procedure necessitates fitting each model several times for each cross validation fold in addition to the final fit on the whole dataset. Fortunately this process can be conducted in parallel if multiple cores are available. Some of the arguments explained above in cvts()
such as windowSize
and the cvHorizon
can also be controlled here.
cvMod <- hybridModel(woolyrnq, models = "ns",
weights = "cv.errors", windowSize = 100,
cvHorizon = 8, num.cores = 4)