The ‘fastglm’ package is a re-write of glm()
using RcppEigen
designed to be computationally efficient and algorithmically stable.
Install the development version using the devtools package:
or by cloning and building using R CMD INSTALL
Load the package:
A (not comprehensive) comparison with
and speedglm.wfit()
n.obs <- 10000
n.vars <- 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars, sd = 3), n.obs, n.vars)
Sigma <- 0.99 ^ abs(outer(1:n.vars, 1:n.vars, FUN = "-"))
x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n.obs, mu = runif(n.vars, min = -1), Sigma = Sigma)
y <- 1 * ( drop(x[,1:25] %*% runif(25, min = -0.1, max = 0.10)) > rnorm(n.obs))
ct <- microbenchmark( = {gl1 <-, y, family = binomial())},
speedglm.eigen = {sg1 <- speedglm.wfit(y, x, intercept = FALSE,
family = binomial())},
speedglm.chol = {sg2 <- speedglm.wfit(y, x, intercept = FALSE,
family = binomial(), method = "Chol")},
speedglm.qr = {sg3 <- speedglm.wfit(y, x, intercept = FALSE,
family = binomial(), method = "qr")},
fastglm.qr.cpiv = {gf1 <- fastglm(x, y, family = binomial())},
fastglm.qr = {gf2 <- fastglm(x, y, family = binomial(), method = 1)},
fastglm.LLT = {gf3 <- fastglm(x, y, family = binomial(), method = 2)},
fastglm.LDLT = {gf4 <- fastglm(x, y, family = binomial(), method = 3)},
fastglm.qr.fpiv = {gf5 <- fastglm(x, y, family = binomial(), method = 4)},
times = 25L
autoplot(ct, log = FALSE) + stat_summary(fun.y = median, geom = 'point', size = 2)
# comparison of estimates
c(glm_vs_fastglm_qrcpiv = max(abs(coef(gl1) - gf1$coef)),
glm_vs_fastglm_qr = max(abs(coef(gl1) - gf2$coef)),
glm_vs_fastglm_qrfpiv = max(abs(coef(gl1) - gf5$coef)),
glm_vs_fastglm_LLT = max(abs(coef(gl1) - gf3$coef)),
glm_vs_fastglm_LDLT = max(abs(coef(gl1) - gf4$coef)))
## glm_vs_fastglm_qrcpiv glm_vs_fastglm_qr glm_vs_fastglm_qrfpiv
## 2.590289e-14 2.546921e-14 2.776945e-14
## glm_vs_fastglm_LLT glm_vs_fastglm_LDLT
## 1.140078e-13 1.094264e-13
# now between glm and speedglm
c(glm_vs_speedglm_eigen = max(abs(coef(gl1) - sg1$coef)),
glm_vs_speedglm_Chol = max(abs(coef(gl1) - sg2$coef)),
glm_vs_speedglm_qr = max(abs(coef(gl1) - sg3$coef)))
## glm_vs_speedglm_eigen glm_vs_speedglm_Chol glm_vs_speedglm_qr
## 1.359413e-12 1.359413e-12 1.191977e-12
The fastglm
package does not compromise computational stability for speed. In fact, for many situations where glm()
and even glm2()
do not converge, fastglm()
does converge.
As an example, consider the following data scenario, where the response distribution is (mildly) misspecified, but the link function is quite badly misspecified. In such scenarios, the standard IRLS algorithm tends to have convergence issues. The glm2()
package was designed to handle such cases, however, it still can have convergence issues. The fastglm()
package uses a similar step-halving technique as glm2()
, but it starts at better initialized values and thus tends to have better convergence properties in practice.
x <- matrix(rnorm(10000 * 100), ncol = 100)
y <- (exp(0.25 * x[,1] - 0.25 * x[,3] + 0.5 * x[,4] - 0.5 * x[,5] + rnorm(10000)) ) + 0.1
system.time(gfit1 <- fastglm(cbind(1, x), y, family = Gamma(link = "sqrt")))
## user system elapsed
## 0.811 0.021 0.839
## user system elapsed
## 2.937 0.134 3.115
## user system elapsed
## 2.087 0.100 2.220
## user system elapsed
## 1.686 0.050 1.740
## speedglm appears to diverge
system.time(gfit5 <- speedglm(y~x, family = Gamma(link = "sqrt"), maxit = 500))
## user system elapsed
## 34.142 1.065 35.385
## Note that fastglm() returns estimates with the
## largest likelihood
c(fastglm = logLik(gfit1), glm = logLik(gfit2), glm2 = logLik(gfit3),
speedglm = logLik(gfit4), speedglm500 = logLik(gfit5))
## fastglm glm glm2 speedglm speedglm500
## -16030.81 -16704.05 -16046.66 -47722.66 -57785.72
rbind(fastglm = coef(gfit1)[1:5],
glm = coef(gfit2)[1:5],
glm2 = coef(gfit3)[1:5],
speedglm = coef(gfit4)[1:5],
speedglm500 = coef(gfit5)[1:5])
## (Intercept) X1 X2 X3 X4
## fastglm 1.429256 0.1258736 5.321164e-03 -0.1293897 0.2389373
## glm 1.431168 0.1251936 -6.896739e-05 -0.1281857 0.2366473
## glm2 1.426864 0.1242616 -9.860241e-05 -0.1254873 0.2361301
## speedglm -22.182477 3.1784570 -2.970111e+00 -4.9709797 14.0549438
## speedglm500 -27.891929 -13.9080256 -9.690833e+00 2.7279219 -11.1458325
## check convergence of fastglm and #iterations
# 1 means converged, 0 means not converged
c(gfit1$converged, gfit1$iter)
## [1] 1 17
## [1] 0 25
## [1] 1 19
## [1] 0 25 0 500
## increasing number of IRLS iterations for glm() does not help that much
system.time(gfit2 <- glm(y~x, family = Gamma(link = "sqrt"), control = list(maxit = 1000)) )
## user system elapsed
## 108.178 4.134 113.147
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 1000
## 'log Lik.' -16030.81 (df=102)
## 'log Lik.' -16333.99 (df=102)