faux-naïf (/ˌfoʊ.naɪˈif/): a person who pretends to be simple or innocent
fauxnaif: an R package for simplifying data by pretending values are NA
fauxnaif provides an extension to dplyr::na_if()
. Unlike dplyr’s na_if()
, na_if_in()
allows you to specify multiple values to be replaced with NA
using a single function. fauxnaif also includes a complementary function na_if_not()
to specify values to keep.
You can install fauxnaif
from CRAN:
Or the development version from GitHub:
Let’s say we want to remove an unwanted negative value from a vector of numbers
We can replace -1…
… explicitly:
… by specifying values to keep:
… using a formula:
… or using a function:
We can replace unwanted values…
… one at a time:
… or all at once:
na_if_in(messy_string, "", "NA", "NULL", 1:100)
#> [1] "abc" NA "def" NA "ghi" NA "jkl" NA "mno"
na_if_in(messy_string, c("", "NA", "NULL", 1:100))
#> [1] "abc" NA "def" NA "ghi" NA "jkl" NA "mno"
na_if_in(messy_string, list("", "NA", "NULL", 1:100))
#> [1] "abc" NA "def" NA "ghi" NA "jkl" NA "mno"
… or using a clever formula:
grepl("[a-z]{3,}", messy_string)
na_if_not(messy_string, ~ grepl("[a-z]{3,}", .))
#> [1] "abc" NA "def" NA "ghi" NA "jkl" NA "mno"
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> state age income gender
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 TX 57 9999999 Gender is a social construct
#> 2 Canada 49 149000 Male
#> 3 NY 557 90750 f
#> 4 LA 2 61000 Male
#> 5 TN 64 9999999 M
na_if_in() is particularly useful inside dplyr::mutate()
faux_census %>%
income = na_if_in(income, 9999999),
age = na_if_in(age, ~ . < 18, ~ . > 120),
state = na_if_not(state, ~ grepl("^[A-Z]{2,}$", .)),
gender = na_if_in(gender, ~ nchar(.) > 20)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> state age income gender
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 TX 57 NA <NA>
#> 2 <NA> 49 149000 Male
#> 3 NY NA 90750 f
#> 4 LA NA 61000 Male
#> 5 TN 64 NA M
Or you can use dplyr::across()
on data frames:
faux_census %>%
across(age, na_if_in, ~ . < 18, ~ . > 120),
across(state, na_if_not, ~ grepl("^[A-Z]{2,}$", .)),
across(where(is.character), na_if_in, ~ nchar(.) > 20),
across(everything(), na_if_in, 9999999)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> state age income gender
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 TX 57 NA <NA>
#> 2 <NA> 49 149000 Male
#> 3 NY NA 90750 f
#> 4 LA NA 61000 Male
#> 5 TN 64 NA M
Hex sticker fonts are Bodoni* by indestructible type* and Source Code Pro by Adobe.
Image adapted from icon made by Freepik from flaticon.com.
Please note that fauxnaif is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct.