fasstr 0.3.1
Updated: 08 Jan 2020
- added/modified files in prep for CRAN submission
- fixed vignette coding errors
- renamed function calc_longterm_mad to calc_longterm_mean
- updated vignettes and README files
- removed calc_longterm_stats and plot_longterm_stats
- updated Examples in all documentation (replaced with a function checking for a HYDAT, left for writing functions and larger analyses)
- fixed multiple typos
- updated DESCRIPTION file
fasstr 0.3.0
Updated: 14 May 2019
- Removed logical “water_year” argument and now “water_year_start” controls the start of year alone (default now 1 for January)
- Renamed calc_longterm_stats and plot_longterm stats to calc_longterm_daily_stats and plot_longterm_daily_stats
- Renamed ‘include_year’ argument to ‘add_year’ for some functions
- complete_full_analysis just creates R objects; a new write_full_analysis saves the results in a single Excel document, with some plots in a plots folder; renamed ‘sections’ to ‘analyses’
- add_date_variables() outputs changed slightly to match new water_year_start argument
- Replaced NULL and NA default values for function arguments to nothing, cleaning up documentation.
- Replaced the package writexls with openxls for more functionality
- Plotting: changed facet wrap labels, changed trending symbols
- WSC station numbers with lower-case letters now accepted (08nm116 and 08NM116 both work)
- basin_area argument as list now will default to HYDAT area if not listed, otherwise NA
- Return Period axis has returned to the frequency analysis plot
- Updated all documentation examples
- Internal coding (MonthName levels coding cleaned up)
- calc_longterm_monthly_stats and plot_longterm_monthly_stats that summarizes annual monthly mean flows data
- calc_longterm_daily_stats and plot_longterm_daily_stats that summarizes daily mean flows data (calc_longterm_stats equivalent)
- write_full_analysis writes the full analysis and doesn’t create any objects in R
- testthat functions for testing package (internal usage)
Bugs Fixed:
- No warning now in annual functions if NA values produced for years listed in “exclude_years” argument
fasstr 0.2.8
Updated: 11 December 2018
- README updates
- Renamed calc_lt_mad() and calc_lt_percentile() to calc_longterm_mad() and calc_longterm_percentile(), respectively.
- Changed the plot_missing_dates points and lines to bar plots.
- changed add_seasons() function from adding two 4 and 2 seasons columns to adding own custom seasons of desired lengths. All subsequent function and documentation updated were also completed.
- Renamed some annual and seasonal total volume axes, column names, and plots names.
- Updated the licence year in .R files.
- Temporarily removed ‘Return Period’ axis from frequency plots due to ggplot2 3.0.1 issues.
Bugs Fixed:
- compute_full_analysis() now plots all daily statistics plots with years
- New internal function add_water_months() to streamline some processes
fasstr 0.2.7
Updated: 27 September 2018
- compute_frequency_analysis() function to calculate a frequency analysis with custom data (update other frequency analysis functions to use this function internally)
- Vignettes completed:
- Users Guide
- Full Analysis Guide
- Trends Analysis Guide
- Frequency Analysis Guide
- Under the Hood
- frequency analysis updates:
- option to plot the computed curve or not
- changed the names of the outputted objects
- changed the measure names (rolling-day names of the annual_freq analysis (ex from Q007-day-avg to 7-Day))
- All parameter documentation info in the compute_frequency_analysis function
- updated full_analysis to include new changes
- Completed Users Guide vignette
- Completed Full Analysis vignette
- Completed Frequency Analysis Vignette
- Updated filetype argument in the write_ functions
- Updated some plot object names
Bug Fixes
- Added trendline to trends plots in compute_full_analysis
fasstr 0.2.6
Updated: 28 June 2018
- plot_annual_means() function to plot annual mean and long-term means
- Axes breaks and ticks on most plots
- Renamed compute_frequency_stat() to compute_frequency_quantile()
- calc_ and plot_annual_stats, compute_frequency description updates
- Renamed Timeseries folder to Screening in compute_full_analysis() function
- README Updates
- Vignettes (renamed full_analysis)
Updated: 19 June 2018
- Fixed write_objects_list to save in folder it creates
- Fixed calc_daily_stats to remove partial data years
fasstr 0.2.5
Updated: 18 June 2018
- New write_objects_list() function to write all plots and tables from a list of objects (help with frquency analysis writing)
- Added vignettes:
- ‘fasstr’ Users Guide (to be completed)
- Trending Analysis Guide (to be completed)
- Volume Frequency Analysis Guide (to be completed)
- Under the Hood (to be completed)
Major Function Updates:
- Renamed write_full_analysis to compute_full_analysis which creates a list object with all results with option to write everything. Fixed various bugs and issues.
- Joined compute_annual_trends and plot_annual_trends. It now consists of a list with a tibble of annual data, a tibble of trending results, and all trending plots
- Added ‘months’ argument to calc_long_term() and all screening and missing data functions; also an include_longterm argument for longterm to choose whether to include or not
Other Updates:
- Fixed bug where ‘groups’ column was not kept in resulting tibble, and add_basin_area(), add_rolling_means()
- Removed Nan and Inf values from calc_monthly_stats when no data existed for a month
- Plots of longterm_stats, daily_stats, and flow_duration plot nothing (instead of error) if all data is NA
- Updated documentation for some functions
- Removed colour brewer Set1 on some annual plots due to a lack of colours in set
fasstr 0.2.4
Updated: 8 May 2018
- Fixed bug where groups function did not work if not “STATION_NUMBER”
- Added warning if not all dates are dates in column
- Added references in annual_flow_timing() and trending functions
- Added ‘See Also’ documentation for many related functions
- Removed error from daily and monthly cumulative stats/plots with no basin area (now produces NA)
- Updated write_full_analysis so no section 7 is completed with insufficient data
fasstr 0.2.3
Updated: 17 April 2018
- Updated write_full_analysis() documentation
fasstr 0.2.2
Updated: 17 April 2018
- Added write_full_analysis() function to write almost almost all plots and tables in a folder
- Added some interal checks functions
fasstr 0.2.1
Updated: 13 April 2018
- Reformatted examples script in testing folder as a temporary help document until a vignette is built
- Moved the previous examples script to a new testing script in the same folder
fasstr 0.2.0
Updated: 9 April 2018
- Summarize and plot by multiple groups (ex. stations)
- Selecting columns of dates, values, and groupings (ex. station numbers) when using ‘data’ argument
- Exported data frames are tibbles
- Exported plots (‘gg’ class) are within lists (multiple plots are produced with many plot_ functions)
- Updated plot formatting
- More functions utilizing rolling average days
- More filtering arguments for some functions (months, complete_years)
- ‘na’ argument is now ‘ignore_missing’ with default of FALSE for all functions
- Additional write_, calc_, add_, compute_, and plot_ functions
- Renaming of some functions
- Exports pipe operator, %>%, to facilitate tidy analyses
- Choice for writing within functions - moved to their own write_ data and plot functions
- Reformatted internal structure, including adding internal functions for efficiency and argument checks
- Used @Inheritparams to simplify documentation
fasstr 0.1.0
Updated: 9 Dec 2017
- Initial package beta version
- Use HYDAT argument to extract HYDAT data using ‘tidyhydat’ package
- Included add_, calc_, compute_, and plot_functions
- Included README with basic examples