The following are references to the package. You should also reference the individual methods used, as detailed in the reference section of the help files for each function.
Clerc-Urmès I, Grzebyk M, Hédelin G, CENSUR working survival group (2020). flexrsurv: An R package for relative survival analysis. R package version 1.4.5,
To get Bibtex entries use: x<-citation("flexrsurv"); toBibtex(x)
Corresponding BibTeX entry:
@Manual{, title = {{flexrsurv}: An {R} package for relative survival analysis}, author = {Isabelle Clerc-Urmès and Michel Grzebyk and Guy Hédelin and {CENSUR working survival group}}, year = {2020}, url = {}, note = {R package version 1.4.5}, }