ezcox: Easy Group Cox Analysis and Visualization

ezcox_group(lung, grp_var = "sex", covariate = "ph.ecog")
#> => Processing variable 1
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> => Processing variable 2
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> Please install the recent version of forestmodel firstly.
#> Run the following command:
#>   remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/forestmodel")
#> Or
#>   remotes::install_git("https://gitee.com/ShixiangWang/forestmodel")
ezcox_group(lung, grp_var = "sex", covariate = "ph.ecog", controls = "age")
#> => Processing variable 1
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> => Processing variable 2
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> Please install the recent version of forestmodel firstly.
#> Run the following command:
#>   remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/forestmodel")
#> Or
#>   remotes::install_git("https://gitee.com/ShixiangWang/forestmodel")
ezcox_group(lung, grp_var = "sex", covariate = "ph.ecog", controls = "age", add_all = TRUE)
#> => Processing variable 1
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> => Processing variable 2
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> => Processing variable ALL
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> Please install the recent version of forestmodel firstly.
#> Run the following command:
#>   remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/forestmodel")
#> Or
#>   remotes::install_git("https://gitee.com/ShixiangWang/forestmodel")