fixest offers a simple tool, the function etable, to export estimation tables to Latex. The main advantage of this function is its simplicity, many adjustments being made automatically behind the scene.

Its main limitations are that i) only fixest objects can be exported, and ii) only Latex is supported. Thus by no means it competes with other excellent tools to export tables in various format (like for instance modelsummary or texreg).

It offers however a fair deal of customization, and since you can seamlessly change its default values, you can completely transform the style of your tables without modifying a single line of code.

This document does not describe etable’s arguments in details (since it’s in the help pages). Rather, it illustrates how to change the style of the table, once and for all.

This document applies to fixest version 0.6.0 or higher.

First example

Using data from the airquality data base, let’s estimate 5 models:


setFixest_notes(FALSE) # To avoid messages when NAs are removed

est_noFE = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp, airquality)
est_1FE  = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp | Day, airquality)
est_2FE  = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp | Day + Month , airquality)
est_poly = feols(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + poly(Temp, 3) | Day + Month, airquality)

To export the results to Latex, we use etable. We first set the dictionnary renaming the variables, then we export the results with clustered standard-errors at the Day level:

# Dictionary => set only once per session
setFixest_dict(c(Ozone = "Ozone (ppb)", Solar.R = "Solar Radiation (Langleys)",
                 Wind = "Wind Speed (mph)", Temp = "Temperature"))

etable(est_noFE, est_1FE, est_2FE, est_poly, est_slopes, cluster = "Day", file = file,
       group = list("Temperature (cubic)" = "poly"), notes = "Estimation of 5 models.")

The previous code produces the following table:

Default table

What can we notice? First, all variables are appropriately labeled. Second, all standard-errors of the four models are clustered by Day, and this is mentioned in the table footer. This is achieved with the argument cluster. Third, there’s a fixed-effects section telling which model has which fixed-effect. Fourth, the polynomial of the Temperature is not shown, instead there’s a line telling which model includes a cubic polynomial. This is achieved with the argument group.

The style of the table is rather sober, but no worries most of it can be customized.

Setting the style, once and for all

The argument style defines how the table looks. It allows an in-depth customization of the table. The table is split into several components, each allowing some customization. The components of a table and some of its associated keywords are described by the following figure:

Illustration style

The argument style must be a list, the names of which correspond to the different components. Each element of this list must be a single character string of the form "keyword1:value1; keyword2:value; etc". The missing components fall back to their default values. The components, with the keywords they accept and their defaults are:

Missing keywords are considered to be equal to the empty string.

Now the style argument is illustrated along with the modification of default values.

Changing the default values

To permanently change the default values for function etable, just use the function setFixest_etable:

new_style = list(lines = "top:\\toprule; bottom:\\bottomrule",
                 var = "title:\\midrule", # cleans the title but keeps line
                 depvar = "", # cleans the title
                 model = "format:$Model_{I}$",  # cleans the titles + changes model format
                 fixef = "title: ; suffix: fixed effects; where:stats",
                 # fixef: cleans the titles + adds a suffix + places after the stats
                 slopes = "format:__var__ $\\times $ __slope__",
                 stats = "title: ") # cleans the title but adds an empty line

setFixest_etable(fitstat = ~r2, signifCode = NA, yesNo = "$\\checkmark$",
                 tablefoot = FALSE, style = new_style)

And now, using the exact same line of code as in the first example, we obtain a table with a different style:

etable(est_noFE, est_1FE, est_2FE, est_poly, est_slopes, cluster = "Day", file = file,
       group = list("Temperature (cubic)" = "poly"), notes = "Estimation of 5 models.")

Table with new defaults