excerptr 2.0.0
- The package is refactored to now using reticualte instead of rPython. The now obsolete funtions get_excerpts() set_excertps_path() were removed.
- Now using checkmate to check function arguments.
excerptr 1.4.1
- Declared imports from devtools in tests as requested by CRAN on Thu, 17 May 2018 10:28:07 +0200.
excerptr 1.4.0
- Handle exception from pandoc call via rPython using an R system call to pandoc. Calling pandoc from rPython fails on windows, so we work around using system2().
excerptr 1.3.1
- Run tests requiring pandoc only if pandoc is installed.
excerptr 1.3.0
- Add ‘excerpts’ version 2.0.0 from github and adjust the internal interface in excerptr().
- Enhance documentation
excerptr 1.2.0
- Add ‘excerpts’ version 1.1.0 from github.
- vignettes/excerptr_Introduction.Rmd: cope with CRAN’s check warnings.
excerptr 1.1.0
- vignettes/excerptr_Introduction.Rmd: cope with CRAN’s check warnings.
- R/internals.R: construct path using inst/ only on development.
excerptr 1.0.2
- Change example to not require pandoc.
excerptr 1.0.1
- Remove test failing on CRAN.
excerptr 1.0.0