Added Vietnamese EQ-5D-5L value set.
eq5dds dimension columns can now be specified using dimensions argument.
Modal dialog box added to Shiny app for column selection.
Bug fixed in Shiny app using EQ-5D-5L with missing data.
Added Swedish EQ-5D-5L value set.
Bug fixed checking for dimension names in vectors.
Updates for testing with R-4.0.0.
eq5dds function added to summarise EQ-5D descriptive system.
eq5d function rewritten to allow a vector of five digit numbers to used. Thanks to @bitowaqr for the initial code.
Added getHealthStates and splitHealthStates helper functions.
Updated error messages.
Shiny application updated.
Added French EQ-5D-5L value set.
Minor edits to docs.
Fixed unit test failing due to new implementation of round function.
Wilcoxon rank sum test and Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests added to shiny application.
Wilcoxon signed rank test and Friedman/Nemenyi tests also added for paired data.
Added Ethiopian EQ-5D-5L value set.
Added ignore.incomplete option to eq5d function to skip incomplete scores.
Added dimensions and five.digit options to eq5d function to change default column names when using data.frames.
Addressed the noLD unit test issues in the previous version.
Added Polish and Portuguese EQ-5D-5L value sets.
Added Argentinian, Australian, Chinese, Sri Lankan and Swedish EQ-5D-3L TTO value sets.
Functionality added to handle dimension scores in five digit format e.g. 12321
Speed improvements when calculating multiple index scores.
Added Iran and Malaysia EQ-5D-3L VAS value sets.
Added Singapore EQ-5D-3L TTO value set.
Added USA EQ-5D-5L value set.
Updates to shiny application
Added Brazilian, Canadian, Chilean, Polish, Portuguese, Taiwanese and Trinidad and Tobago EQ-5D-3L TTO value sets.
Added Taiwanese EQ-5D-5L VT value set.
Example data added to shiny app.
Plots tab and ggplot2 density and ecdf plots added to shiny app.
Added functionality to shiny app to calculate a single index score.
Notification added to shiny app to warn when EQ-5D-5L is selected, but all uploaded values are 1, 2 or 3.
Fixed issue where displayed description values were mislabelled in the Shiny app table when the columns in the uploaded file weren’t in the order MO, SC, UA, PD, AD.
Fixed issue with Shiny app download button not working correctly.
Added checkbox to Shiny app to give the option of displaying the index scores with all info provided in the uploaded file or just with the dimension scores.
Functions for calculating EQ-5D index values.
EQ-5D-3L TTO value sets for Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA and Zimbabwe.
EQ-5D-3L VAS value sets for Belgium, Denmark, Europe, Finland, Germany, NewZealand, Slovenia, Spain and UK.
EQ-5D-5L VT value sets for Canada, China, England, Germany, HongKong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand and Uruguay.
EQ-5D-5L Crosswalk value sets for Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA and Zimbabwe.