There are many build systems, and even more uses for build systems (see Powers et al. 2002, sec. 11.10 and 11.11).
I have been using the unix make utility when developing R packages since 2012. But sometimes I get caught on a machine where make is not available and where I am not entitled to install it1.
This is why I wrote fakemake: to build an R package conditionally on the modification times of (file) dependencies without having to rely on external software. If you have any proper build system at hand: stick to it, do not use fakemake.
Throughout this vignette I use Rs temporary directory, often by using
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), …)`. Because this is a vignette and the codes are examples. In real life, we would skip the temporary directory stuff.
This vignette is built using knitr, which itself uses sink()
. As sink()
is central to fakemake for redirecting output to files in the make chain, I have to disable some of knitrs output here and there. Don
t worry, its just because *knitr* and *fakemake* both want to use
sink()` exclusively and it only affects vignettes built with knitr.
A makelist is fakemakes representation of a Makefile. It
s just a list of lists. Look at the minimal makelist provided by fakemake:
str(fakemake::provide_make_list("minimal", clean_sink = TRUE))
## List of 4
## $ :List of 3
## ..$ target : chr "all.Rout"
## ..$ prerequisites: chr [1:2] "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout"
## ..$ code : chr "print(\"all\")"
## $ :List of 2
## ..$ target: chr "a2.Rout"
## ..$ code : chr "print(\"a2\")"
## $ :List of 3
## ..$ target : chr "a1.Rout"
## ..$ prerequisites: chr "b1.Rout"
## ..$ code : chr "print(\"a1\")"
## $ :List of 2
## ..$ target: chr "b1.Rout"
## ..$ code : chr "print(\"b1\")"
Each sublist represents a Makefiles target rule and has several items: at least a *target* and either *code* or *prerequisites*, possibly both. This makelist would still be a Makefile
s valid representation if target rule #3 with target “a1.Rout” had no (or an empty) code item.`
Other possible target rule entries are:
Suppose we would have a minimal makelist:
ml <- fakemake::provide_make_list("minimal", clean_sink = TRUE)
We can visualize the makelist (giving the root
is optional, in this case it just makes a neater plot):
fakemake::visualize(ml, root = "all.Rout")
Now build the “all.Rout” target:
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout"
We can see the files created:
show_file_mtime <- function(files = list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE,
pattern = "^.*\\.Rout")) {
## mtime
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a2.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/all.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/b1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
If we wait for a second and rerun the build process, we get:
# ensure the modification time would change if the files were recreated
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml)))
## mtime
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a2.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/all.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/b1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
Nothing changed. Good. Now, we change one file down the build chain:
fakemake::touch(file.path(tempdir(), "b1.Rout"))
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml)))
## [1] "a1.Rout" "all.Rout"
## mtime
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:18
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a2.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/all.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:18
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/b1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:18
Since a1.Rout depends on b1.Rout and all.Rout depends on a1.Rout, these targets get rebuilt while a2.Rout stays untouched.
Had we touched a1.Rout, b1.Rout would not have been rebuilt:
fakemake::touch(file.path(tempdir(), "a1.Rout"))
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml)))
## [1] "all.Rout"
## mtime
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:19
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/a2.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:16
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/all.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:19
## /tmp/RtmpLYHpPG/b1.Rout 2020-04-12 11:12:18
If you set the force option, you can force the target and all its prerequisites down the build chain to be built:
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml, force = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout"
If you want to force the target itself, but not all its prerequisites, set recursive = FALSE
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml, force = TRUE,
recursive = FALSE)))
## [1] "all.Rout"
If you dont actually want to run the recipes but would rather like to know what would happen if you ran the build chain (this mocks GNU make
s -n option), you can set dry_run = TRUE
file.remove(dir(tempdir(), pattern = ".*\\.Rout", full.names = TRUE))
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml, dry_run = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout"
Note that no files have been created:
dir(tempdir(), pattern = ".*\\.Rout")
## character(0)
So we recreate them now:
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all.Rout", ml)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout"
dir(tempdir(), pattern = ".*\\.Rout")
## [1] "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout" "b1.Rout"
If you find a target rule`s target too hard to type, you can use an alias:
i <- which(sapply(ml, "[[", "target") == "all.Rout")
ml[[i]]["alias"] <- "all"
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("all", ml, force = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout" "a2.Rout" "all.Rout"
This is pointless here, but targets might be files down a directory tree like log/roxygen2.Rout
when building R packages: you might want to alias that target to roxygen
Target rule b1 dumps its output to b1.Rout:
cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "b1.Rout")), sep = "\n")
## [1] "b1"
Suppose it would programmatically create the target:
i <- which(sapply(ml, "[[", "target") == "b1.Rout")
ml[[i]]["code"] <- paste(ml[[i]]["code"],
"cat('hello, world\n', file = \"b1.Rout\")",
sep = ";")
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("b1.Rout", ml, force = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout"
cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "b1.Rout")), sep = "\n")
## hello, wo[1] "foobar"
You end up with a broken target file, so you need to add a sink:
ml[[i]]["sink"] <- "b1.txt"
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("b1.Rout", ml, force = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout"
Now you get what you wanted:
cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "b1.Rout")), sep = "\n")
## hello, world
cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "b1.txt")), sep = "\n")
## [1] "b1"
## [1] "foobar"
We need sinks when the targets code creates the target, for example when it builds a package
s tarball: we would want to get the output of building the tarball to be written to a file the path of which we specify via the target`s sink.
Rule a1 has code
i <- which(sapply(ml, "[[", "target") == "a1.Rout")
## $code
## [1] "print(\"a1\")"
that prints “a1” into “a1.Rout”:
cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "a1.Rout")), sep = "\n")
## [1] "a1"
If we remove that code and its output file and rerun
ml[[i]]["code"] <- NULL
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("a1.Rout", ml, force = TRUE)))
## [1] "b1.Rout" "a1.Rout"
the file is still created (note that target rule b1 down the make chain is run since we did not set recursive = FALSE
) but empty:
file.size(file.path(tempdir(), "a1.Rout"))
## [1] 0
As you have seen, you can temporarily force a build. You may set a target to be .PHONY which forces it (but not its prerequisites) to be built:
ml[[i]][".PHONY"] <- TRUE
withr::with_dir(tempdir(), print(fakemake::make("a1.Rout", ml)))
## [1] "a1.Rout"
Powers, Shelley, Jerry Peek, Tim O’Reilly, and Mike Loudikes. 2002. Unix Power Tools. O’Reilly & Associates.
This is a nice example of what restrictive software policies are good for: you end up with a buggy imitation like fakemake instead of the well established original. You should not regulate software installations for programmers, unless you take away their interpreters/compilers.↩