Bug fix for vignette: Add correct suggests version
Minor documentation updates
Bug fix feis()
, feistest()
, bsfeistest()
: Vcov / Standard errors are now computed even if some coefficients are NA.
and bsfeistest()
: added terms
option to perform Hausman / Chi_sq test on subset of coefficients only.
: added tol
option for detecting linear dependencies in slopes.
: available S3 methods extended by coef, deviance, df.residual, fitted, formula, hatvalues, model.matrix, nobs, predict, residuals, sigma, terms, vcov.
Added general info page feisr-package
Included dplyr bind_rows()
for more efficient transformation of large data (depends on dplyr (>= 1.0.0)). Old fall-back code available for dplyr < 1.0.0.
Added vignette for package use.
More efficient use of solve / crossprod
Manual updated, minor corrections.
Added citation for package.
Corrected linkage and definition of S3 methods.