Producing charts from Fingertips


This vignette demonstrates how to create some of the charts available in this package. All of the names of the functions match the name for the chart on Fingertips.

A note on ordering within the charts

The charts produced, generally, order the data alphabetically. In the static map section and the compare areas, there are worked examples of reordering the factor levels so they are presented in the required order in the legends.




This function plots the Overview view (also known as the Tartan Rug). All of the charts in this vignette, starting with this one, use a function called create_test_data() from this packages to generate a dummy dataset. This data has the same structure as data exported from the fingertips_data() function in the fingertipsR package.

region <- "PAC19"
top_names <- c("C001", region)
dfdom <- create_test_data() %>%
        filter((AreaCode %in% top_names |
                                ParentAreaCode == region)) %>%
        mutate(Value = round(Value, 1))

This is how the overview() function works:

p <- overview(data = dfdom, 
              area = AreaCode, 
              indicator = IndicatorName, 
              value = Value,
              fill = Significance,
              timeperiod = Timeperiod,
              top_areas = top_names, wrap_length = 40,
              value_label_size = 0.7)

Compare indicators

Here is a function that helps produce a scatter plot as displayed on Fingertips. First the data needs to be changed to the correct format. The two variables that will be plotted need to be in separate fields. The pivot_wider() function from the tidyr package demonstrates how to do this below:

df <- create_test_data() %>%
  filter(IndicatorName %in% c("Indicator 1", "Indicator 2")) %>%
  select(IndicatorName, AreaCode, Value) %>%
  mutate(IndicatorName = gsub(" ", "", IndicatorName)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = IndicatorName,
              values_from = Value)

This is how the compare_indicators() function works:

p <- compare_indicators(data = df,
                        x = Indicator1,
                        y = Indicator2,
                        xlab = "This is indicator 1",
                        ylab = "This is indicator 2",
                        highlight = c("C001", "AC101"),
                        area = AreaCode,
                        add_R2 = TRUE)


Here the package provides both interactive and static maps.

The shape files need to be sources from the ONS Geography Portal. To do this, click on the API button here, using Counties and Unitary Authorities as an example, and then use the GeoJSON address as the string input to the ons_api parameter.

ons_api <- ""


Note, before plotting the chart, the levels of the field that is determining the fill of the polygons need to be reordered, as if they aren’t, they will be ordered alphabetically in the legend:

The default map type is static:


It is also possible to have interactive maps. Note, for this to work the value parameter must be included and subtitle doesn’t work.

Compare areas

This code filters the dummy dataset for a single region and its parent, and all the child areas within that region.

region <- "PAC10"
top_names <- c("C001", region)
df <- create_test_data() %>%
  filter(IndicatorName == "Indicator 3",
         (ParentAreaCode == region |
            AreaCode %in% top_names))

Note, before plotting the chart, the levels of the field that is determining the fill of the bars need to be reordered, as if they aren’t, they will be ordered alphabetically in the legend:

ordered_levels <- c("Better",
                    "Not compared")
df <- df %>%
        mutate(Significance = 
                              levels = ordered_levels))

The compare_areas function makes plotting the compare areas chart straight forward.

p <- compare_areas(df,
                      fill = Significance,
                      lowerci = LCI,
                      upperci = UCI,
                      order = "desc",
                      top_areas = top_names,
                      title = unique(df$IndicatorName))

Area profiles

The area profiles image is created using the area_profiles() function.

dfspine <- create_test_data()
p <- area_profiles(dfspine,
                   value = Value,
                   count = Count,
                   area_code = AreaCode,
                   local_area_code = "AC110",
                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                   trend = Trend,
                   polarity = Polarity,
                   significance = Significance,
                   area_type = AreaType,
                   cols = "fingertips",
                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                   comparator_area_code = "PAC11",
                   datatable = TRUE,
                   header_positions = c(-1.2, -0.9, -0.63, 
                                        -0.48, -0.36, -0.21,
                                        -0.05, 1.08),
                   relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                   relative_text_size = 1.2,
                   bar_width = 0.68,
                   horizontal_arrow_multiplier = 0.7)


This function provides the ability to draw the traditional population pyramid. Note that the ordering of the age bands are defined prior to the data being provided to the population() function:

agelevels <- c("0-4", "5-9","10-14","15-19",
local_males <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 5, sd = 5) * 1e5
local_females <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 4, sd = 5) * 1e5
region_males <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 5, sd = 7) * 1e5
region_females <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 4.5, sd = 6.5) * 1e5
country_males <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 4, sd = 3) * 1e5
country_females <- dnorm(seq(1, 19), mean = 5, sd = 3) * 1e5

pops <- data.frame(Value = c(local_males,
                   AreaName = c(rep("Local", 38),
                                rep("Region", 38),
                                rep("Country", 38)),
                   Sex = rep(c(rep("Male", 19),
                              rep("Female", 19)),
                             times = 3),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(Age = factor(rep(agelevels, 6),
                          levels = agelevels))

This is how the function works:

p <- population(pops,
                value = Value,
                sex = Sex,
                age = Age,
                area = AreaName,
                area_name = "Local",
                comparator_1 = "Country",
                comparator_2 = "Region",
                title = "Age Profile",
                subtitle = "Area population for this time period",
                xlab = "% of total population")

Box plots

Box plots can also be drawn.

df <- create_test_data() %>%
        arrange(IndicatorName) %>%
        mutate(Timeperiod = rep(c("2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016"),
                                each = 111))

This is how the function works. Note, the levels of the factor for the timeperiod parameter may need to be reordered, as this determines the order along the x-axis:

p <- box_plots(df,
               timeperiod = Timeperiod,
               value = Value,
               title = "Box plot for indicator",
               subtitle = "Add a subtitle here",
               ylab = "Unit of measurement")