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An R package for generating UAV flight plans, specially for Litchi.


This package should be installed using the devtools.

# install.packages("devtools")


There are two main functions available: * flight.parameters(): this will calculate the flight parameters given desired settings for GSD/height, target overlap, flight speed and camera specifications. * litchi.plan(): it depends on the flight.parameters() return object to generate the CSV flight plan ready to import into the Litchi Hub.


### litchi.plan - roi: range of interest loaded as an OGR layer, must be in a metric units projection for working properly - output: output path for the csv file - flight.params: Flight Parameters. parameters calculated from flight.parameters() - gimbal.pitch.angle: gimbal angle for taking photos, default -90 (overriden at flight time) - flight.lines.angle: angle for the flight lines, default -1 (auto set based on larger direction) - max.waypoints.distance: maximum distance between waypoints in meters, default 2000 (some issues have been reported with distances > 2 Km) - max.flight.time: maximum flight time. If mission is greater than the estimated time, it will be splitted into smaller missions. - starting.point: numeric (1, 2, 3 or 4). Change position from which to start the flight, default 1


This package was developed by author and its contributors which helped providing the calculations and testing.


# Install and load the package

params = flight.parameters(height=100,
                          side.overlap = 0.8,
                          front.overlap = 0.8)

## Slot "flight.line.distance": 
## [1] 34.61329 
## Slot "flight.speed.kmh": 
## [1] 46.72794 
## Slot "front.overlap":
## [1] 0.8
## Slot "gsd":
## [1] 4.326662
## Slot "height":
## [1] 100
## Slot "ground.height":
## [1] 129.7998
## Slot "minimum.shutter.speed":
## [1] "1/289"
## Slot "photo.interval":
## [1] 2

# Load example SpatialDataFrame polygon

# Set the output
output = "output.csv"

# Create the csv plan 
            flight.lines.angle = -1,
            max.waypoints.distance = 2000,
            max.flight.time = 15)
# Your flight was splitted in 2 splits,
# because the total time would be 27.62 minutes.
# They were saved as:
# output1.csv
# output2.csv
# The entire flight plan was saved as:
# output_entire.csv
# #####################
# ## Flight settings ## 
# #####################
# Min shutter speed: 1/289
# Photo interval:    2 s
# Flight speed:      46.7279 km/h
# Flight lines angle: 39.0626
# Total flight time: 27.6239

Flight plan plot


FIGUEIREDO, E. O. et al. Planos de Voo Semiautônomos para Fotogrametria com Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas de Classe 3. Acre: EMBRAPA. 2018